斯坦福橋改用 LED 照明系統 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2014-08-12T20:24

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*斯坦福橋的球場照明系統為了符合英超本季的新標準,已全面改用 LED 射燈。本
月12日對皇家社會的友誼賽將會是英超史上首支球隊使用 LED 數碼照明系統。報導
質素,因此規定各球會逐步轉用數位 LED 系統。球迷可望本季在電視上觀賽時有更




Home improvements

Tue, 12 Aug 2014

Rarely has Stamford Bridge had such a busy summer, certainly not since the
redevelopment of the stadium's West Stand was completed in 2001, and fans
attending tonight's match against Real Sociedad will see the fruits of the
labour with a new pitch and floodlight system in operation for the first

The pitch improvement incorporates a reinforcing system for the grass plus
fresh undersoil heating, drainage and a new sprinkler system. The stadium
lighting is ground-breaking for a Premier League club.

New league regulations are in place for the presentation of evening
matches which require a significant increase in the lighting levels for TV
camera coverage from all angles, including illuminating the first 10 rows
of seating in the stands.

Whereas previously the floodlights were situated along the top of the East
and West Stands, there are now lamps at the Shed and Matthew Harding Stand
ends too, with all the lighting upgraded to a Philips LED system. Chelsea
are the first Premier League club to adopt this system to meet the
requirements, and have been working with Philips for the last three years
on the development of LED floodlights.

There are many benefits, not least that the system is very efficient as
although the light levels are increased quite considerably, the power
consumption is roughly the same as the previous lighting.

There is a reduction in the amount of flicker on TV action when
super-slow-motion replays are shown and the lights can be switched on and
off in an instant – opening the possibility for some lighting special
effects before and after games and during half-time. The lifespan of the
lights increases enormously too with a big saving in maintenance.

With the pitch, it is the first time in 11 years it has been completely
dug up, with excavation to a depth of just under half-a-metre.

Approximately 5000 tonnes were removed, equating to 300 lorry loads' worth
of material. A little less than 17 miles of undersoil heating drainage was
replaced, and that sits between a renewed stone layer and sand layer. More
irrigation points were added, especially in the centre area. On top of
that is the soil layer which completes the new make-up of the pitch.

What makes the pitch different this season is the incorporation of DESSO
reinforcement. This process entailed sewing between six and seven tonnes
of plastic polypropylene fibres into the pitch. The plastic still makes up
only three per cent of the total pitch area and the roots of the plant
wrap round the fibres and in turn give the surface greater stability,
ensuring it won't cut up as much. It is a system in use at some other
grounds including Old Trafford and the Emirates, as well as Wembley

Chelsea supporters may remember DESSO was installed at Stamford Bridge in
the 1990s, one of the earliest stadiums to have it, but the impact back
then was not positive. That pitch was replaced by the one that has given
good service up to this summer.

It is now known the previous DESSO was not put into a suitable type of
surface and in addition to that lesson learned, the knowledge behind DESSO
and its installation has improved over the years with the construction and
maintenance of such pitches progressing significantly. Studies and reports
on other stadiums with the system are good.

Though the pitch will still be renovated each year, the DESSO surface
means repairs during the close season will be reduced.

The work on the floodlights and pitch began a couple of days after the FA
Youth Cup final in May – the final match at Stamford Bridge during
2013/14 – and ended earlier this month in preparation for the forthcoming

It took a month to excavate the pitch and build it up again. The
fast-growing specialist sport seed mix was then planted and within 10 days
the grass had sprung up to such a degree it required cutting. DESSO
installation required day and night shifts for two weeks, stitching in the
fibres two cm2 at a time. In total, approximately 20 million fibres are
now embedded in the Stamford Bridge turf.

An area equivalent to two-and-half pitches with exactly the same
specifications has also been put in at Cobham, aiding the players'
preparation to perform at Stamford Bridge. Training pitches of the
previous specification remain as that is still used at some of the grounds
at which we will play at this season.

While pitch-work was progressing, a mini-Manhattan of scaffolding was
erected in the stands at Stamford Bridge to install eight new lighting
gantries and 292 light fittings. A length of 85km of special electrical
cable was needed and three pods have been added onto the back of the East
Stand to accommodate control equipment.

With all the work complete, and while on first sight Stamford Bridge may
look the same tonight, players and supporters alike will benefit from the
significant changes that have been made at our home ground this summer.


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Tags: 英超

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Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2014-08-15T20:15

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Irma avatar
By Irma
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at 2014-08-11T18:10
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Joe avatar
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