英文日記翻譯(急需 - 運動

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2008-08-19T00:00

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今天我去了爺爺家,一進家門,就看見妹妹躺在沙發看電視(請翻譯成COUCH POTATO),到了三點多,爺爺就帶我和妹妹一起上後山-國立台北藝術大學,我們家就在這所大學的前面,只要走十幾分鐘的路程,就可以上山了。
我們一路上一直聊天,不知不覺中,我們已經上去了,我看到了許多大學生的藝術作品,我們走到了他們的操場,看到了許多人在那裏跑步、打籃球、打羽球... ...等等的運動,不過我沒帶球,不想跑步,所以沒去動了,我們繼續走著,走到了網球場,我看到了一顆網球,便把它撿起來,邊走邊玩。


All Comments

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2008-08-19T14:23
2008 August 2 days
I went to grandpa's house today, on entering family, see the younger sister lie on the sofa to watch television(please translate into COUCH POTATO) and go to 3:00 much, the grandpa brings me and younger sister together up after the mountain-national art university in Taipei, our house for the front in this university, as long as walk more than 10 minutes of road, can climb mountain.
We up have been chatting all the way, imperceptibly, we have already gone up, I see the art work of many university students, we walk to their drill ground, see many people run, playing basketball and beating a badminton over there... ...Exercise of the etc., however I didn't bring ball, don't think running, so don't move, we continue to walk and walk to tennis court, I saw a tennis and then pick up it and walk while having fun.
All the way up, the grandpa has been studying my digital camera, because their righteousness eliminates of the big captain want to buy a digital camera, and I of that about, so my grandpa in the research, is going to teach their big captains.However the grandpa is a "profession" photographer, however what he use not is a digital camera, also not is that kind of simpleton camera, the whole matter occupation goes of camera.
When while I am picking up tennis, the grandpa then brought the me and the younger sister to 1 to despise a top, the grandpa claps scenery with my digital camera in the that direction practice, my treating with younger sister is behind playing that tennis, however the younger sister's ball feeling isn't good, so have been fumbling, however give sufficient time, younger sister will definitely"begin to understand of"!
Time goes to 5:00 much, we then descended mountain and go home to suck at breast milk lord of meal.
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2008-08-23T01:38
August 2,2008
I went to grandpa's house today, on entering family, see the younger sister lie on the sofa to watch a television, many 3:00, the grandpa brought I and younger sister together up after art university in Taipei of the mountain-national, our house for the front in this university, as long as walk the road for more than 10 minutes, can climb mountain.
We up has been chatting all the way, imperceptibly, we have already gone up, I saw the art work of many university students, we walked to their drill grounds, saw many people run, playing basketball and beating a badminton over there. . . . . . Exercise of the etc., however I didn't bring ball, don't think running, so do not move, we continue to walk, walked to a tennis court, I saw a tennis, then pick up it, walk while playing.
All the way up, the grandpa has been studying my digital camera, their righteousness eliminates of the big captain want to buy a digital camera, and my that is just about, so my grandpa teaches their big captains in the research. However the grandpa is a "profession" photographer, however what he use isn't a digital camera, is not that kind of either simpleton camera, the whole matter occupation goes of camera.
When while I am picking up tennis, the grandpa then brought the me and the younger sister to 1 to despise a top, the grandpa claps scenery with my digital camera in the that direction practice, my treating with younger sister is behind playing that tennis, however the younger sister's ball feeling isn't good, so has been fumbling, however give sufficient time, younger sister certainly"begin to understand of"!
Time is up 5:00 have another, we then descend mountain, went home to suck at breast milk the meal of the lord.
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2008-08-22T20:51
2008 August 2 days
I went to grandpa's house today, on entering family, see the younger sister lie on the sofa to watch television(please translate into COUCH POTATO) and go to 3:00 much, the grandpa brings me and younger sister together up after the mountain-national art university in Taipei, our house for the front in this university, as long as walk more than 10 minutes of road, can climb mountain.
We up have been chatting all the way, imperceptibly, we have already gone up, I see the art work of many university students, we walk to their drill ground, see many people run, playing basketball and beating a badminton over there... ...Exercise of the etc., however I didn't bring ball, don't think running, so don't move, we continue to walk and walk to tennis court, I saw a tennis and then pick up it and walk while having fun.
All the way up, the grandpa has been studying my digital camera, because their righteousness eliminates of the big captain want to buy a digital camera, and I of that about, so my grandpa in the research, is going to teach their big captains.However the grandpa is a "profession" photographer, however what he use not is a digital camera, also not is that kind of simpleton camera, the whole matter occupation goes of camera.
When while I am picking up tennis, the grandpa then brought the me and the younger sister to 1 to despise a top, the grandpa claps scenery with my digital camera in the that direction practice, my treating with younger sister is behind playing that tennis, however the younger sister's ball feeling isn't good, so have been fumbling, however give sufficient time, younger sister will definitely"begin to understand of"!
Time goes to 5:00 much, we then descended mountain and go home to suck at breast milk lord of meal.
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2008-08-22T01:54
道に沿って私たちはチャット、無意識のうちに、私たちが強化され、その点については、多くの大学の学生の作品を鑑賞、私たちの遊び場にして、を表示するに多くの人々が実行中に、バスケットボール、バドミントンの再生... ...して、スポーツ、野外活動ていないのに、ドリブル、したくないを実行するため、特定に移動するか、私たち継続して歩く、行った、テニスコート、テニスを見た、次にピックアップして、上を歩く。
道に沿って、私の祖父は、デジタルカメラてきたので、ただ頭を消費者に購入するデジタルカメラ、台湾、ほとんど聞いたことがあるので、私の祖父の研究、教育して行くの頭です。しかし、おじいちゃんは、 "プロ"カメラマンが、彼ではない、デジタルカメラ、カメラのばかではないが、全体の問題をプロのカメラです。
テニスは、私が見つけると同時に、私の祖父と妹の小さなスタンドの上に、私の祖父はデジタルカメラのシュート練習風景、私の背後に宿泊した彼女の妹那颗テニス、しかし、彼女の意味でのボールええと、失敗され、しかし、時間、彼女の妹は" kaiqiao " !
2008-08-19 16:59:29 補充:
英文超過字數 PO不上去了


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2008-08-18T00:00
如題 桃園縣平鎮高中有哪些社團全部喔 最好是運動ㄉ社團


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2008-08-18T00:00
我想問的是:1.奧運有年齡限制嗎?2.癲癇藥算是禁藥嗎?3.今年跑的最快的男生是誰?〈我要國家和姓名〉4.要怎� ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2008-08-18T00:00
�� ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2008-08-18T00:00
像是打籃球 或是 打羽球
我本 ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2008-08-18T00:00
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