球迷在巴黎街頭暴亂,但無人被捕 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2014-04-05T20:42

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2014-04-03 09:08:34 來源: 網易體育







本文來源:網易體育 作者:lewilee



French police confirm no arrests after Paris trouble

Last Updated: 03/04/14 5:01pm

French police have confirmed no arrests took place during an incident
involving Chelsea supporters in Paris prior to their game against Paris

It has been confirmed that one person was 'lightly injured' in the
incident, which according to police reports lasted 'one-and-a-half

Early reports claimed around 400 Chelsea fans were involved in the
disturbance, which took place in one of Paris' most popular tourist
streets, Rue St Denis.

Malcolm Clarke, chairman of the Football Supporters' Federation, stressed
the need for fans to respect the local culture when travelling abroad and
highlighted the vast decrease in trouble caused by British fans in the
past 20 years.

"I can't really comment on the Chelsea situation because I don't know the
details of it but we always advise fans to be very aware of the local
circumstances and if there are any risks there," Clarke told Sky Sports

"You have to understand the local culture because some types of behaviour
that might be acceptable in this country are not acceptable elsewhere.

"So it's a question of being sensible, streetwise and respecting the
culture of the place that you're visiting.

"But I think it should be celebrated that the amount of trouble we've had
from English fans abroad has hugely decreased in the last couple of
decades and continues to do so."

The FSF has produced a supporters' guide to Brazil in time for this
summer's World Cup and Clarke urged anyone planning to visit the
tournament to obtain a copy.

"Our chief executive has just come back from an advance visit to Brazil
and we will be producing a fans' guide for people travelling to Brazil
that will give information about travel and local cultures.

"People need to be sensitive to things like that. It's packed with hard
information and good advice and our best advice is to get hold of that if
you're going to Brazil."

Although the Parisian police played the incident down, Damien, a
salesperson for a sports store, claimed there was considerable damage
caused as around 300 fans exchanged blows.

He told Sky Sports News: "What happened is there was a huge fight between
hooligans, the Parisian clan and the Chelsea clan, they fought it out in
front of our store.

"They smashed the store, the terrace, the bar opposite me, they threw
everything. It was quite distressing. It was quite frightening as well
when all the men were fighting.

"It was like the films, there was blood. There were 300. We didn't have
time to pack everything up and sadly they fought each other just in front
of us. And there we go. They smashed up the store."


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Tags: 足球

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