蘭帕德:貝尼特斯難以親近,但他完成任務 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

George avatar
By George
at 2013-05-23T06:32

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World Exclusive By ROB BEASLEY - Last Updated: 22nd May 2013

FRANK LAMPARD has given a graphic insight into the interim rule of Rafa
Benitez at Chelsea.

The Blues' record scorer has spoken candidly about his relationship with
the departing Stamford Bridge boss. Lampard admits he endured a DIFFICULT
six months working alongside the former Liverpool manager.

In an exclusive SunSport interview, Lampard revealed: “There are certain
managers you build relationships with and feel closer to. He's not that
kind of bloke.

“Other managers draw a bit of a line and keep it that way. Rafa's more
like that. He was not really the sort of manager you could sit and talk

“We had a couple of conversations about my future in which he was quite
honest saying that he wasn't really involved. So that's where that
conversation ends.

“He's not a manager who goes round putting his arm around every player —
and I'm not saying that's wrong. There are a lot of managers like that,
Fabio Capello was like that with England.”

Lampard admitted Benitez did work hard to try to rescue Chelsea's season
after he was appointed interim boss last November.

The England star said: “He's a professional bloke. He prepared very well
for games. And it was a difficult situation for him as well. As interim
manager it was always going to be quite difficult because we all knew it
was only to the end of the season.

“So there was no planning, no long-term relationships were going to be
built. So, in that respect, he did a good job because we got the end
result — success.”

Benitez guided Chelsea to the Europa League crown and a top three finish,
ensuring Champions League action next term. But he will leave Blues after
this week's post-season American tour.

And there's no doubting what Lampard wants now — the return of the
Special One.

He declared: “Jose Mourinho's the best manager I've worked with, I hope
he comes.”



Exclusive By ROB BEASLEY - Last Updated: 22nd May 2013

FRANK LAMPARD has refused to condemn Chelsea fans over their treatment of
Rafa Benitez.

The interim boss was repeatedly booed and barracked after taking charge of
the club in November. But Lampard says he can understand why the
ex-Liverpool manager's past comments, that were critical of the Blues, had
riled supporters.

The Stamford Bridge legend explained: “We know the situation of the
manager. He was the manager of a rival team and things were said — so
there's that element to it. And I'm not one to take away the right of a
man to feel how he feels. They are human beings, the fans.

“I hear people from the outside say Chelsea fans made it difficult — I
don't think they have. This was a very particular occasion and Chelsea
fans have the right to do what they want.”

The fans also feared Lampard, 34, could be heading for the exit door
following rumours that talks over a new contract had stalled in the New
Year. And the fans made their views on that unthinkable prospect known
loud and clear at every game, at every opportunity.

Lampard added: “Their support this season meant a huge amount, they have
been absolutely massive for me. I'm very fortunate to have a great
relationship with our fans and I have had that all along here. There's
nothing better.

“There are moments when you're sitting on the bench or you're not in the
team or you are injured — the lift from your own fans really does give
you a leg-up.

“And I will never forget how they have been in this period, supporting
me. It has been amazing. It means everything.”

The England star then revealed just how close he'd come to leaving.

He recalled: “I was quite close in January to thinking it was the end for
me at Chelsea. I'd been injured, the manager had changed. It was an
uncertain period. I'd had a couple of conversations with the club and I
did think I might be leaving then.

“I didn't want to leave. I'd let everyone know, I'd made it clear —
without sounding desperate — that I wanted to stay at the football club.
But after that, only your football can do the talking.

“I just thought 'If I keep playing well and keep trying to contribute
then hopefully something will happen.' And we got there!”

Lampard's ready smile now disguises the true emotion of that moment when
he knew he would be staying after all.

He confessed the overriding feeling was one of relief and said: “It was
absolutely fantastic. A real weight had been lifted off my shoulders. It's
been a hard season though.

“It was tough when Robbie (Di Matteo) got sacked. The team was in bad
form and then we went and lost the Club World Championship. At that stage
you are thinking it's a bit of a waste.

“We had won the Champions League the season before. Now we had lost the
European Super Cup when we didn't turn up and then we went to Japan and
lost again. I thought we were letting ourselves down and not capitalising
on those opportunities.

“But I never felt it was too dark a situation — I believe in the lads
here and I always believed there was another thing to go for. And in the
end we won the Europa League and qualified for the Champions League again
for next season, which is huge.”

Lampard can laugh about it now but it took all of his famed mental
strength and his years of experience for him to come through.

For just as the Chelsea team were battling to get back on track, he had
his own personal challenge to deal with and overcome. His 12 trophy-laden
years in SW6 looked to be coming to a close and the interim one's rotation
policy saw the midfielder in and out of the team.

And every game that went by meant there was one less game for him to
overhaul 1960s hero Bobby Tambling's record of 202 goals for the club.

Could he make it before his Blues career came to a close? We all know the
answer now, and we all know Lampard is not going anywhere now, either. But
the pressure was on and in the midst of yet more turmoil at the top at the

Lampard added: “Last year we had a change of manager in mid-season too,
so the experience of that makes it easier to deal with every time. On top
of that we have good professionals at the club and as a player you have to
concentrate on your game.

“It doesn't matter if a new manager comes in... if the old manager likes
you or didn't, if the new manager does or doesn't or whether the fans are
upset with the manager. That's all the sideshow to what you do as an
individual. You have to see the bigger picture and try to win things in
the end. And we have.”

Not only that, Lampard broke Tambling's record, a brace at Villa Park in
the penultimate match taking him to 203 Chelsea goals — the best-ever in
the club's 108-year history.

Lampard said: “This season has been incredible. For me personally, I
didn't know what I might be doing in the future. For the team, the season
was one of those — were we going to make the Champions League, were we
going to win anything?

“And at a club like this that's a failure. But now we've ended with an
amazingly positive week. We finished in the Champions League, we've won
the Europa League and I've got the record. What a great way to finish it.”

Only one way to describe it — fantastic!




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at 2013-06-03T06:52

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By Zora
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By Edith
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