第二輪賽後訪問 - 網球

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2009-01-24T00:03

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Q. In every which way tonight that was a thoroughly good performance. Would
you agree with that?

ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, I felt good from the first ball. Credit to him. He came
out with a good game plan and he was just going to fire. I was leaving some
forehands hanging to him and he was taking advantage.

But things didn't quite go my way in the first set. He came up with some good
shots, and then I kind of just stayed the course and was able to make some
adjustments to get through it.

Q. Do you worry at all that a guy who comes on like that isn't going to punch
himself out or keep doing this all night?

ANDY RODDICK: You can't sit there and wonder. The thing that I got to do is
make it as tough for him to keep up that level. If he's going to hit good
shots, make him hit it off of deep balls and do it every point. Don't let him
hit one and then miss two: You know, just make it as tough a possible. He's
what I tried to do.

I got my teeth back into the match and was able to kind of make it a little
bit of a war out there. You know, so it was good to get through that.

Q. He's now ranked 200, something like that. Where do you think a guy like
him belongs actually?

ANDY RODDICK: I don't think Xavier would be the normal guy ranked 200. I
don't think anybody views him as that.

I think health and motivation are going to be big things with him. If he
comes and plays like he did here, he'll be back to where he's normally been
and in the top 30.

Q. You gave him a pat on the back. What did you say to him?

ANDY RODDICK: I said, It's good to see you playing well again.

Q. Andy, you have a lot of respect for lots of athletes. Are you interested
in the sport that's very popular in America, like motocross?

ANDY RODDICK: Motocross? You know what, I'd be bordering on ignorance if I
talked about it. I don't really know a whole lot of what goes into it. I know
the one thing - I know who they are. The one thing I don't get is how you
try that crap that they did the very first time. Like how do you decide, I'm
going to go flip upside down six times in a row?

Yeah, that's - whatever I think athletically, that's just gotta be ?? it's
got to be either crazy or genius, and I'm torn. But they can have it.

Q. You have Santoro next. Will you expect an easier ride given that he's the
oldest guy in the draw?

ANDY RODDICK: No, oldest and probably craftiest. Probably the best set of
hands. He came back and won in five tonight, and that's quite an effort.

You know, he's capable of making any match pretty tough.

Q. Is there something about a new you this year? You know, you got a new
coach. You look slimmer and trimmer.

ANDY RODDICK: You look good, too.(是在調戲記者嗎XD)

Q. Thank you. And I'm neither, unfortunately.

ANDY RODDICK: Red is a good color. If you're out in the sun long enough your
freckles might connect and then you might get a good tan.

Q. Do you feel a lot different about yourself coming into this year?

ANDY RODDICK: You know what, I didn't want to come into - I feel like a big
reason I got hurt last year is I didn't have a lot of preparation in the
off?season. Went from Davis Cup kind of straight in. I played well, but then
come May my body and shoulder wore down a little bit.

Whatever happens this year, I didn't want it to be for lack of preparation or
for lack of anything, any work left on the table during the off?season.

You know, I don't know about a new me and all that. It's kind of the same
deal. But I just had a six?week period where you could focus on what you need
to do on a daily basis, and you had all sorts of ?? the meals were controlled
and everything was controlled.

So, you know, that's a rarity that we get as top players in this game. I
really tried to take advantage of it and kind of enjoyed it.

Q. What have you gotten from Larry so far, and how is working with him
different from other coaches?

ANDY RODDICK: You know, they're all different. I don't know if I'm going to
sit here and give a guy-by-guy breakdown. Larry is a worker, too. He likes
getting out there. He says it's that much easier if you do it a thousand
times in practice. His favorite trick is doing two-on-ones and he'll say, Two
more and eight balls later you're still going.

It's frustrating, but at the same time, you know what the end goal is. I just
enjoy it, because I think the most appealing thing about him when I was going
through the process of choosing someone was the various styles he's worked
with and the various personalities he's been able to work with. You know,
he's on par with anybody, if not better.

Q. Did you feel if he could handle Marcelo Rios he can handle you?

ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, I might be a little nicer.

Q. When you're playing a match against somebody that comes out really hard
and fast and you might not be familiar with their game, is there ever a sense
you might sacrifice a set to feel them out a bit to try and find their

ANDY RODDICK: No, no. I think anybody that tells you they sacrifice a set
ever is full of whatever. You know, you don't really do that. I think you can
try to figure it out and win a set also. I think you just kind of fight off
their hot streaks and concentrate on getting through service games and just
make them work for whatever they're getting.

Q. You've learned a lot from a lot of different coaches. Larry comes in. Is
it you who are asking questions or him saying this is what I think you needed

ANDY RODDICK: No, I didn't want to. I said, Listen, I'm hiring you to be the
boss. Whatever you tell me to do I'm going to do. I don't have a problem with
that, and I haven't had a problem with that. I think he was a little bit
surprised that I was ?? and I said, It's your show. Just let me know what I
need to do.

Q. Isn't there a trust level that needs to be built up, too?

ANDY RODDICK: I trust his resume, what he's been able to accomplish as a
coach. If I was going to give someone the confidence to be my coach, I wasn't
going to second-guess that once we get in there.

Q. You could have played Kohlschreiber. Now you've got Fabrice who you beat
pretty badly a couple months ago. Does it affect you in any way?

ANDY RODDICK: Well, no. It affects the way you go about playing the next
match. Obviously they're not similar in anyway, shape, or form in the way
they play. I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to the
Kohlschreiber match. But at the same time I'm playing Fabrice, and it
presents a different set of obstacles.

Tags: 網球

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第三輪V.S Santoro

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2009-01-23T14:27
http://www.atdhe.net/live-tv-2514.html Roddick率先破發 希望等等有電視轉播 - ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2009-01-23T02:48
Q. Ten unforced errors in a first?round match. Have to be pretty happy with that. ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, it was good, especially considering heand#39;s the ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2009-01-23T01:18
Hisense Arena 11:00 Start Menand#39;s Singles - 3rd Round Juan Martin Del Potro(ARG)[8] vs. Gilles Muller(LUX) Womenand#39;s Singles - 3rd Round Daniela ...

羅迪克有驚無險 逆轉獲勝晉級

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2009-01-21T20:28
澳洲網球公開賽男子單打第三輪比賽,美國重砲手羅迪克(Andy Roddick)今天對上比利 時選手馬利斯(Xavier Malisse),羅迪克先丟一盤後再急起直追,以4-6、6-2、7-6( 7-1)、6-2的比數獲勝,晉級第三輪。 一開賽,羅迪克以4-6丟掉首盤。第二盤先互保發球局,第四局羅迪克首先破發 ...

Roddick USA(7) vs X.Malisse BEL

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2009-01-21T20:00
關於這場比賽 我覺得Roddick的反拍使用比例好像比正拍高了 雖然反拍穩定多了 不過還是偏重用來防守 比較有效的正拍攻擊在第三第四盤才開始比較多 為啥硬地的比賽一開始要猛打上炫旋轉多的正拍? 另外網前的判斷力好冏 還好第二盤乖乖在底線等對手失誤 為啥反拍練出來正拍威力會消失咧? 這樣真的打 ...