受傷的原因 - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2014-04-05T13:44

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Arsène Wenger has suggested that Arsenal's injury problems might be related
to his players taking legal supplements to enhance aspects of their lifestyle
and performance without the knowledge of the club.

教授: 球員私下使用合法的補給品..但是我們不知道

The manager revealed last month that he had ordered an investigation into the
club's training methods and medical procedures in an effort to establish
whether they could have avoided their latest injury crisis. The absence of
the attacking midfielders Aaron Ramsey, Theo Walcott, Mesut Özil and Jack
Wilshere has hit them hard while the defender Laurent Koscielny has also been
out with a muscle strain.

全面展開調查...包含訓練方法跟醫療行為...以防再有如此的受傷危機.. 中場海GG

Arsenal's Premier League title challenge appears to have been overtaken by
the more familiar battle to finish in the top-four and trip to fifth-placed
Everton has assumed tremendous importance. The good news for Arsenal is that
Ramsey will return to the squad after more than three months out with thigh
trouble, although he will feature as a substitute at best while the full-back
Nacho Monreal is also back in contention after a foot injury.


Wenger said that the internal review had yet to yield any hard and fast
conclusions but he advanced a personal theory. "Some of them [muscle
injuries] are down to the medication that the players take that you don't
even know about. Then you realise afterwards that they took this medication
but that's not prudent."


但是我們不知道 但是這是不夠謹慎的

He added that certain medication could affect the liver and then it "doesn't
work as well ... the toxins don't go as quickly out of the body as they
should and they [the players] get tired". Injuries are sometimes the result
of lower levels of stamina; if a player is, to borrow a phrase from Wenger
"in the red".

藥品可能對肝有傷害.. 但不一定對受傷有一定療效 毒素沒有這麼快排出

更容易造成疲勞.. 有時候是體力下降造成的受傷 (教授也懂食品學 ~~!!!)

He was asked to give examples of the kind of medication he was referring to.
"If you lose your hair and you've taken something to make your hair grow, it
might not be good, especially for the rest of your body," he said.
"Medication always pushes a part of your body and is sometimes detrimental to
other parts of your body.

教授 : 禿頭 -- > 吃藥 -- > 長頭毛 -- > 傷害其他部位 (羅本表示)

"At the moment, we have not come to any conclusion … every case can be very
different and you need to analyse very deeply why things happen. I'm
surrounded by people who want to enhance their performances because they have
another problem in their life and it's not always necessarily a good thing to

Arsenal's doctors do not believe that there is a link between supplements,
tablets or medication and injuries while no one in the squad is on long-term
medication. The doctors strive to provide and oversee the use of any
supplements that may be required.

還沒有結論... 需要進一步分析...但是隊醫不同意 沒有人是長期的藥罐子

Ramsey was in the red before he played at West Ham United on Boxing Day, the
league fixture in which he suffered his thigh injury but Wenger admitted that
because the player was in the form of his life, he had struggled to give him
a rest. "When Ramsey got his injury we saw he was tired at West Ham, so maybe
sometimes when the player is very important as well, you are tempted to play
him even when he is tired," he said.

教授 : 有時候球員狀態太好你捨不得輪換... (教授你.......)

Ramsey's performances over the first-half of the season had advertised him as
a potential player of the year and although that chance has gone, there
remains plenty for him and the team to play for, not least the FA Cup, in
which they face Wigan Athletic in the semi-finals next Saturday. "The number
of goals Ramsey has scored is tremendous for a midfielder," Wenger said. "He
turns up in the box. He is a bit Lampard-ish. There is a lot more to come
from him."

拉神的上半球季表現之好..有機會角逐年度MVP 雖然因為受傷GG了



拉神像LP, 會在適當的時機插上, 讓我們期待更好的拉神...

Tags: 足球

All Comments

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2014-04-05T16:22
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2014-04-05T19:01
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2014-04-05T21:39
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2014-04-06T00:18
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2014-04-06T02:56
對 哈哈 sorry ~~ 立馬改
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2014-04-06T05:34

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Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2014-04-04T21:38
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Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2014-04-03T21:01
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By Kelly
at 2014-04-03T20:24
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Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2014-04-03T00:00
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