火箭快艇R2G2我們能學到的五件事 - NBA
By Olivia
at 2015-05-08T14:36
at 2015-05-08T14:36
Table of Contents
What we learned from the Rockets’ Game 2 win over the Clippers
我們可以從火箭快艇第二戰火箭勝利上學到什麼呢? http://tinyurl.com/p7yl4um
James Harden knew what to do against the defense the Clippers threw at him,
but it wasn’t working. He wanted to do more. The Clippers sent two defenders
at him on the perimeters and flooded the lane inside. Harden moved the ball
to open shooters, who generally missed. The Rockets were 2 of 14 on 3s in the
first half. He took 3-pointers and missed, going 1 of 6 from deep in the
half. By the time he was pulled from the game with two fouls less than two
minutes into the second half, he had eight points and five turnovers. When he
returned, however, the game has changed around him and he was ready to take
advantage. With the small lineup, the Clippers could not run a power forward
at him. Harden got himself going by drawing fouls off the dribble. He made
his free throws, got some of his touch back and made a pair of 3s. He scred
16 of his 32 points in the fourth quarter. The Clippers, however, will likely
show the same sort of defense. Either Harden or the shooters around him will
have to make 3s to ge thtem out of it. The fourth quarter, however, showed
that if he can get back to looking to attack, he can get things done.
鬍子哈登清楚面對快艇加在他身上的防守, 他該如何因應, 但沒作效, 他想要做的更多
; 快艇在鬍子到場中間時就派出兩名包夾, 並也在禁區佈下重防, 鬍子只好把球傳給有
空檔的射手隊友處, 但上半場火箭的三分球卻僅僅只有14中2, 鬍子自己上半場也只有
6中1的三分球表現, 那時候上半場剩下2分鐘左右時鬍子就下場休息了, 此時的他, 8分
然而, 下半場當他再度上陣時, 看到鬍子飄動的風向由六四˙水火未濟轉向十四˙火天
大有時, 他知道, 比賽的風向變了, 變得對他有利了~ 快艇派出的1大4小陣容無法支
出一名大前鋒協防他, 眼前頓時開闊的賽場, 美髯公一次次的運球殺進殺出, 殺的裁判
屢屢吹哨叫好, 讓自己賺得了許多次的罰球機會, 命中那些罰球的同時, 風向也讓先前
緊貼的防守退了些, 他更把握住機會砍進了兩顆三分! 這場鬍子得到的32分之中就有16
快艇可能將再次排上這樣的防手陣容, 到那時不論是鬍子還是火箭的其他射手都將會把
握這機會狂砍三分來擊敗快艇, 第二戰第四節就很明顯的能看到, 如果給鬍子這樣的攻
擊機會, 他是一定會把握住大肆開火的~
The Clippers subtly complained about the 64 free throws the Rockets put up,
and not only because they, like so many others, had to watch it. They had a
role in the Rockets march to the lane, often going with a hack-a-Rocket
strategy. But their complaint did not seem to be that the Rockets took the
most free throws in a playoff game since the 1968 76ers, but that they didn’
t, too. The Rockets took and made the most free throws in franchise playoff
history. Harden’s 15 free throws were a lot, but not for him. He averaged
more than 10 in the regular season. Dwight Howard’s 21 free throws were a
ridiculously large total, but many were taken because the Clippers chose to
put him there. Between them, Howard and Harden took more free throws than the
entire Clippers team, but it did not seem that there could be much complaint
about them going to the line. Had Kevin McHale not pulled Howard for four
fourth-quarter minutes, they would have taken even more free throws If the
Clippers really wanted to go to the line more, they could have left DeAndre
Jordan in longer, but when the Rockets went with a small lineup, the Clippers
did, too. The Clippers complaint about the Rockets’ abundance of free throws
might have been understandable, but not because they got a raw deal, but
because even with the Rockets missing 22 freee throws, it did not work.
火箭這場的64次罰球快艇為有怨言, 就像其他曾對戰過火箭的球隊一樣, 他們只能站在
一旁看火箭罰球表演, 當然有時候是因為快艇的駭客戰術使然, 但快艇的不滿並不是因
為火箭成了1968年的76人以來季後賽單場最多罰球的隊伍, 而是為什麼火箭有而快艇沒
火箭得到季後賽史上最多罰球機會也命中最多罰球, 鬍子有15罰, 是很多但也沒什麼,
畢竟他常規賽場均就超過10罰; DH的21罰雖然多的很誇張, 但很多都是因為快艇的駭客
戰術讓DH被迫站上罰球線. 雖然鬍子跟DH兩個人得到的罰球就比快艇全隊來的多, 但這
也不足以讓快艇抱怨火箭的罰球次數. 如果McHale第四節沒讓DH下場約4分鐘, 火箭的
罰球次數會更多, 如果快艇想要更多的罰球次數, 他們就會讓DAJ更久的呆在場上, 但
事實上是當火箭擺出小陣容時, 快艇也跟著擺出小陣容了.
快艇賽後抱怨火箭大量的罰球機會我們能夠理解, 但絕不是因為快艇被不公平對待, 而
Trevor Ariza had struggled with his shot in the postseason, but throughout
the season, his play has been about more than his 3-point shooting. That was
never more clear than on Monday when Ariza played power forward, successfully
fronting Blake Griffin on one end and aggressively attacking the Clippers
defense on the other. He hit just one 3-pointer in the second half, but it
did seem to pull the Clippers out of the lane a bit, giving the Rockets
spacing they desperately needed. Ariza played 45 minutes because the Rockets
could not afford to take him off the floor, finishing with 15 points and 13
rebounds and a key role in the comeback.
火箭的Ariza季後賽投籃手感不順, 但綜觀本季, 他的貢獻絕不僅僅只是他的三分球,
這點從第二戰他打大前鋒時就能知道, 他成功的防守住Griffin, 並在另一端積極的擊破
快艇的防守, 雖然他只在下半場砍中一顆三分, 但那顆三分卻對快艇打擊頗大, 並給了
火箭亟需的喘息空間. 這場Ariza打了45分鐘之久, 是因為火箭真的無法負擔他在場下
的風險, 此役他貢獻了15分13籃板~
As much mileage as the Rockets got from their small lineup, their power
forwards likely will have to step up. Terrence Jones showed signs of that in
the second half when he was much more aggressive in defending Blake Griffin
and active on both ends. Jones had six of his eight rebounds and all three of
his blocked shots in the second half. After a 1 of 5 first half, he made 3 of
5 shots in the second half, scoring eight of his 10 points. Josh Smith
followed his 3-of-12 shooting in the series opener by making 3 of 9 in Game
2. He made 2 of 6 free throws as one of the Clippers’ hack-a-Rocket targets.
That often brought Jones, a better shooter from the line, back in the game.
The Rockets will likely need Jones to do much more. In the second half on
Wednesday, he showed that he can.
火箭從小陣容上獲得了許多好處, 他們的大前鋒可能也會跳出來做出貢獻, T.Jones這戰
下半場當他積極的在攻防兩端對抗Griffin時有展現出這跡象, 他在下半場抓下全場8顆
籃板中的6顆, 並搧出全部的3次火鍋, 上半場5投1中後, 他下半場5中3, 整場砍下的10
分就有8分是下半場拿到的; 首戰12投3中的Josh Smith這場9中3, 面對快艇的駭客戰術
Josh 6罰2中, 這戰術也讓火箭將罰球命中率較高的T.Jones得以回到場上, 下一場火箭
可能會需要T.Jones跳出來貢獻更多些, 而Jones也在第二戰時以身手回覆了他辦的到
As much as the Rockets lamented wasting the Game 1 opportunity with Chris
Paul out, the Clippers headed home with regrets about letting the Rockets off
the hook. With a 2-0 lead and Paul likely to return at some point in the
series, they would have been in a commanding position. They still can be
happy to have the series 1-1 , considering they got their road split without
Paul. They Rockets, however, got a chance to get things rights. Had Paul been
playing, it would not have been surprising to have the series tied, 1-1. That
they lost a game with Paul out does not make the situation worse. It just
means that they will have to play better when he’s back than they have with
him out. The defensive turnaround in the second half was a step in that
direction, but will surely be tested in Los Angeles. The Rockets were always
likely to need a split in Staples Center, or at least to win one of three
games on the road. That is clear, now. But after kicking themselves for
letting Game 1 slip away, the Clippers felt the same way about Game 2. Though
for different reasons, neither team has played it’s best. That likely is
與其說火箭錯過了首戰快艇讓了支CP3的大好機會, 現在更重要的是快艇帶著失望回到了
主場, 他們錯失了2-0把繩子吊上火箭脖子的好機會, 如果2-0回主場打, 加上CP3隨時可
能歸隊, 那該是多麼好的優勢啊~ 但現在1-1還是值得高興的, 畢竟在沒有CP3的狀況下
在火箭主場贏得了一勝! 而火箭呢, 曾經有艘沒有CP3的快艇擺在我眼前, 我卻沒有珍
惜, 等到首戰輸了才後悔莫及, 塵世間最痛苦的事莫過於此....
這結果說明了一件事, 火箭得在CP3歸隊時打得更好才行, 想勝出勢必得至少在LA贏下一
場~ (後面就不翻了)
我們可以從火箭快艇第二戰火箭勝利上學到什麼呢? http://tinyurl.com/p7yl4um
James Harden knew what to do against the defense the Clippers threw at him,
but it wasn’t working. He wanted to do more. The Clippers sent two defenders
at him on the perimeters and flooded the lane inside. Harden moved the ball
to open shooters, who generally missed. The Rockets were 2 of 14 on 3s in the
first half. He took 3-pointers and missed, going 1 of 6 from deep in the
half. By the time he was pulled from the game with two fouls less than two
minutes into the second half, he had eight points and five turnovers. When he
returned, however, the game has changed around him and he was ready to take
advantage. With the small lineup, the Clippers could not run a power forward
at him. Harden got himself going by drawing fouls off the dribble. He made
his free throws, got some of his touch back and made a pair of 3s. He scred
16 of his 32 points in the fourth quarter. The Clippers, however, will likely
show the same sort of defense. Either Harden or the shooters around him will
have to make 3s to ge thtem out of it. The fourth quarter, however, showed
that if he can get back to looking to attack, he can get things done.
鬍子哈登清楚面對快艇加在他身上的防守, 他該如何因應, 但沒作效, 他想要做的更多
; 快艇在鬍子到場中間時就派出兩名包夾, 並也在禁區佈下重防, 鬍子只好把球傳給有
空檔的射手隊友處, 但上半場火箭的三分球卻僅僅只有14中2, 鬍子自己上半場也只有
6中1的三分球表現, 那時候上半場剩下2分鐘左右時鬍子就下場休息了, 此時的他, 8分
然而, 下半場當他再度上陣時, 看到鬍子飄動的風向由六四˙水火未濟轉向十四˙火天
大有時, 他知道, 比賽的風向變了, 變得對他有利了~ 快艇派出的1大4小陣容無法支
出一名大前鋒協防他, 眼前頓時開闊的賽場, 美髯公一次次的運球殺進殺出, 殺的裁判
屢屢吹哨叫好, 讓自己賺得了許多次的罰球機會, 命中那些罰球的同時, 風向也讓先前
緊貼的防守退了些, 他更把握住機會砍進了兩顆三分! 這場鬍子得到的32分之中就有16
快艇可能將再次排上這樣的防手陣容, 到那時不論是鬍子還是火箭的其他射手都將會把
握這機會狂砍三分來擊敗快艇, 第二戰第四節就很明顯的能看到, 如果給鬍子這樣的攻
擊機會, 他是一定會把握住大肆開火的~
The Clippers subtly complained about the 64 free throws the Rockets put up,
and not only because they, like so many others, had to watch it. They had a
role in the Rockets march to the lane, often going with a hack-a-Rocket
strategy. But their complaint did not seem to be that the Rockets took the
most free throws in a playoff game since the 1968 76ers, but that they didn’
t, too. The Rockets took and made the most free throws in franchise playoff
history. Harden’s 15 free throws were a lot, but not for him. He averaged
more than 10 in the regular season. Dwight Howard’s 21 free throws were a
ridiculously large total, but many were taken because the Clippers chose to
put him there. Between them, Howard and Harden took more free throws than the
entire Clippers team, but it did not seem that there could be much complaint
about them going to the line. Had Kevin McHale not pulled Howard for four
fourth-quarter minutes, they would have taken even more free throws If the
Clippers really wanted to go to the line more, they could have left DeAndre
Jordan in longer, but when the Rockets went with a small lineup, the Clippers
did, too. The Clippers complaint about the Rockets’ abundance of free throws
might have been understandable, but not because they got a raw deal, but
because even with the Rockets missing 22 freee throws, it did not work.
火箭這場的64次罰球快艇為有怨言, 就像其他曾對戰過火箭的球隊一樣, 他們只能站在
一旁看火箭罰球表演, 當然有時候是因為快艇的駭客戰術使然, 但快艇的不滿並不是因
為火箭成了1968年的76人以來季後賽單場最多罰球的隊伍, 而是為什麼火箭有而快艇沒
火箭得到季後賽史上最多罰球機會也命中最多罰球, 鬍子有15罰, 是很多但也沒什麼,
畢竟他常規賽場均就超過10罰; DH的21罰雖然多的很誇張, 但很多都是因為快艇的駭客
戰術讓DH被迫站上罰球線. 雖然鬍子跟DH兩個人得到的罰球就比快艇全隊來的多, 但這
也不足以讓快艇抱怨火箭的罰球次數. 如果McHale第四節沒讓DH下場約4分鐘, 火箭的
罰球次數會更多, 如果快艇想要更多的罰球次數, 他們就會讓DAJ更久的呆在場上, 但
事實上是當火箭擺出小陣容時, 快艇也跟著擺出小陣容了.
快艇賽後抱怨火箭大量的罰球機會我們能夠理解, 但絕不是因為快艇被不公平對待, 而
Trevor Ariza had struggled with his shot in the postseason, but throughout
the season, his play has been about more than his 3-point shooting. That was
never more clear than on Monday when Ariza played power forward, successfully
fronting Blake Griffin on one end and aggressively attacking the Clippers
defense on the other. He hit just one 3-pointer in the second half, but it
did seem to pull the Clippers out of the lane a bit, giving the Rockets
spacing they desperately needed. Ariza played 45 minutes because the Rockets
could not afford to take him off the floor, finishing with 15 points and 13
rebounds and a key role in the comeback.
火箭的Ariza季後賽投籃手感不順, 但綜觀本季, 他的貢獻絕不僅僅只是他的三分球,
這點從第二戰他打大前鋒時就能知道, 他成功的防守住Griffin, 並在另一端積極的擊破
快艇的防守, 雖然他只在下半場砍中一顆三分, 但那顆三分卻對快艇打擊頗大, 並給了
火箭亟需的喘息空間. 這場Ariza打了45分鐘之久, 是因為火箭真的無法負擔他在場下
的風險, 此役他貢獻了15分13籃板~
As much mileage as the Rockets got from their small lineup, their power
forwards likely will have to step up. Terrence Jones showed signs of that in
the second half when he was much more aggressive in defending Blake Griffin
and active on both ends. Jones had six of his eight rebounds and all three of
his blocked shots in the second half. After a 1 of 5 first half, he made 3 of
5 shots in the second half, scoring eight of his 10 points. Josh Smith
followed his 3-of-12 shooting in the series opener by making 3 of 9 in Game
2. He made 2 of 6 free throws as one of the Clippers’ hack-a-Rocket targets.
That often brought Jones, a better shooter from the line, back in the game.
The Rockets will likely need Jones to do much more. In the second half on
Wednesday, he showed that he can.
火箭從小陣容上獲得了許多好處, 他們的大前鋒可能也會跳出來做出貢獻, T.Jones這戰
下半場當他積極的在攻防兩端對抗Griffin時有展現出這跡象, 他在下半場抓下全場8顆
籃板中的6顆, 並搧出全部的3次火鍋, 上半場5投1中後, 他下半場5中3, 整場砍下的10
分就有8分是下半場拿到的; 首戰12投3中的Josh Smith這場9中3, 面對快艇的駭客戰術
Josh 6罰2中, 這戰術也讓火箭將罰球命中率較高的T.Jones得以回到場上, 下一場火箭
可能會需要T.Jones跳出來貢獻更多些, 而Jones也在第二戰時以身手回覆了他辦的到
As much as the Rockets lamented wasting the Game 1 opportunity with Chris
Paul out, the Clippers headed home with regrets about letting the Rockets off
the hook. With a 2-0 lead and Paul likely to return at some point in the
series, they would have been in a commanding position. They still can be
happy to have the series 1-1 , considering they got their road split without
Paul. They Rockets, however, got a chance to get things rights. Had Paul been
playing, it would not have been surprising to have the series tied, 1-1. That
they lost a game with Paul out does not make the situation worse. It just
means that they will have to play better when he’s back than they have with
him out. The defensive turnaround in the second half was a step in that
direction, but will surely be tested in Los Angeles. The Rockets were always
likely to need a split in Staples Center, or at least to win one of three
games on the road. That is clear, now. But after kicking themselves for
letting Game 1 slip away, the Clippers felt the same way about Game 2. Though
for different reasons, neither team has played it’s best. That likely is
與其說火箭錯過了首戰快艇讓了支CP3的大好機會, 現在更重要的是快艇帶著失望回到了
主場, 他們錯失了2-0把繩子吊上火箭脖子的好機會, 如果2-0回主場打, 加上CP3隨時可
能歸隊, 那該是多麼好的優勢啊~ 但現在1-1還是值得高興的, 畢竟在沒有CP3的狀況下
在火箭主場贏得了一勝! 而火箭呢, 曾經有艘沒有CP3的快艇擺在我眼前, 我卻沒有珍
惜, 等到首戰輸了才後悔莫及, 塵世間最痛苦的事莫過於此....
這結果說明了一件事, 火箭得在CP3歸隊時打得更好才行, 想勝出勢必得至少在LA贏下一
場~ (後面就不翻了)
All Comments
By Kyle
at 2015-05-08T17:16
at 2015-05-08T17:16
By Elizabeth
at 2015-05-12T05:27
at 2015-05-12T05:27
By Caroline
at 2015-05-16T19:23
at 2015-05-16T19:23
By Dinah
at 2015-05-18T23:05
at 2015-05-18T23:05
By Poppy
at 2015-05-21T18:46
at 2015-05-21T18:46
By Yedda
at 2015-05-25T04:13
at 2015-05-25T04:13
By Megan
at 2015-05-27T02:56
at 2015-05-27T02:56
By Agatha
at 2015-05-28T19:31
at 2015-05-28T19:31
By Bethany
at 2015-06-02T02:21
at 2015-06-02T02:21
By Una
at 2015-06-06T19:18
at 2015-06-06T19:18
By Eden
at 2015-06-10T12:20
at 2015-06-10T12:20
By Leila
at 2015-06-10T22:31
at 2015-06-10T22:31
By Faithe
at 2015-06-12T04:43
at 2015-06-12T04:43
By Anonymous
at 2015-06-14T16:17
at 2015-06-14T16:17
By Irma
at 2015-06-15T07:45
at 2015-06-15T07:45
By Poppy
at 2015-06-16T07:42
at 2015-06-16T07:42
By Madame
at 2015-06-21T04:43
at 2015-06-21T04:43
By Tristan Cohan
at 2015-06-25T23:56
at 2015-06-25T23:56
By Frederica
at 2015-06-26T18:32
at 2015-06-26T18:32
By Michael
at 2015-06-27T11:31
at 2015-06-27T11:31
By Isabella
at 2015-07-01T14:43
at 2015-07-01T14:43
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