比賽結果比表現好還重要 - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

By Linda
at 2010-12-09T11:01
at 2010-12-09T11:01
Table of Contents
Result > Performance
By GilbertoSilver
Gunnerblog http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2659
Arsenal 3 - 1 Partizan Belgrade
(Van Persie (pen) 29, Cleo 52, Walcott 73, Nasri 77)
Highlights (http://goo.gl/aj2YV ) | Arsene’s reaction (http://goo.gl/PhEY6 )
The result was always going to be more important than the performance…
It would have been nice to have both, but if we had to chose we’d all have
taken the win. Partizan defended well and made it difficult for us: at times
they had up to ten men all in that defensive third of the field. It’s no
surprise we struggled to break them down, but I thought we were impressively
patient and got there in the end.
當然,兩者兼具會更好,但若得擇其一,我們都會選擇贏了才重要。Partizan 守得不錯,
Robin van Persie played the Cesc role…
Robin van Persie 扮演著 Cesc 的角色...
…as captain, penalty-taker, and even in terms of position. He played in a
deep role behind Chamakh, occasionally switching to the flanks, and I’m not
sure it entirely suited him. It’s great that he has his first goal of the
season, and his relief was palpable - though I do wish he’d try and
celebrate in a way that put less pressure on his brittle joints than sliding
along the turf.
作為隊長、主罰球者、甚至在戰術位置都一樣。他負責在 Chamakh 後面支援,不時換位
(其實他的滑草皮是跳起來跪下去, 完全不是漸進地滑草皮, 千萬別再這樣滑了 Orz)
The goal we conceded reminded me of our game at Villa Park…
被進的一球,令我想起之前在 Aston Villa 的賽事...
The manner in which Sebastien Squillaci failed to close down Cleo was very
reminiscent of Gael Clichy’s failure to get out to Ciaran Clark before he
volleyed in to the top corner. In this instance, Squillaci didn’t feel he
could go because Koscielny had been turned and left for dead, and the more
experienced defender was left dealing with two men. Two things: 1) Of course
Koscielny has to make sure that doesn’t happen in future, but 2) if it does,
Squillaci simply has to go to the play with the ball first rather than
worrying about marking a second man.
Sebastien Squillaci 對 Cleo 太過禮貌而予其射門的空間,像極了 Gael Clichy 沒有
壓迫 Ciaran Clark 而導致後者漂亮地踢進球門角。這次,Squillaci 認為不該過去壓迫
因為 Koscielny 被甩掉而留出空檔,使得較有經驗的後衛被迫面對兩人。我只能提出兩點
建議:1) Koscielny 必須保證以後不再犯這樣的錯誤,但是 2) 就算發生了,Squillaci
僅需守住球為優先,而不是去擔心要不要盯住跑位的人。(畢竟球才是重點嘛( ̄ー ̄;))
Theo Walcott made up for a disastrous substitute appearance on Saturday…
Theo Walcott 在上週六的替補上場,表現很糟...
…with an absolutely crucial goal. Against Fulham, he looked very much out
of sorts, running down corridors with his head down and his touch uncertain.
He even had a go at Bacary Sagna when he appeared to have little
justification. Fortunately, last night, he was in better form, and when he
replaced the disappointing Andrey Arshavin he made exactly the right impact,
volleying the vital second goal.
但這次卻進了極為重要的一球。之前對上 Fulham 時,他看上去完全不在狀態,只能一昧
地往前衝,且觸感又不怎麼好。甚至他以一點也沒說服力的辯護來歸咎在 Bacary Sagna。
幸運的是,昨晚他狀態不錯,當他替補表現令人失望的 Andrey Arshavin 時還成就了關鍵
Alex Song was involved in the build-up for both goals…
Alex Song 參與兩顆進球的組織過程...
…which is all well and good, but I still think he could do more to protect
the back four. Having the freshly-shaven Denilson alongside him last night
definitely helped, however.
Denilson 搭配著他有著不錯的防禦表現。
Samir Nasri’s goal was even better than it looked…
Samir Nasri 的進球比看上去的還要更好...
The build-up between Song and Bendtner is lovely, but the finish is once
again outstanding. You almost can’t see it at normal speed, but a glance at
the replays will show that upon receiving the ball, he instantly shifts it
just the hard-yard it requires to give him the space to shoot. Give it a
watch again. It’s brilliant.
由 Song 和 Bendtner 的小組配合確實很棒,但負責完成最後一擊的再次展現卓越的能力
Bacary Sagna’s sending off was the correct decision…
Bacary Sagna 的紅牌出局是正確的判決...
The striker was through on goal; Sagna didn’t get the ball - I can’t see
how much more there is to discuss. It felt harsh, partly because the
Partizan fans were so outnumbered. Had it been an Arsenal player brought
down whilst tearing at goal, with 60,000 voices baying for the card, it wouldn
’t have seemed odd at all. Just because the contest is dead doesn’t mean
rules go out the window.
對方射手正直驅球門;Sagna 沒有觸及球,我不認為有什麼討論的空間。那確實不好判決
,但某種程度上是基於 Partizan 的球迷相當地多。無論如何,就是對手衝向球門時,
We now face one of Real, Barca, Schalke or Bayern…
我們會面臨的對手有:Real, Barca, Schalke, 或 Bayern...
After finishing second in the group (Shakhtar dispatched Braga with the ease
you’d expect), we now face a tricky draw for the second round. Obviously a
trip to Germany would hold a lot less fear than a clash with one of the
Spanish giants, but I’m not worrying myself too much about who we’ll face.
As I’ve said before: if you want to win it, you have to beat the big sides
eventually. If you’re not good enough to beat them, you might as well go
out early and concentrate on the domestic prizes on offer.
拿到小組第二以後(如你所料,Shakhtar 輕而易舉地搞定 Braga),我們下一回的對手都
是難以對付的。很顯然,要是對上 德甲 的球隊,一定會比對上西甲雙雄來得不那麼恐怖
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !
By GilbertoSilver
Gunnerblog http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2659
Arsenal 3 - 1 Partizan Belgrade
(Van Persie (pen) 29, Cleo 52, Walcott 73, Nasri 77)
Highlights (http://goo.gl/aj2YV ) | Arsene’s reaction (http://goo.gl/PhEY6 )
The result was always going to be more important than the performance…
It would have been nice to have both, but if we had to chose we’d all have
taken the win. Partizan defended well and made it difficult for us: at times
they had up to ten men all in that defensive third of the field. It’s no
surprise we struggled to break them down, but I thought we were impressively
patient and got there in the end.
當然,兩者兼具會更好,但若得擇其一,我們都會選擇贏了才重要。Partizan 守得不錯,
Robin van Persie played the Cesc role…
Robin van Persie 扮演著 Cesc 的角色...
…as captain, penalty-taker, and even in terms of position. He played in a
deep role behind Chamakh, occasionally switching to the flanks, and I’m not
sure it entirely suited him. It’s great that he has his first goal of the
season, and his relief was palpable - though I do wish he’d try and
celebrate in a way that put less pressure on his brittle joints than sliding
along the turf.
作為隊長、主罰球者、甚至在戰術位置都一樣。他負責在 Chamakh 後面支援,不時換位
(其實他的滑草皮是跳起來跪下去, 完全不是漸進地滑草皮, 千萬別再這樣滑了 Orz)
The goal we conceded reminded me of our game at Villa Park…
被進的一球,令我想起之前在 Aston Villa 的賽事...
The manner in which Sebastien Squillaci failed to close down Cleo was very
reminiscent of Gael Clichy’s failure to get out to Ciaran Clark before he
volleyed in to the top corner. In this instance, Squillaci didn’t feel he
could go because Koscielny had been turned and left for dead, and the more
experienced defender was left dealing with two men. Two things: 1) Of course
Koscielny has to make sure that doesn’t happen in future, but 2) if it does,
Squillaci simply has to go to the play with the ball first rather than
worrying about marking a second man.
Sebastien Squillaci 對 Cleo 太過禮貌而予其射門的空間,像極了 Gael Clichy 沒有
壓迫 Ciaran Clark 而導致後者漂亮地踢進球門角。這次,Squillaci 認為不該過去壓迫
因為 Koscielny 被甩掉而留出空檔,使得較有經驗的後衛被迫面對兩人。我只能提出兩點
建議:1) Koscielny 必須保證以後不再犯這樣的錯誤,但是 2) 就算發生了,Squillaci
僅需守住球為優先,而不是去擔心要不要盯住跑位的人。(畢竟球才是重點嘛( ̄ー ̄;))
Theo Walcott made up for a disastrous substitute appearance on Saturday…
Theo Walcott 在上週六的替補上場,表現很糟...
…with an absolutely crucial goal. Against Fulham, he looked very much out
of sorts, running down corridors with his head down and his touch uncertain.
He even had a go at Bacary Sagna when he appeared to have little
justification. Fortunately, last night, he was in better form, and when he
replaced the disappointing Andrey Arshavin he made exactly the right impact,
volleying the vital second goal.
但這次卻進了極為重要的一球。之前對上 Fulham 時,他看上去完全不在狀態,只能一昧
地往前衝,且觸感又不怎麼好。甚至他以一點也沒說服力的辯護來歸咎在 Bacary Sagna。
幸運的是,昨晚他狀態不錯,當他替補表現令人失望的 Andrey Arshavin 時還成就了關鍵
Alex Song was involved in the build-up for both goals…
Alex Song 參與兩顆進球的組織過程...
…which is all well and good, but I still think he could do more to protect
the back four. Having the freshly-shaven Denilson alongside him last night
definitely helped, however.
Denilson 搭配著他有著不錯的防禦表現。
Samir Nasri’s goal was even better than it looked…
Samir Nasri 的進球比看上去的還要更好...
The build-up between Song and Bendtner is lovely, but the finish is once
again outstanding. You almost can’t see it at normal speed, but a glance at
the replays will show that upon receiving the ball, he instantly shifts it
just the hard-yard it requires to give him the space to shoot. Give it a
watch again. It’s brilliant.
由 Song 和 Bendtner 的小組配合確實很棒,但負責完成最後一擊的再次展現卓越的能力
Bacary Sagna’s sending off was the correct decision…
Bacary Sagna 的紅牌出局是正確的判決...
The striker was through on goal; Sagna didn’t get the ball - I can’t see
how much more there is to discuss. It felt harsh, partly because the
Partizan fans were so outnumbered. Had it been an Arsenal player brought
down whilst tearing at goal, with 60,000 voices baying for the card, it wouldn
’t have seemed odd at all. Just because the contest is dead doesn’t mean
rules go out the window.
對方射手正直驅球門;Sagna 沒有觸及球,我不認為有什麼討論的空間。那確實不好判決
,但某種程度上是基於 Partizan 的球迷相當地多。無論如何,就是對手衝向球門時,
We now face one of Real, Barca, Schalke or Bayern…
我們會面臨的對手有:Real, Barca, Schalke, 或 Bayern...
After finishing second in the group (Shakhtar dispatched Braga with the ease
you’d expect), we now face a tricky draw for the second round. Obviously a
trip to Germany would hold a lot less fear than a clash with one of the
Spanish giants, but I’m not worrying myself too much about who we’ll face.
As I’ve said before: if you want to win it, you have to beat the big sides
eventually. If you’re not good enough to beat them, you might as well go
out early and concentrate on the domestic prizes on offer.
拿到小組第二以後(如你所料,Shakhtar 輕而易舉地搞定 Braga),我們下一回的對手都
是難以對付的。很顯然,要是對上 德甲 的球隊,一定會比對上西甲雙雄來得不那麼恐怖
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !
All Comments

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