洛夫圖斯奇克:想留隊踢球、薩里注重戰術 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2018-11-04T22:36

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來源:天空體育 2018-11-03 22:22:24




Despite being reduced to three Premier League appearances off the bench,
Loftus-Cheek has impressed in the cup competitions, most notably scoring a
hat-trick in the Europa League when starting against BATE last week.

He will hope that form translates to start on Sunday, in a match which
sees Chelsea head coach Sarri come up against Roy Hodgson in the dugout.

Loftus-Cheek worked under Palace boss Hodgson last season as the club
recovered from a poor start to safely secure their Premier League status,
and the midfielder says there are some similarities with Sarri's methods
at Chelsea.

"Roy doesn't do most of the training. He does a lot of the tactics. When
he first came in he spent a lot of time on tactics defensively and every
day just trying to nail it," Loftus-Cheek added. "It took a bit of time
but then we got into a rhythm and we had that good run in the league. His
ways really stuck with us and had a benefit on the team.

"Sarri is very big on tactics as well. We do stuff repeatedly day in, day
out on shape. So in a way it's similar. Sarri likes to be aggressive on
the press, which I think is good for Chelsea to be a dominant team."



Ruben Loftus-Cheek understands why there are calls to leave Chelsea

Last Updated: 03/11/18 1:26pm


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