特里、哈扎德:孔蒂訓練強調跑動和戰術 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2017-02-04T12:44

Table of Contents

: 最後兩人還就各自球隊的訓練方式進行了交流,特里先談到了孔蒂在日常訓練中
: 的設計:“我們在戰術層面上做了很多東西,在我整個職業生涯當中從沒有練習過恰
: 當的跑位,一切都是為了皮球服務。孔蒂到隊之後我們在奔跑上做了很多工作,兩三
: 週之後大家就開始覺得很棒了。”
: 'And if I had said to you I'd finish playing last year and hadn't had
: that experience of Conte I would have gone into my management with the
: mind set of I'm not running my players, not too many tactics. But that's
: the exact opposite, we're doing running, tactics, gym work. I can
: physically feel the benefits of it.'


2017年02月04日09:02 新浪體育








Chelsea captain John Terry reveals his 'body fat has come down a huge
amount' under Antonio Conte's demanding training regime

By Tom Bassam - Updated: 14:19 GMT, 3 February 2017



Man Utd and Arsenal are Chelsea's biggest title rivals, says Eden Hazard

By Charlotte Marsh - Last Updated: 02/02/17 6:27am

Hazard worked under current United manager Jose Mourinho for
two-and-a-half years at Chelsea, winning the title in the 2014/15
campaign. The Portuguese was sacked last season, ultimately being replaced
by former Italy boss Antonio Conte in the summer.

Henry pressed Hazard on the styles of the two coaches and the 26-year-old
explained Chelsea do more work on the training pitch with their current

"In tactics and training we do more with Conte," he said. "We work a lot
of tactical positions and we know exactly what we have to do on the pitch,
where I have to go and where the defenders have to go.

"We know exactly what to do. With Mourinho, he put in a system but we
didn't work lots. We know what to do because we play football, but maybe
the automatisms were a little bit different. With Mourinho, Nemanja Matic
was behind me in the season when we won the title and sometimes I stayed
in front and Matic did the job.

"With Conte it's different. I close more inside because Marcos Alonso is
there as a wing-back. I just need to be ready to counter-attack if we get
the ball."


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Tags: 英超

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By Agatha
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at 2017-02-03T21:28
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