薩里也想要買 Aleksandr Golovin - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2018-06-29T19:50

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Juventus, further away from Golovin: Chelsea now ahead

28/06/18 23:21

Talks between Juventus and CSKA are cooling off for Aleksandr Golovin. The
last offer Juventus made was 20 million plus bonuses for the Russian
youngster and they will not match the 25 million that is being asked for
by CSKA. They have decided to stay put at their current number.


Chelsea have now approached the player, with Marina Granovskaia ready to
meet the player's agents before the World Cup. In the case of Sarri taken
over, he has already given his OK to the transfer, as he tried to sign the
player a few times while in charge of Napoli. The Russian connection
between the owner and the player could see Golovin headed to the blues.




Chelsea in talks to sign Russia World Cup star Aleksandr Golovin for £27m

By Matt Law, Football News Correspondent - 29 June 2018 ‧ 9:38am

Chelsea are in talks to sign Russia World Cup star Aleksandr Golovin from
CSKA Moscow.


Golovin has impressed in Russia's unexpected run to the last 16 and is
preparing to face Spain on Sunday. Juventus had been chasing a deal for
Golovin, but Chelsea have now jumped the queue and hope to conclude a deal
once the midfielder's participation in the World Cup has finished.


CSKA want around £27 million for Golovin, which has not put off Chelsea.
The club believe the 22 year-old can add attacking impetus to their squad
and are confident he could make an impact in the Premier League.


Should they be successful in their pursuit of Golovin, Chelsea would not
look to send him on loan, but instead keep him to challenge for a place
next season.


Cesc Fabregas and Pedro are both aged over 30 and have only one year
remaining on their contracts, while there is ongoing doubt over Willian's
future. Chelsea want to sell midfielder Danny Drinkwater, who they value
at more than £30m, but will not consider any bids for Ruben Loftus-Cheek
or Ross Barkley.


Former Russia national team manager Leonid Slutsky, who is close friends
with Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich, has been key to Golovin's progression
having taken the player to CSKA. Slutsky is now manager of Vitesse Arnhem,
but there is no prospect of Golovin joining Chelsea and then moving to
Holland on loan.


Golovin impressed former Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho during Russia's 5-0
thrashing of Saudi Arabia in the first match of the World Cup. Mourinho
said: “Golovin is a playmaker, he's a player that gives the dynamic of
the team.”

世界盃首戰後莫里尼奧曾說: "戈洛文是個創造型中場,他能給球隊帶來動力。"

Golovin was last season linked with Napoli, whose former manager Maurizio
Sarri is expected to succeed Antonio Conte as Chelsea's head coach ahead
of the start of pre-season training.




heavygauge:我媽站在電視機前說 費雷拉好帥 XDDDDDDDDDDDDD01/13 00:42

Tags: 足球

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我媽站在電視機前說 費雷拉好帥 XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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