英文展覽學校推廣><徵求高手入內 - 運動

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2009-12-26T00:00

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(回答:光是考卷上的題目用看的是不夠的,一定要親身經歷。所以會參加國內大型比賽,讓學生增加一些實務經驗,同時也在參展、競賽中獲得亮眼成績;在運動方面我們定期會舉辦系上的籃球 羽球...的比賽,讓學生全方位的發展)

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Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2009-12-29T20:48
1.What kind courses do you provide?
Any activities?
Only practice from exams are not enough, you must experience yourself. That is why we invite students to participate nation wide events. This will help students to gain actual experiences and recognitions. Also in physical activites, we will host basketball, badminton, and other games. This will ensure students develop both mentally and physically to stay at their best shape.
Teacher&#039;s credential?
Teacher are from both international and domestic well know schools. All of them are well educated and have great experienced in teaching. As our teaching staff, they regularly participate in international conferences and government research projects. By doing so will help our teachers to gain broader scop of their related field and ensure students are getting the most up to date information.
Any graduation requirement?
Of course. Our school encourages students to obtain more professional certifications that are related to their field. For example international business majors, foreign language skill would be a must, so TOEIC skills is set in course studies.
How can we learned/ understanding our teaching?
Once a year we will host an major/ concetration examination. This will ensure that students are progressing and quality of our education.
Any student awards?
School will award students that achieve high excel or obtain certifications with scholarships. This will motivate them to work harder towards their goals.
Any extra resources/ curriculum? We provide both Japanese and English language courses in lunch times.
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2009-12-26T02:51

1. What kinds of programs do you have/provide?
[ have和provide皆可用在此,請擇一使用]
2. What activities do you have?

(Answer: Examination practice has its limit. One must learn from experience. It helps students accumulate practical experience by participating nationwide events. They have also acquired great performances in both the shows and the events. In physical activities, our departments host basketball, badminton and other games, in regular schedule. Thus, our students become well-rounded persons.)
3. What about the faculty members?
(Answer: All the members of our faculty are graduates of well-known domestic and foreign universities. Their teaching quality is reliable through years of dedication. Besides, our faculty staff regularly holds international conferences, presents papers and actively participates in a variety of academic researches hosted by National Science Council. These provide them room for improvements of practical experiences by discussion, irregular updates in professional field and approaches to broaden their visions.
4. Are there any special requirements for graduation?
(Answer: Yes. A fulfillment of requirements is a must. We highly recommend students to get more professional certificates for job landing with ease. For instant, it is crucial to have good commands on foreign languages for students of Department of International Business. Thus, the scores of TOEIC Test are set in higher ranges.
5. How do you evaluate student learning outcome?

(Answer: We host an annual exam in professional field, such as International Business, Economics and so on. Thus, it reveals the degree of students learning outcome.)
6. What are the regulations of student rewards?
(Answer: Students are rewarded by passing certifications, with excellent academic achievements and conducts. It truly encourages students and stimulates stronger motivation to learn.)
2009-12-27 04:53:25 補充:
7. Are there extra resources? In learning? (Answer: There are language programs in Japanese and English on the noon of weekdays.)
2009-12-27 05:08:12 補充:
(Answer: Yes. There are languages programs in Japanese and English on weekdays at noon time.)


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2009-12-25T00:00
我還想要 一名職業羽球手的介紹


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-12-25T00:00
目標是BMI達到20...現在BMI值24點 ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2009-12-25T00:00


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2009-12-25T00:00


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2009-12-24T00:00
我男友10月底因打籃球受傷造成小腿腓骨骨折, 因移位不超過一公分醫生說不必開刀, (我們也是不想開刀), 石膏包了一個月, 11底回診的時候, X光片看起來 ...