網壇十大兵器 - 網球 Tennis

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-09-25T04:45

Table of Contents


※ 引述《blossomleave (blossomleave)》之銘言:
: 10. Andy Roddick Serve
第十名 Andy Roddick 的發球
: Andy's serve was once the best in the game. During his prime, it could carry
: him very far in majors. A few years ago on this list, this could have easily
: been a top 3 weapon.
安迪的發球曾經一度是賽場上最棒的武器 在他的黃金年代
這張排名如果出現在幾年前 那他的發球很可能輕鬆的名列前三
: Sadly, now that Andy's older, it isn't what it used to be. Although, his
: serve is still one of the best, it's not as consistent as it once was and
: people have seen it for so long, it is easier to return.
: Don't feel too bad for Mr. Roddick, because it is still a top 10 weapon and
: he has Brooklyn Decker to go home to.
令人難過的是 現在安迪老了 這顆發球也不是以前那顆了 雖然它還是網壇裡最棒的發球之一
但是它並不像以前那麼穩定了 加上大家看這顆發球也看了這麼多年
但是別為羅迪克先生感到難過 因為他的發球還是網壇十大武器之一

: 9. Sam Stosur Serve
第九名 Sam Stosur的發球
: This weapon has taken Sam a long ways. She made it to the French Open final,
: basically just using her serve.
這項武器幫助她到目前為止得以走得這麼遠 她能夠殺入法網決賽
: The rest of her game might not be there fully yet her serve might be the best
: in the women's game, although Serena might argue differently.
: There is no debating however, that any other woman would love to have
: Stosur's serve as one of their main weapons.
她在其他技術上也許還沒有那麼成熟 但是她的發球應該已經是女子網球裡最棒的
不過毫無爭議的 任何其他選手都會想要擁有Sam的發球作為她們自己的一項主要武器

: 8. Caroline Wozniacki Consistency
第八名 Caroline Wozniacki 的穩定性
: On the surface, nothing looks spectacular about Ms. Wozniacki's game. When
: you take a closer look however, you see that she is like a human backboard.
: She can out rally anyone on the tour, and has the speed plus the strength to
: make it very affective, unlike some of the other women who just go out and
: rally.
表面上 這位小姐沒有任何值得大書特書之處 但是當你仔細關注她的比賽
你會發現她根本就是人型擋球板 她可以在對抽中勝過任何對手
而且她有速度和力量讓她的擊球非常有威脅性 不像某些女子選手總是虛應故事的抽抽了事
: She is the closest player in the women's game to Rafa but she needs to add a
: few more weapons herself.
: The most surprising event that happened in the 2010 US Open was her going off
: the grid in the semis and making so many unforced errors
她是女子網球裡最接近納豆的球手 但是她還需要給自己添購幾項武器才行
最令人詫異的就是今年美網四強賽 她突然斷電般的送出許多非受迫性失誤的脫軌演出

: 7. John Isner Serve
第七名 John Isner 的發球
: John Isner is a tennis player with limited mobility and play-making ability,
: but has done a very good job at climbing the rankings. The reason being is
: his enormous serve, being 6 foot 9 doesn't hurt.
他並非一個能夠常常快速移動和作出漂亮擊球的選手 但他卻能夠在排名上快速的爬升
理由就是那巨大的發球 六尺九吋的身高也成了助力
: Isner's serve might have past Roddick for best serve on the tour. It is
: almost impossible for anyone to break his serve when he is hitting it
: consistently.
他的發球可能超越了羅迪克 成為網壇裡最棒的發球 當他的發球能夠維持穩定
: Just take a look at Wimbledon, where he held his serve 69 times in a row
: during the 5th set, and constantly hitting bomb aces while doing it. I know
: this is one weapon I wish I had.
讓我們回顧一下今年溫布敦 在第五盤裡連續69次保發 而且不斷的轟出炸彈般的ace

: 6. Novak Djokovic Return
第六名 Novak Djokovic的回發球
: One man that can handle the big servers just mentioned is Djokovic. The
: Djoker can handle pretty much anyone's serve. There is a reason why is a top
: 3 rated player in the world, despite having such an average serve himself.
: The announcers at the US Open made a big deal about how Nole was the only man
: in the top 50 to average more double faults than aces.
要說有什麼人可以對付強力發球 那就是Djokovic了
這個搞笑天王幾乎可以應付每個人的發球 而這也是為什麼他現在高居世界前三
: What they failed to point out is that Novak might be the best return man on
: the tour. I acknowledge that some people think Andy Murray is a better return
: man, but I don't think so.
那些球評並沒有注意到 novak是賽場上最棒的回發球者
我知道有些人認為andy murray的回發比他更好 但我不這麼認為

: 5. Kim Clijsters Court Coverage
第五名 Kim Clijsters的球場涵蓋力
: There is a reason why Kim Clijsters has won the last 3 US Opens that she has
: entered. While she has many weapons, like her forehand, it is her court
: coverage that is her best weapon.
Kim能夠贏下她過去參加過的三次美網頭銜是有原因的 的確 她擁有非常多的武器
像她的正拍 但是說到最好的武器 還是那驚人的球場涵蓋力
: Not only can she slide/do a split, to retrieve a ball, but she has mastered
: the art where she can actually go from defense to offense while pulling off
: that move.
她不只能夠做出切球削球 或者把球救活
: She might not have the speed of some of the other women, but on a fast
: surface like at the US Open it is hard getting the ball past her, and that is
: why she remains the Queen of New York.
但是在類似美網的快速硬地上 要把球打穿她的防線也是不簡單的

: 4. Juan Martin Del Potro Forehand
第四名 Juan Martin Del Potro 的正拍
: We haven't seen Del Po in awhile because of his wrist injury but he is back
: and that means the most powerful forehand in tennis is back.
: The power he generates on his backhand but especially his forehand is the
: reason why he can beat anyone in the world, just see last year's US Open when
: he destroyed Rafa 6-2 6-2 6-2.
因為他的腕傷 我們有一段時間沒見到他了 不過他要復出了
他在正反拍擊球中爆發出的力量 尤其是正拍 正是他可以擊敗任何人的原因
我們只要回顧一下去年美網 他用三個六比二摧毀納豆 就知道了
: When you hear him crack the forehand live, it almost sounds like a cannon
: going off. It might be the most devastating one shot in tennis.
如果你在現場看他轟那些正拍 那簡直就像是大炮發射

: 3. Serena Williams Power
第三名 小威的力量
: No one woman should have all that power! Kanye was right after all. The
: difference between Serena and the rest of the women's game is her
: unbelievable power coupled with her mental toughness.
: Not only is her serve the most powerful, but her forehand and backhand might
: be as well.
沒有一個女人應該擁有那種力量 小威跟其他女子選手最大的分野就在於那不可思議的力量
以及強悍的心理素質 不只是她的發球是最剛猛的 他的正反拍也是一樣恐怖
: She might not be as fast as she used to be, but she is still definitely as
: powerful as she has ever been. Power by Serena sounds like a fragrance, but
: in actuality it is one of the best weapons in tennis.
她可能不像以前那麼敏捷了 但是她絕對還是跟以前一樣生猛有力
"Serena的力量" 聽起來像是個香水的牌子 但事實上這可是網壇最有威力的武器之一咧

: 2. Roger Federer Footwork
第二名 Roger Federer的腳步
: While this might sound kind of lame as the number 2 weapon in tennis, it is
: in fact Federer's best attribute.
身為十大武器之榜眼 腳步聽起來好像有點沒說服力 但事實上
: It was hard selecting just one weapon, since he and Rafa have so many but his
: footwork is what make Federer great. Although, I was considering his serve
: placement.
要給費德勒只選出一項武器是很難的 因為他和rafa一樣擁有太多太多
可是他的腳步成就了他的偉大 雖然 他的發球落點也是我曾經考慮的一項
: His footwork almost looks like he is hovering around the court, the way he
: glides to every ball. He is always in position which allows him to strike the
: ball with great force and at the same time placing it any corner.
: When he was dominating in his prime, his footwork was similar to a forbidden
: dance.
他的腳步讓他就像是一台直昇機一樣盤旋在球場上 用滑翔一般的姿態接近每一球
他總是早早到位 讓他能夠強而有力的擊球 並且精準的擊向球場的任何角落
當他全盛時期支配著網壇時 他的腳步就像黏巴達禁舞一樣精湛

1. Rafael Nadal Defense
第一名 Rafael Nadal的防守
: When you add up everyone's weapon and put it into one cyborg, you get Rafael
: Nadal. It was almost impossible picking what his best weapon was, but
: whatever it was, clearly was the No. 1 weapon in tennis right now. I went
: with defense, because that is where it all starts from.
當你把所有人的武器熔合起來然後創造一個電子生化人 你會得到Rafeal Nadal
因為他有太多太棒的武器 要點出他最棒的一項是幾乎不可能的
但是無論你選了什麼 那都會是當今網壇裡最棒的
我個人認為是防守 因為那是讓他揚名立萬的一切根本
: When you watch, you think he literally will never miss a shot. Even his
: mishits land in, and deep.
: He has the best defense tennis has ever seen and it frustrates his opponents
: so much that he breaks them down mentally as well as physically.
當你看他打球 你會覺得他幾乎不可能打丟任何一分
就算他沒有把球擊好 球還是會落在場內 而且落得很深
他擁有網球裡有史以來最棒的防禦 而這總是深深的重創對手

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2010-09-28T02:43
推 謝謝翻譯
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2010-10-01T00:42
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2010-10-03T22:41
雙誤比愛斯多有種莫名的笑點= =
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2010-10-06T20:40
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2010-10-09T18:39
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-10-12T16:38
人型檔球板 XDD
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2010-10-15T14:37
人型擋球板 XDDD
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-10-18T12:36
該推 氣刀體一致嗎..XDD
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2010-10-21T10:35
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-10-24T08:33
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2010-10-27T06:32
第一名的防守 這裡就說明一切 http://tinyurl.com/25l3yan
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2010-10-30T04:31
感謝翻譯~ XD 但不覺得Sam只有靠發球才進法網決賽
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2010-11-02T02:30
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2010-11-05T00:29
我覺得KIM比較像納豆 滿場跑而且回球都很犀利
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2010-11-07T22:28
但不可否認 Woz真的是銅牆鐵壁 凱貞心理應該有陰影了吧
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2010-11-10T20:27
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2010-11-13T18:26
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-11-16T16:24
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2010-11-19T14:23
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2010-11-22T12:22
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2010-11-25T10:21
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2010-11-28T08:20
其實我覺得Sam的正拍比發球好 Sam的發球現在絕大多數都
James avatar
By James
at 2010-12-01T06:19
以kick為主 如果加上平擊或側切的變化會更難預測
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2010-12-04T04:18
Sam之所以快速場地成績沒有那麼好 就是因為發球被接習慣之後就會很難打
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2010-12-07T02:17
我倒覺得光靠發球的狀態 無法說明她在快速硬地的表現
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-12-10T00:16
有時純粹是適應力的問題 能不能在當下辨別球的來勢
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2010-12-12T22:14
做出適當的回球 才是她在不同場地上要努力的關鍵點不然不會一整場下來 UE3、40個
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2010-12-15T20:13
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2010-12-18T18:12
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2010-12-21T16:11
我是覺得前者是抽不死 後者是打角度沒用
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2010-12-24T14:10
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-12-27T12:09
防守的方式不同 我覺得Kim的防守會讓對手覺得不管你這球
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2010-12-30T10:08
打在什麼地方 什麼速度 回來的球都不會是很好處理的
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-01-02T08:07
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2011-01-05T06:05
我也覺得sam至少也有個正拍可以選 不過既然作者這樣講也只好照翻囉XD
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2011-01-08T04:04
Wozniacki比較像早期的Nadal以防守為主 較少主動反擊
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2011-01-11T02:03
克媽就是反擊為主 跟現在Nadal除了維持大面積的覆蓋之外
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2011-01-14T00:02
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-01-16T22:01

WTA & ATP 09/24 比賽結果

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2010-09-24T20:46
WTA HANSOL KOREA OPEN $220,000/International Singles - Quarterfinals (1) Nadia Petrova (RUS) d. Kirsten Fl ...

〈網球〉大滿貫紀錄 Sampras看好Nadal

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-09-24T16:59
週五, 09/24/2010 - 15:14 — 曹玉烱 前大滿貫次數紀錄保持人Pete Sampras今天(24日)表示,如果現任球王Rafael Nadal 保持健康的話,將可突破Roger Federer的16次大滿貫紀錄。 Sampras還順勢「指導」後進,那就是Nadal要針對 ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2010-09-24T15:25
[1] Caroline Wozniacki (DEN) bye [Q] Greta Arn (HUN) - [Q] Laura Robson (GBR) Kateryna Bondarenko (UKR) - Anabel Medina Garrigues (ESP) Dominika Cibulkova ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-09-24T11:36
請問10/11號開打的上海名人賽 去的話要準備什麼?? 還有什麼是不能帶的?? 門票價大約是多少錢呢?? 當天去買的到票嗎?? 還有一張票能看幾場比賽XD 拍謝問題很多..因為難得去那邊= =and#34; 如果還有人可以補充謝謝QQ PS. 另外請問Federer是幾號幾點比..不看他太可惜X ...

WTA 09/23 比賽結果

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-09-23T20:40
WTA HANSOL KOREA OPEN Thursday, September 23, 2010 Singles - Second Round (1) Nadia Petrova (RUS) d. Vania King (USA) 63 64 Kimiko Date Krumm (JPN) d ...