教授: 讓我們跟歐冠停止曖昧吧>.^ - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2013-10-01T12:06

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Let's end flirtation with Europe

不要再曖昧調情了 我就要她!!! (歐冠)

Arsène Wenger wants Arsenal to end their flirtation with the Champions
League and go all the way in this season's competition.
The Frenchman guided his side to the final in Paris in 2006 - where they led
Barcelona before losing to two late goals - and that's the closest Arsenal
have come to lifting the trophy despite reaching the knockout stages for 13
consecutive seasons.


The Gunners resume their latest European quest with a tough test against
Napoli at Emirates Stadium on Tuesday and Wenger would love to fill a rare
hole in his CV.


"We would love to win it as it has never been done with this club and we have
flirted with it a few times," said Wenger.

"I feel in recent years we have not been helped by the draw. We have played
Barcelona, Barcelona, Milan and Bayern [in consecutive seasons], so we have
had difficult draws. Recently we haven't had the quality to go through.

"It's something I miss and I will try to fight very hard to fill my CV with
that. But you play against Barcelona, Bayern, Real Madrid - every year they
are there with a chance.

"You always think 'let's do it every year, one year it will go for you'.
Let's hope it will be this year. The competition is higher than ever."

近幾年我們運氣不太好 我們遇到的對手是巴薩/巴薩again/米蘭跟拜仁

我非常渴望得到她 我會用盡全力的
但對手是巴薩是拜仁是皇馬 每年都很困難 今年更不例外!


"It's difficult to predict because it's a cup after the group stage," said
Wenger. "After Christmas it's about who is available, who is fit and who
isn't, you cannot plan.

"For two or three years Barcelona were above everyone. In October you know if
Messi doesn't get injured they will win it. But you could say today that the
favourite is Bayern.

"They are the same team as last year. They have won it. They have bought
Goetze on top. As well they know they can do it and have played in the final
many times. That might make them a favourite ahead of Barcelona as Messi does
not seem to have the same consistent presence that he had for years before."

不過現在最熱門的還是拜仁 他們的陣容不變 還加了格策~~~
blah blah blah


Let’s GÖ Gunners!!!

Tags: 足球

All Comments

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2013-10-06T01:12
Let’s GÖ Gunners!!! 拿下歐冠!!!
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2013-10-10T14:17
教授果然是法國人 >///<
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2013-10-15T03:22
其實, 沒有拿到冠軍這件事,跟遇到什麼對手關係不大
David avatar
By David
at 2013-10-19T16:28
明天凌晨一起吃披薩吧!! goal!
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2013-10-24T05:33
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2013-10-28T18:38
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2013-11-02T07:44
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2013-11-06T20:49
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2013-11-11T09:54


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2013-10-01T03:22
http://ppt.cc/YAuT Junior Gunner: How funny do you think it is that you are called Arsene, and you work at Arsenal? 小槍迷:你叫Arsene,又在Arsenal工作,你自己是不是也覺得很有意 ...

本日twitter (272)

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2013-09-30T22:51
我可不是偏心他 但我覺得他文筆很好 推特都好有梗... ( ̄﹁ ̄ ) Mesut Özil atMesutOzil1088 Looking forward to meet on tuesday Higuain, Albiol and Callejon. But: sorry. We have no pr ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2013-09-30T00:37
現在倫敦時間還是9/29,所以就一起慶賀啦! 總務股長+代理隊長Per Mertesacker在9/29這一天滿二十九歲啦!http://ppt.cc/hkQz 他稍早在自己的Facebook感謝大家的祝福,表示昨晚的勝利+榜首就是最棒的慶賀了! https://www.facebook.com/merte ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2013-09-29T19:03
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Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2013-09-29T17:39
http://ppt.cc/sw31 via mail online football (英國每日郵報) 想看明星球員表演拿手絕活?每日郵報體育版滿足您的需求。 花式足球來啦!每周我們將專門找一些球星在鏡頭前展示花式足球技巧, 並將在一段時間後選出最出眾的一位。 這一周請到阿森納的英格蘭中場Jack ...