王 & 布魯尼 look ready to pitch in f … - 棒球

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2009-05-19T00:30

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※ 引述《laechan (小太保)》之銘言:
: By lovemasami 大的訊息.
: 原文網址:
: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/baseball/yankees/2009/05/17/2009-05-17_
: chienming_wang_and_brian_bruney_look_ready_to_pitch_in_for_yankees.html
: (縮址: http://tinyurl.com/qsr4qp)

: Chien-Ming Wang and Brian Bruney look ready to pitch in for Yankees
: BY Peter Botte and Matt Gagne DAILY NEWS SPORTS WRITERS

: Unless the Yankees believe they have more to prove against Triple-A
: hitters, Chien-Ming Wang and Brian Bruney both appear on the verge of
: returning to the Bombers in the next few days.
: Wang has tossed 13 shutout innings in two rehab starts for Triple-A
: Scranton, including seven frames Sunday in a 3-0 win in the first game
: of a doubleheader against Columbus. The two-time 19-game winner, who
: posted an unsightly 34.50 ERA in three starts before going on the DL
: on April 19 with hip soreness, gave up four hits and walked none while
: needing just 75 pitches to record 21 outs.

: Bruney, who has been out since April 25 with elbow soreness, started
: Game 2 and allowed one run in one inning. He could be back as a bullpen
: reinforcement as early as tomorrow.

: "It's good if they're both pitching well. Maybe we'll get Bruney back
: quickly, and Chien-Ming Wang," Joe Girardi said, noting he planned to
: discuss their status last night with GM Brian Cashman, who attended
: the games in Scranton.

以下和王沒關係 不翻了..orz..

: HEARTWARMING: Brett Gardner was seemingly playing off a Hollywood script
: Friday night - a script that turned out to have a happy ending.
: After spending Friday morning with ailing children at New York Presbyterian
: Hospital in Manhattan, and after being given a good luck bracelet
: by a 9-year-old girl, Gardner came off the bench in the Yankees' 5-4 win
: and hit an inside-the-park home run in the seventh inning. A day later,
: Gardner received word that the little girl who gave him the bracelet -
: the family apparently requested her name be withheld - underwent a
: successful heart transplant after being on the waiting list for 107 days.
: "I'm glad to hear she's doing well," Gardner said. "I'm really happy
: for her, and hopefully she can make progress and make strides.
: Hopefully she gets out of the hospital soon and we'll try to get her
: and her family out here to a game or something. Hopefully at some point
: this season she'll feel up to doing it."
: X FACTOR: Girardi said OF Xavier Nady could head to Tampa to continue
: his rehabilitation from a torn elbow ligament by the time the Yanks
: leave the Bronx next Monday ... Robinson Cano was rested and didn't
: start for the first time this season, but entered as a pinch-hitter
: in the eighth and went 0-for-2. Ramiro Pena made his first career
: start at second base ... Girardi said Alex Rodriguez, who homered
: for the second straight day, might be used as the DH tonight or
: tomorrow.
: Lovemasami said: No see 'Tuesday'

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2009-05-22T10:05
英文不好問一下",and Chien-Ming Wang" 翻 "至於建仔..."??
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2009-05-23T18:44
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2009-05-25T16:45
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2009-05-28T09:17
嗯嗯 沒錯 我是用至於當連接詞的
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2009-05-31T08:37
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2009-05-31T23:20
一點也沒翻錯 , 語意就是這樣囉
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2009-06-05T03:14
Una avatar
By Una
at 2009-06-09T09:33
感謝指正 我也想了很久怎麼翻說..^^''

When should New York Yankees bring back Chien-Ming Wang?

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2009-05-19T00:15
When should New York Yankees bring back Chien-Ming Wang? by Marc Carig/The Star-Ledger Monday May 18, 2009, 10:38 AM http://blog.nj.com/yankees_main/200 ...

王 & 布魯尼 look ready to pitch in for Yankees

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2009-05-19T00:00
By lovemasami 大的訊息. 原文網址: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/baseball/yankees/2009/05/17/2009-05-17_ chienming_wang_and_brian_bruney_look_ready_to_pitch_in ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2009-05-19T00:00
請問這款鞋子絕版了嗎?http://goods.ruten.com.tw/item/show?11090101757361網路上哪裏買的到?我是想要打棒球穿的或是介紹一�� ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2009-05-18T23:52
棒球板19651 blockman 看起來疑似都會放假消息 他給的連結也都有問題 希望板主能夠處理或是請他出面說明 不要被騙 - ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2009-05-18T23:50
※ 引述《blockman (為夢想乾杯)》之銘言: 小弟初試身手,還請各位不另指教^^ : 小的英文不好 : 有誰可以大概翻譯一下剛剛股溝找到的外電文章 感激不盡^^ : Wang has tossed 13 shutout innings in two rehab starts for : Tripl ...