第一輪賽後訪問 - 網球

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2010-05-26T03:43

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J. HENIN/T. Pironkova 6-4, 6-3

An interview with: JUSTINE HENIN

Q. You looked very happy at the end of your match. It must be great to be
back at the place you've had success in the past.
Q: 在比賽結束時你看起來很開心,重回到這個場地想必是很美好的

JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, I was feeling very happy just to be back on center
court, and it's something that I never expected in the past anymore.
It was the case again today. I really, this morning, when I woke up and
before walking on the court, I didn't know really what to expect and how I
was going to deal with my emotions. At that time I felt like, well, I've
never played on this court, you know. I've played so many times on that court.


But as soon as I walked in and I was into my match, I felt a lot of things
were coming back. It was just fantastic to share this again with the crowd as
they gave me one more time great support. So it was very good to be back. It
was an honor for me to be scheduled on the center court. It was very nice
from the organization, also.


Q. When you first walked in, there were not many fans in the stands, but by
the end they gave you a very nice standing ovation. Tell me about when you
first walked in, your first reaction being back on that court.

Q: 當你剛走進球場時,還沒有太多觀眾在看台上,但比賽結束時他們起立為你歡呼

JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, it was something strong. I mean, just because, like, I
say it was something I never thought I would be back here, you know. When I
was here two years ago and last year, it was just as a spectator. I never
thought, well, I'll be on this court again.


Last few days I worked pretty good. I was feeling nervous about how I was
going to come into this tournament and with a lot of motivation, of course,
but I also was very nervous, which was normal. It's my tournament, and I
didn't know really how I was going to deal with my emotions.
It was a very nice moment, and at the end it was, after my victory, much
better again.


Q. A few days ago you were asked by the French media about some changes that
had taken place just before the Open. I didn't quite understand what those
changes were. What are they?


JUSTINE HENIN: A few members of my team, just my physio and my physical
trainer, so, you know, these kind of changes that kind of happen in a career
because you need something different. So that wasn't for me a big deal right
before the French, because all the preparation has been done.
I know what I have to be focused on. I wasn't I mean, I was still in balance
in the last few days.


Q. Talking about the match, you seemed to be struggling with your serve a few
times. When you were under pressure you really came through quite strongly.

Q: 來談談比賽吧,你似乎在發球局遇到了幾次麻煩。當你遇到壓力,你用相當強勢

JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, I didn't serve really good in that match, that's for
sure. I returned pretty good. She was serving quite strong and pretty fast.
In the first set, you know, I've been I took control of the match as I could
break at 3 All.

在這場比賽,我的發球的確不太理想,不過我的接球很不錯(v( ̄︶ ̄)y)

In the second set I was up and probably at that time I was feeling relaxed to
be up 2 Love, and then I was down 3 2. And after that, I just tried to be
more aggressive and just tried to come more to the net.

第二盤2-0時,我有點放鬆,然後就2-3了(囧) 之後我試著打得更主動並多嘗試上網

She has a very strange game because she hits so hard on the ball. Sometimes
it's very slow, so you have to deal with it. But first round is never easy.
So I'm just happy I came through like this.


Q. Your opponent today said she thinks you might be playing better than you
did when she had played you in the past. How would you compare yourself as a
player, and also as a person today versus before you left the tour?


JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I would say as a player I've worked pretty hard in the
last few months, but the way is still very long. I'm probably less consistent
now than I was at the end of my career in terms of keeping the intensity all
the time.
That's what I'm working on at the moment. That's not easy. It's only five
months since I come back. It doesn't come back like this, so I have to be in
this kind of situation.


It's only my second Grand Slam, and even with all the experience I got in the
past, just, you know, to keep the intensity and the concentration, to be as
consistent as I was. Also, I have been off this world for two years, and it's
an advantage at certain points, but it doesn't help the concentration and the
intensity all the time. I have to work on this, but I grew up in many, you
know, parts of my game. That's for sure.


As a person, I wouldn't say I've changed, but I realized and I understood a
lot of things on myself, and it's very rich to come back with all the things
I know that I didn't know two years ago or three years ago. And just to be
away from the courts, yeah, helped me trust myself without my tennis racquet,
which is something important, as I live 20 years of my life only for that.
I'm feeling happy about the decision I took to come back, but I have to
fight. That is for sure.


Q. Maybe what is most interesting to fans is how players develop over the
years as persons. With these two years off, you had some show business; you
had transformative moments in the Congo. What did you learn the most in these
years off?


JUSTINE HENIN: Well, a lot of things. Just to come off this bubble, you know,
because what is the real world? But, I mean, I have been into this world for
my whole life, and I've been giving everything for this, and you just try you
just start to think that you live only by this, you know. I just learned I
was someone else away from the courts. That was really important, just to
face the world and the reality. And, of course, my traveling with UNICEF has
been something very strong, and that brought me a lot of things.
I probably started to accept myself just the way I am also, you know, away
from the courts, and that was really important as I am more tolerant probably
now than I was in the past. Yeah, it was very interesting.

To come back like this, it's very exciting. I feel I really grew up on this.
But as a player because I want to be, you know, in the top again. I know I
still have to work hard and the way is still very long. Even if you've been
No. 1, when you want to be back in on the top, you have to work hard and be
professional and be engaged all the time, and that's what I'm trying to do


Q. Does the time off make you better as a player? If so, how?
Q: 離開的時間裡,有讓你變成一個更好的球員嗎,如果有,那是?

JUSTINE HENIN: I don't know if it makes me a better player. I just feel
happier. That's probably the most important thing. I hope these things are
going to help me be better in the future.
But it's still very early to give a conclusion. I have the feeling 2010 is
still a year of transition, and it really is.
I mean, I have been away from the courts for two years, and I have to come
back into the circuit, and it's a lot of sacrifices. It's a lot of things.
You have to be back into it 200%. But it takes time. You cannot be two months
and three months into it like in the past, so I use I take this year as a
year of transition, and I take everything as bonus. I think next year is
probably more realistic to probably think I can be in my best level in a few


Q. You're back now, and a lot of the players who were at the top when you
were last playing, Serena and Venus, Kim, of course, why do you think your
game has had such staying power and you haven't really seen a lot of new
players coming through at the top?
Q: 有許多球員排名在你之上,你想你還保持著威力嗎?還沒有真正看到許多新球員

JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it's been that generation is very strong: Kim, Serena,
Venus, you know, still Kuznetsova, Dementieva after that. It's still the they
have the experience. We have probably the experience, and there is a new
generation that is coming up, but I will have to take the time also like we
needed in the past.

A lot of them are still very young and have a lot of things to learn. Doesn't
mean they cannot win Grand Slams or cannot have great results in Grand Slam.
But it's true that not a lot of things have changed. You know, before I
stopped and now, it's almost the same players, it's almost the same
congruence, and a few very good young players pretty strong also. But it's
good. I like when a draw is open like it is here and in the Grand Slam at the
moment, and there is a lot of congruence. I like it for the game.


THE MODERATOR: Questions in French.

Q. Were you a bit disappointed you were scheduled at 11:00 in the morning on
the central court?
Q: 你是否有一點失望比賽是排在11:00的中央球場

JUSTINE HENIN: No, not at all. I was quite happy about it, actually. I was
very happy I was scheduled on the central court, because it's an honor. I
opened the day today.
And, no, it suited me quite well, because it was my first match. I was quite
nervous. 11:00 you can plan for everything. At 3:00, 4:00, well, I wouldn't
have had a choice, would I? I would have played. But that was a perfect
scheduling for me.

Q. Even if there was not that many people watching you?
Q: 即使並沒有很多人看著你?

JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I had a lot of support, and then people came little by
little. And I didn't want to think about it. I was really focusing on me,
myself. And at the end of the match, I really enjoyed the standing ovation
from the crowd.
It was extraordinary. It was a beautiful moment for me.

Q. So what did you feel when you walked on the court?
Q: 當你走到球場,你的感覺是?

JUSTINE HENIN: I have not had the opportunity to practice on the central
court before this morning, so I came in at 9:45, because it was important.
Even if I know this court, I've lived beautiful things, but I walked on this
court and it was unknown to me. That was three years ago. Many things happen
in three years. I had this feeling.

Then when I started playing, many things came back to my memory, and I had
this beautiful feeling of happiness, of being here again. I thought I would
never experience that again in my life.
That's probably the tennis court on which I had the most beautiful emotions
in my life, so it has a special place in my heart, and that will never
change. That's why it was emotional today.

Q. You're very intense. Why? Is it since you were a child?
Q: 你感覺很緊繃,是自從你小的時候就這樣了嗎

JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I was always like that. At times I thought it's because
of what I experienced in my life, but then I watched some videos of me when I
was four, five, six, and I was already like that.
I'm not a loner, but there are times when I really need to be really focused
on myself, and I did that when I was a child, so I guess it's part of me.
I was very fortunate. I grew up with two elder brothers who really helped me.
They practiced sports with me. I grew up with boys. That gave me this, you
know, winning and fighting spirit. I've always been intense in everything I
do in my profession, in my relationships. I want things to be powerful, to be
strong, to have a meaning.
發現那時我已經這樣 (是不是太早熟了@@)

But that's the image you get from me, that I'm strong on the court, that I'm
in my bubble. But I need to speak all the time. So I'm totally different when
I'm relaxed, when I'm outside the bubble. People around me just laugh,
because I never stop talking. I keep talking, like with you, well, when I
feel like it. I really need to share all the time.
I'm not a loner, but when I'm playing tennis, I really need to be in that
bubble, and that's how I can do my job the best I can.


Q. Some of your opponents would shout on the court. Is it something you try
and forget, or can it give you information with regards to the mindset or the
level of fatigue of your opponent? Or the mindset, rather.


JUSTINE HENIN: I think, you know, when you think about your own objectives,
when you have a constructive mindset, you can forget about this. But when
they shout louder and louder, maybe it's a sign of nervousness with the
opponent, but then the speed of the game has nothing to do with the intensity
of the shouts, so you don't want to be impressed by that. You want to, you
know, stick to reality and analyze the hitting strength, the speed of the
ball. You want to be able not to take this into account, but it's not easy.


Q. If you were to give the odds for you, what would you say?
Q: 如果你可以幫自己找優勢,你會怎麼說

JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I never do that. If I was to give a mark well, it's
first round, so I managed it quite well, but I know that I will improve
little by little, and I'll have another opportunity to be in the tournament.
I mean, it was very hard, and these are not easy conditions for anyone.
But I like these weather conditions, and I'm happy the first round is over.
I'll continue working. I need to reassure myself with regards to my shape.
But I've done it already, and I think it's good.

Q. Kim came around. Did she say hello? (這也可以問?)

JUSTINE HENIN: Well, yes. She said a few words. But it was just after my
match, so we didn't have time. But I hope we'll have time to talk afterwards.

Q. What about your opponents for the second round? Is it going to be easier
to manage than this match?

Q: 談一下第二輪的對手,會比這場比賽更容易些嗎? (不用看我就知道會回答什麼了)

JUSTINE HENIN: I don't know if they've played already. Srebotnik, I don't
well, I knew Srebotnik, but she lost. Who is the other one? Zakopalova. Well,
I don't know her. It's not an easy name.
Well, anyway well, there you go. I can't say anything. Zakopalova, okay. I
still don't have any information, because I never played the girl, so I can't
say much. All I know is I need to continue working, and I will get
information from my faithful coach.
我不知道她們已經開始比賽了嗎 (中間疑似兩個都不熟所以省略XD)

Q. We were talking about players who shout, and you were talking about young
players and you were talking about Aravane Rezai. Do you think she has
opportunities in this tournament?

Q:談論那個留下一些留言的Aravane Rezai,你覺得她會是你在這個比賽的對手嗎?

JUSTINE HENIN: Well, anything can happen. She must have built up confidence
since Madrid, but winning a Grand Slam, I mean, a Grand Slam is very long.
It's very hard. So it's difficult to say.
She has potential. She hits very hard on the ball, and she can destabilize
the opponent, obviously, otherwise she would have never won Madrid.
So she has potential and qualities. Now, winning a Grand Slam, that's
possible, but a Grand Slam is very difficult. You have to be consistent from
one end to the other. But she has potential.

只是大滿貫賽非常的艱難,你必須要從一至終的穩定,不過她有潛力 (現在十分會說話)

Q. I said you were intense. Would your fans say that they also are more
intense because you're intense also?

Q: 你的球迷有說過當你緊張時,他們也同樣緊張嗎

JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I think my fans suffer a lot, because I've never been I
mean, nothing is simple. This will not change. I've always been adaptive in
long match situations that change all of a sudden. That's what I like in
You can't take anything for granted. But if you were to tell me I was
different, I mean, I would not like it. So I think I'll continue like that.

所以我會繼續喜歡這樣 (其實我不確定到底想表達什麼 哈)

為什麼這些人問題這麼多= =
如果按end也沒關係啦,因為真的太多 囧

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2010-05-28T09:12
Q:為什麼您的翻譯都會有笑點? A:_________________
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2010-05-30T14:42
才第一輪沒什麼OS阿 後面大概會很多 如果一直問重複的話
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2010-06-01T20:11
沒OS 我就笑了XD
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2010-06-04T01:41
年紀越大 思考就開始哲學起來了~ 接發GOOD
但可別再亂噴DF了 大滿貫沒太多本錢噴呀~~
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2010-06-06T07:10
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2010-06-08T12:40
Kim有來看Ju比賽@@? 滿載同胞的愛奪冠吧!!
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2010-06-10T18:09
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-06-12T23:39
Ju回到RG很興奮喔~~ 超搞威的,第一輪訪談就滿滿滿
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2010-06-15T05:08
"今年是過度,明年比較實際"~(好啦 知道了)
"I think my fans suffer a lot" "This will not change"
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2010-06-17T10:38
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2010-06-19T16:07
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2010-06-21T21:37
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2010-06-24T03:07
推~~~ 謝謝
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2010-06-26T08:36


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