第一輪賽後訪問 - 網球

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2009-01-23T02:48

Table of Contents

Q. Ten unforced errors in a first?round match. Have to be pretty happy with

ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, it was good, especially considering he's the kind of guy
where you're pretty much playing every point on his serve. So overall I was
pretty happy with it.

Q. What do you take out of a match like that looking forward?

ANDY RODDICK: Well, you know, a match like that, you got to go out and beat
somebody. He's gonna put the ball in the court. He's probably not gonna do
much to kind of blow you off the court.

But you got to go and execute. I was able to do that today. You know, it was
a good start.

Q. Since you were here last year, do we see any changes in your style of play?

ANDY RODDICK: Yeah. I mean, you're kind of always evolving. I was a little
bit probably more aggressive out there today than I was my first round last
year, so that's a good sign.

Q. Can you say it's aggressive but simple at the same time?

ANDY RODDICK: I think I know what you're saying. It's not a type of
aggression where you're just kind of going for a winner right away.

But I think that had something to do with matchup also. You know, I was able
to kind of get away with it in the chip today, because I think he liked it
when it was flat into his backhand. So it was something conscious. I would
wait back until I had a forehand and I could bully him to this corner.

How you play, as much as we like to generalize it, a lot of time, it's
matchup dependent.

Q. It's because of your new coach, this little change?

ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, I mean, we've made adjustments. If I'm being honest with
you, I don't think there's a huge 180-degree difference between today and

Q. Next up is Malisse. Your thoughts on that?

ANDY RODDICK: Xavier is tough. He's gone through quallies. He won pretty
handily today. He's got matches behind him. I think everyone knows he's
extremely capable when healthy. So, you know, I'll have to be ready.

Q. How dangerous can he be?

ANDY RODDICK: He's proven it. I think he's been in the semis of a Grand Slam
before. You know, I think his track record speaks for how dangerous he can

Q. Are you surprised to see him back?

ANDY RODDICK: No, I'm not surprised.

Q. You won in less than two hours. How important is it to conserve energy in
the early rounds?

ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, I mean, obviously if you can you take that option,
especially it wasn't getting any cooler out there as the match went on.

I wasn't too disappointed to see that I was first up out of the gate. You
know, first thing is you want to win and then you worry about the specifics
of it. But obviously you don't want to be on court for four hours every time
you're out there.

Q. Do you think that will help in the later rounds the fact you had a quicker
first-round match?

ANDY RODDICK: Who knows. I got to get through the second round. Hopefully it
will help me for the second round.

Q. Looks like you're back to the breadsticks. Are you carrying less weight?

ANDY RODDICK: A little bit less weight, yes.

Q. How much? You look trimmer.

ANDY RODDICK: Than what?

Q. I don't know. This time last year.

ANDY RODDICK: I don't know. Probably about 15 from the start of the

Q. We've seen in the last 18 months a bracket of younger players emerging to
challenge Roger. People talk about the big four, and you're not in that. Do
you feel you still belong in that top group?

ANDY RODDICK: Not until I earn my spot back. They absolutely deserve to be
the four that get talked about right now. My results last year, especially in
slams, don't warrant me being talked about.

The thing about sports is no one really remembers yesterday, and that's fair.
You have to go out and prove yourself on a daily basis. I have no problem
with that.

Q. Confident you can still beat those players regularly?

ANDY RODDICK: Well, I have. Last year was an exciting start to the year, and
then I kind of plateaued and felt like I was playing catch?up the rest of the
year after I was out for a little bit.

But, sure, I think I can.

Q. Taylor Dent is back. Have you been in touch with him? What are your

ANDY RODDICK: I mean, when I've seen him, obviously he was at tournaments
working some commentary. He was around a little bit. But it's good to see him
back. I mean, he's one of the guys you see in the locker room. He's always
got a pretty good outlook. He's always got a smile on his face.

From the sounds of it, for a while, you didn't think he was going to come
back with how severe his injuries were, you know. So it's a testament to him
wanting to get back. There's definitely plenty of room for another American
out here.

Q. Have you had any chance to work out with him?

ANDY RODDICK: I haven't, no.

Q. What do you think of moving the tournament to February?

ANDY RODDICK: Well, I've actually had conversations with Roger. I think his
quote got taken a little out of context. I'm assuming that's what you're
asking about.

It's not like you can take a tournament and just move it. There's a million
logistical things that I don't think get mentioned enough in an article
that's written like that from the fact that this is probably the biggest
sporting event going on right now, with the exception of back home with the

But worldwide, it allows it to kind of take center stage a little bit more.
You have kids being off from school, people on vacations down here, which is
only going to help the tournament.

There's a lot more factors than just move the tournament back. I don't know
if it's that easy. I think, you know, if there's a bunch of reasons why not
to, I don't know if it makes much sense from kind of an outside?of?the?box

Q. You've been No. 1. You won a Grand Slam. You've been here for a few years.
Is it sometimes difficult to keep motivation? Is it a reason why you may have
changed coach?

ANDY RODDICK: It's weird, you know, with the exception ?? there have been a
lot of guys who have had some coaches and it doesn't really get talked about
a whole lot. For some reason with me it gets talked about an awful lot.

I don't think the reason for me switching coaches is a lack of motivation. I
don't know if you would find someone who would say that I haven't really been
motivated, especially this off?season. It was nice to actually have some time
to train and get prepared.

It's long. I mean, one of the things I'm most proud of is, you know, being
top 10 for seven, eight years now. I think there were only 12 or 13 guys who
have done it that long. I think that is a testament to me being able to
compete week to week, even when I don't have my best stuff or I'm coming back
from whatever.

But I don't think that has anything to do with coaches.

Q. Larry has been pretty specific about the adjustments he'd like to see you
make in your game. How easy is it to do that during a match as opposed to

ANDY RODDICK: Well, if you practice it enough it gets easier in the matches.
That's kind of his philosophy. For right now I feel comfortable doing it. I
mean, I played pretty well in Doha. It was pretty comfortable today.

You know, that's pretty much all we have to base it on so far. So, you know,
so far, so good.

Q. If you could help Adam Helfant prioritize things when he comes into the
job, are there a few things you'd like to see him look at first?

ANDY RODDICK: I actually was lucky enough to have dinner with him the other
night. I was pretty impressed. He didn't come in with kind of this
braggadocio attitude of what he's done, whatever. He kind of came in and he
had his notepad and his pen and he asked questions and he wrote down notes.
He didn't come in like a know?it?all. He was kind of very concerned about a
number of issues. If he didn't quite understand it, he would ask why we
thought that.

It was an impressive meeting, that's for sure. After the meeting, I was glad
that they had chosen him.

Q. Can you say what some of those issues were?

ANDY RODDICK: Well, there's the normal stuff. There's the schedule, there's
surface, balls, different things to promote the game, different campaigns,
how to make it more relevant on a day-to-day basis at home.

I guarantee I'm forgetting five or six things we covered. But, you know, it's
not anything new. I'm sure it's all been talked about amongst all of you, as

Q. Do you have any theories on why this tournament produces more one-off
finalists than others?

ANDY RODDICK: I got nothing for you. I mean, I feel like this tournament has
always rewarded the people who are most prepared. You know, I don't know if
maybe some people don't get in the swing of it right away. That's the only
thing I could possibly come up with. I'm not sure.

Q. What would be a big year for you this year? What would be an okay year?

ANDY RODDICK: Well, I feel like last year was disappointing for me. A good
year is obviously winning, you know, a big tournament and trying to get back
into that ? like we discussed earlier ? get back into the conversation. You
know, I guess anything between the two would be okay.

Q. How much time did you actually take off during the off-season other than
recuperating from the ankle injury?

ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, about five days for the ankle.

Q. Just bringing it back to today's match. Obviously you had a pretty quiet
lead-up. How did it feel to be back out on court? You look a little bit
drained. I'm not sure if that's the heat.

ANDY RODDICK: Drained? You're wrong (smiling).

Q. How did you feel out on court?

ANDY RODDICK: I felt great. I don't know if it was a quiet lead?up. I think
the only reason it would be viewed as quiet is because it didn't solely take
place here in Australia. You know, I actually played one more event coming in
than I normally do, and probably three or four more matches.

You know, one of the things is ?? I love the tournament at Kooyong. It was
just trying to switch something up, different preparation. I hadn't done
great here last year, so we just tried to mix it up a little bit. Not really
any reasons beyond that.

Q. Your second-round match on Wednesday is a pretty big day back in the U.S.
with the whole Obama things. Any plan to get up early and keep an eye on how
things are producing pver there?

ANDY RODDICK: No, I'm sure they'll get it done without me (laughter).

Q. Lance Armstrong is over here. Are you surprised by the Australian media
attention? I'm not sure if you've met him. You probably have. Are you
surprised by the attention he's getting over here?

ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, I live about two miles from Lance in Austin. But, no, I'm
not really surprised. I mean, he's an icon pretty much wherever he goes. In
the States, he wears so many hats from athlete to, you know, he's gotten into
the political side of cancer research and fund?raising. You know, he wears so
many hats that I'm not really too surprised by it.

Obviously, if it was a normal year and he hadn't retired and this was just
part of it, you know, and this is his first comeback race, so I think that
probably adds a little drama to it.

Q. One of the things your coach has said is that he is anxious for you to
improve your balance on your approaches to the net and you can become a more
effective volleyer. Is that a sound reasoning?

ANDY RODDICK: Yeah. He's the boss.

Q. Do you think you're getting better at it?

ANDY RODDICK: I sure hope so. I think so.

Q. Are you surprised that the Arizona Cardinals beat the Philadelphia Eagles?

ANDY RODDICK: They've been pretty good at home. They haven't been very good
on those West Coast to East Coast 1:00 games. I think they're about 0-5. I
doubt the Super Bowl is going to be played at 1:00 in the afternoon, so they
should be all right.

Q. On that level with Lance and everything, a lot of tennis tournaments bring
in a lot of different celebrities, like even Boyd Tinsley. Is that kind of
fun for you when the celebrities come and watch?

ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, I mean, I think it's good for the tournament. I think
it's great for the US Open when you have everyone there, and it gives you
something else to talk about. It's not only a tennis tournament, but it
becomes an event. I think that's similar here. I think it's similar probably
at the slams.

Q. Miami maybe?

ANDY RODDICK: Miami, for sure. You know, they got a whole heap of stuff going
on there. It is very cool. Boyd is a friend now. I've been obsessed with
their band since I was 11 years old. I don't know if that ever becomes really
normal. But I still kind of geek out at it sometimes.

記者真的是什麼都問 連歐巴馬就職 超級盃都來
Andy也是什麼都能講 有夠搞威XD

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2009-01-24T03:37
推"有夠搞威" XD

羅迪克有驚無險 逆轉獲勝晉級

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2009-01-21T20:28
澳洲網球公開賽男子單打第三輪比賽,美國重砲手羅迪克(Andy Roddick)今天對上比利 時選手馬利斯(Xavier Malisse),羅迪克先丟一盤後再急起直追,以4-6、6-2、7-6( 7-1)、6-2的比數獲勝,晉級第三輪。 一開賽,羅迪克以4-6丟掉首盤。第二盤先互保發球局,第四局羅迪克首先破發 ...

Roddick USA(7) vs X.Malisse BEL

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2009-01-21T20:00
關於這場比賽 我覺得Roddick的反拍使用比例好像比正拍高了 雖然反拍穩定多了 不過還是偏重用來防守 比較有效的正拍攻擊在第三第四盤才開始比較多 為啥硬地的比賽一開始要猛打上炫旋轉多的正拍? 另外網前的判斷力好冏 還好第二盤乖乖在底線等對手失誤 為啥反拍練出來正拍威力會消失咧? 這樣真的打 ...

[討論] Roddick USA(7) vs X.Malisse BEL

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2009-01-21T17:07
比賽開始了~~~ 快幫Andy加油 剛剛看完小盧5盤大戰好爽 - ...

晉級報導 01182009

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2009-01-21T08:41
節錄關於Andy的部分 賽前報導 Itand#39;s a manand#39;s world in Melbourne http://0rz.tw/MTNlK What of Andy Roddick? He has taken on another new coach, Larry Stefanki, ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2009-01-21T05:37
Hisense Arena 11:00 Start Womenand#39;s Singles - 2nd Round Dinara Safina(RUS)[3] vs. Ekaterina Makarova(RUS) Womenand#39;s Singles - 2nd Round Jelena Ja ...