模仿猴子的 Gavin Kirkham 逃過一劫 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-12-14T20:07

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※ 引述《JamesCaesar (首席百人隊長)》之銘言:
: http://china.chelseafc.com/news/latest/1297
: 切爾西聲明
: 上載於 : 2012年11月7日 星期三 09:16
: 切爾西俱樂部作出禁止一名28歲的球迷,在其接受警方涉嫌種族歧視的調查期間
: 進入斯坦福橋球場觀賽。涉事男子並非切爾西賽季套票擁有者,也並非我們的會員。
: 切爾西將全力配合警方的調查。
: http://www.chelseafc.com/news-article/article/2972412/
: Posted on: Tue 06 Nov 2012


By Mark Ogden - 1:28PM GMT 13 Dec 2012

The Chelsea supporter pictured making an alleged racist gesture towards
Manchester United forward Danny Welbeck will face no further action, the
Crown Prosecution Service has confirmed.

Gavin Kirkham, 28, was arrested last month after a photograph emerged of
the incident during the Capital One Cup tie between Chelsea and United at
Stamford Bridge on Oct 31.

At the time of his arrest, Scotland Yard said that Kirkham, photographed
in the Matthew Harding stand apparently raising his hands to his armpits
in a gesture aimed at - United's black striker Welbeck, was spoken to
after attending a west London police station by appointment.

However, the Metropolitan Police said last night: “Following an
investigation which included taking witness statements from those around
him in the crowd and viewing CCTV footage, a decision was taken with the
Crown Prosecution Service to proceed with no further action.”

Peter Herbert, chairman of the Society of Black Lawyers, condemned the
decision by the CPS, saying: “We are surprised and very disappointed with
this decision. We will be taking this matter up with the CPS and also the
Metropolitan Police in due course. This decision is not in the public
interest and they need to be held to account for it.”

In response to criticism of its decision, however, the CPS insisted that
there was insufficient evidence to support a prosecution.

A spokesperson said: “We have thoroughly reviewed the evidence in this
case in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors. To bring a charge
for a racially aggravated public order offence we need to be able to prove
in a court either that an individual's gestures demonstrate hostility
towards the victim based on the victim's membership or presumed membership
of a racial group, or that the offence is motivated wholly or partly by
hostility towards members of a racial group based on their membership of
that group.

“It is our decision that, having looked closely at video footage, an
image of the incident and witness statements, the evidence does not
demonstrate this to the standard required for a prosecution. There is
therefore insufficient evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction and
we are therefore not bringing a charge against this individual.”

Neither Welbeck nor Manchester United were prepared to comment on the
decision when contacted by Telegraph Sport on Thursday night.

A Metropolitan Police spokesman insisted that the organisation continues
to take allegations of racism “very seriously”. “The Metropolitan
Police Service takes any allegation of racist chanting and/or behaviour
very seriously and if any matters are brought to our attention they will
of course be thoroughly investigated. The MPS routinely work very closely
with football clubs and partner agencies to monitor behaviour to ensure
public confidence and safety.”

The Welbeck incident is not an isolated one. Last month Sunderland
supporter Liam Jones was arrested after he was photographed making what
appeared to be a monkey gesture towards West Brom's on-loan striker Romelu
Lukaku at the Stadium of Light. Jones, who claimed he was doing a chicken
dance, was released on police bail until next month.

This week Norwich City reported four separate incidents of actual or
alleged racist abuse towards Sébastien Bassong to police. A Swansea fan
was released on police bail on Sunday after being arrested the previous
day for racist gestures towards Bassong during Norwich's 4-3 win at the
Liberty Stadium. The other three incidents involved racist messages being
sent on Twitter after both the Swansea match and the 1-1 draw at Everton
on Nov 24.


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Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2012-12-14T19:24
http://china.chelseafc.com/news/latest/1395 阿茲皮利奎塔:把握機會 上載於 : 2012年12月14日 星期五 15:31 在球隊3-1戰勝蒙特雷獲得世俱盃決賽入場券後,阿茲皮利奎塔認為我們的勝利 得益於球隊在門前更加犀利的作風。 藍軍在 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2012-12-14T18:31
邀賽人 wu17 聯絡電話及信箱 0937971748 邀賽日期(一定要確定好時間喔) 12/16 早上9:30~12:30 下午1:30~天黑 邀賽地點(務必將場地確定好,以免到時又換場地,浪費球友的時間) 中壢市新街國小(天晟醫院對面) 欲參加的球友(請確定後再填入) 15UP ...

藍帕德:沒有得到續約 將離開藍軍

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2012-12-14T16:04
34歲的蘭帕德打破了沉默,他強調,自己一直在等待續約,但藍軍方面從未提及過此事。 他自信的表示,即便離開了切爾西,他還可以保持2-3年的好狀態。 蘭帕德打破了沉默,對於自己在切爾西的未來,34歲的“神燈”承認:結束了。蘭帕德傷 感的表示,切爾西方面從未找到談過續約的問題。 切爾西副隊的話語中你可以讀到些許 ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2012-12-14T15:50
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Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2012-12-14T01:50
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