登巴˙巴:莫里尼奧已要求我留下 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2014-05-24T02:43

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Chelsea outcast Demba Ba staying at Stamford Bridge

By George Scott/Published 23rd May 2014

The Senegal striker had threatened to quit Stamford Bridge in anger at his
fringe role this season.

He made 29 appearances, scoring eight goals - but started just five
Premier League games. But his key goals at Liverpool and against Paris
St-Germain in the Champions League towards the end of the season have
prompted Blues boss Mourinho to guarantee him more starts next term.

"Jose Mourinho has asked me to stay at Chelsea next season," the
28-year-old said. "He assured me that my situation would change. I see
this as my reward from God. I weighed up the pros and cons, and think that
I will stay put to see what happens.

"I don't know whether my situation will improve, but what with the coach's
offer anything can happen. I want to play a lot of matches, and I think
that will be the case for me.

"I was approached by Arsenal last August. But Mourinho refused to let me
join them, as he said he didn't want to help a rival team to get


To BananaKing: 大王有時自稱姊姊、有時小妹、有時老娘,太奧妙了
To BananaKing: 一人分飾三角,看來明年奧斯卡是你的了
To BananaKing: (那,哈扎你要嗎??)
★BananaKing 要!

Tags: 足球

All Comments

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2014-05-27T04:23
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2014-05-30T06:03
那可不一定 世足年什麼事都有可能發生
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2014-06-02T07:43
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2014-06-05T09:23


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2014-05-24T01:00
專訪波多爾斯基:冠軍永遠是德國目標 網易體育特約劉川5月23日倫敦報導: 足總杯決賽前,劉川在漢普斯特德石楠園附近的一家酒吧裡採訪了波多爾斯基。德國 前鋒加盟阿森納已經兩個賽季,德國人已經逐漸適應了英國的生活,天氣以及英格蘭 的足球風格。他也向我們講述了自己的「倫敦故事」,以及這兩年來對英超的體驗和 感悟 ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2014-05-24T00:00
*類型不拘 (可以的話請標明下類型)
*請標示它是否完結 或是動漫完結 但漫畫仍在連載
*比較喜歡的男生類型:赤司(奇 ...

愛爾達足球大使選拔賽 懇請鄉民幫幫忙

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2014-05-23T23:34
●同事參加了愛爾達足球大使選拔賽, 過程中也很認真的製作拉票影片,(題外話:我是攝影師) 雖然他不是個帥氣男孩,但他真的很認真, 他很希望可以有機會當選足球大使, 但活動截止日越來越近,票數差距也越來越大, 懇請鄉民們每日幫幫忙投個票,給他個鼓勵鼓勵吧! 因他的權限不足,無法PO文,故 ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2014-05-23T22:55
http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/27545046 Chelsea: David Luiz closing in on £40m Paris St-Germain move 23 May 2014 Last updated at 14:32 GMT - By Davi ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2014-05-23T13:03
ZEIT長專訪:「清掃者」默特薩克 中文翻譯轉自Arseblog阿絲中文站 http://qgc.qq.com/106258565/t/38?from ...