英格蘭三小獅Walcott, Gibbs & Wilshere - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2010-08-13T18:25

Table of Contents

Walcott - A massive season
Winger determined to impress over coming months

Walcott was left out of England's World Cup squad, but returned for the first
game since the finals by starting Wednesday's friendly win over Hungary.

The 21-year-old's omission from the World Cup came on the back of a campaign
at Arsenal which was punctuated by injuries and inconsistent form.

The former Southampton youngster is using the disappointment of the summer as
a spur for the coming season and is determined to fulfil his potential.
Looking forward

"It is a massive season for me," said Walcott. "After the disappointment of
the summer, I know what I have to do.

"When something doesn't go well for you, just forget about it and move on to
the next one. That is what I will do this season.

"I need to play as many games as I can for Arsenal, week-in week-out and show
everyone what I can do.

"I am 21 now and it is time for me to push on. I am looking forward to the
next step."

Walcott confirmed he had spoken to England coach Fabio Capello since being
overlooked for South Africa and believes he knows what is required to enjoy a
good season.

He added: "I had a word with him, but I would like to keep that to myself. I
know what I have to do now.

"I have just had a very good pre-season, I am happy to be back playing
football now and I want to show everybody what I can do this season.

"I want to express myself, relax, enjoy myself and play my football this


Tags: 足球

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Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2010-08-13T13:32
※ 引述《lowlydog ( 藍妖伏魔 )》之銘言: : ※ [本文轉錄自 WorldCup 看板 #1C8wT4sK ] : 作者: lowlydog ( 藍妖伏魔 ) 看板: WorldCup : 標題: [影片]日本的足球風氣 : 見微知碩 日本在短短十五六年內迅速崛起 值得四年一次讓我們借鏡 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2010-08-13T13:23
[2010-08-13] 日本早稻田大學女子足球隊,15日前抵達台灣,預計將和國內大專明星隊進行兩場比賽, 兩隊均在台中朝馬操兵,並在16日下午四點原地在朝馬球場進行四小節練習賽,18日再拉 拔至台北,下午四點在田徑場進行正規的比賽。 大專女足明星隊由台灣體院教練團呂桂花、陳信安、顏士凱、葉憲中,呂桂 ...

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Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2010-08-13T12:02
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By Quanna
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Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2010-08-13T03:20
與南超級盃報名開始!! 比賽日期為8/21 8/22 兩天 賽制為九人制 報名人數上限一隊為18人 報名費為一人50元 上下半場時間依隊伍數量做彈性調整 每隊須派出線審幫忙 截止日期為8/16 前 最多到8隊喔! 由於擔心會有很多隊伍報隊 賽程會過於緊湊 於是原則上最多取八隊為主 一旦 ...