戴娃娃的訪問 - 俄網 Tennis

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2005-11-13T03:03

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Biofile: The Elena Dementieva Interview

By Scoop Malinowski

There's no place like home for Elena Dementieva, but the Moscow-born Dementieva
has spent much of her career as a road warrior. A two-time Kremlin Cup finalist
who stunned world No. 1 Martina Hingis in the 2001 Kremlin Cup quarterfinals,
Dementieva cites her hometown tournament as her favorite stop on the WTA Tour.
The two-time Grand Slam finalist has collected four career titles on several
different continents and surfaces.

The 24-year-old Dementieva combines the good looks of a model with the spirit
of a fighter — a quality she showed in September's Fed Cup final when she
fought off French women Mary Pierce and Amelie Mauresmo in three-set singles
victories on the red clay of Roland Garros before partnering Dinara Safina to
score a 6-4, 1-6, 6-3 victory over Mauresmo and Pierce and lift Russia to its
second consecutive Fed Cup championship.

Her forehand is the fulcrum of her game, but her serve can be off center. In
the past, the Dementieva second serve, slung almost side-arm as she chased the
wide toss to her right, was like a one-note song struck to her opponent's
forehand virtually every single time. Yet it's a testament to the strength of
her strokes and her competitive character she's able to win despite such a
suspect shot. Dementieva has worked to improve the serve and has shown signs of
shoring up that stroke this season.

It was a season in which Dementieva reached finals in Charleston and
Philadelphia and advanced to the U.S. Open final four for the third time in her
career as she qualified for the season-ending Son Ericsson WTA Tour
Championships for the sixth straight year. Scoop Malinowski caught up with
Dementieva at the Advanta Championships in Philadelphia for this interview.

Status: The two-time Grand Slam finalist has won four career WTA singles
titles. She is currently ranked 8th in the world and qualified for the
season-ending Sony Ericsson WTA Tour Championships for the sixth straight year.

Height: 5-foot-11 Weight: 141 pounds.

Born: October 15th, 1981 in Moscow, Russia.

Childhood Heroes: "I never had one actually. My mom was the person that I
admire all my life. I never had a hero in my life. (Who was your favorite
tennis player as a kid?) Martina Hingis, because she played smartly, like
playing chess on the court."

Hobbies/Interests: "I'm very sport person. I like to do a lot of different
sports, like ski, snow boarding— because we have a very nice off-season in the
winter that I spend in Moscow. Or I go somewhere in the mountains. But I'm busy
pretty much with my tennis life [laughs]."

Favorite Movies: "You probably don't know this one — it's Russian movie —
Moscow Doesn't Believe In Tears."

Musical Tastes: "My favorite is Shakira."

Early Tennis Memory: "When I started to play I couldn't imagine that one day
I'm going to be part of this world. I was watching on TV, but I couldn't
believe or couldn't think about that I'm gonna be one day playing Wimbledon or
French Open. I was watching on a TV and it was like another world for me. I
remember I was watching a lot of finals between Monica Seles and Steffi Graf.
That was the very exciting memory."

Favorite Meal: "I like crabs and black caviar."

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: "Vanilla."

Pre-Match Feeling: "It's very different. But pretty much you want to feel kinda
little scary, you want to feel worry before the match. That makes you feel like
you're going to be ready to play. But also you feel a little angry before I go
on the court. Because it's difficult to play by smiling and by being nice
person on the court [smiles]."

First Job: "Oh, that's the only one I have [laughs]. Be a tennis player."

First Car: "X5 BMW. (Color?) Black."

Greatest Sports Moment: "I would say Olympic final (2000 in Sydney, lost to
Venus Williams)."

Most Painful Moment: "Never had one [laughs]."

Closest Tennis Friends: "I have a lot of good friends here, especially Russian
players. Because I have so many memories together by playing junior

Funniest Players: "I don't know. There are so many of them...Svetlana

Toughest Competitors: "I would have to say Patty Schnyder. (Why?) She has a...
she plays very different compared to other players. She has a great feeling.
She's lefty. And it's not easy to play against her."

Favorite Players To Watch: "I would say Andre Agassi and Serena Williams."

Funny Tennis Memory: "I had a broken shoe. I break playing in the Olympic
Games. And I didn't have another pair to replace it. And I was asking someone
from the crowd to give me another pair. That was such a funny moment [laughs].
And I still won this match. (Against who?) Barbara Schett. (Did they give you
the extra shoe?) Yeah, actually (former Russian pro) Natasha Zvereva gave it
to me. She was watching and her shoe was I think two or three sizes bigger than

Embarrassing Tennis Memory: "I can't remember. I never had [laughs]."

Favorite Tournament(s): "For me it's the Kremlin Cup — my hometown

People Qualities Most Admired: "Kindness."



Tags: 網球

All Comments


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2005-11-13T01:36
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2005年11月11日14:28 新聞午報   阿加西的比賽生涯已持續20年,取勝的次數超過850次,奪得過60個大賽冠軍,8次榮 膺大滿貫冠軍,在網球歷史上,是5位元曾奪得全部4個大滿貫冠軍的男單選手之一。他在 場上前後奔跑大跨步接球,雙手握拍反手抽球, ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2005-11-13T01:25
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2005年11月11日14:27 新聞午報   是英雄,似乎身邊就應該有紅巾翠袖。和他獲得過的許許多多獎盃一樣,阿加西以球 場上的英姿和獨具魅力的個性,牽引了眾多明眸。其中和波姬小絲的戀情為人津津樂道。 和波姬小絲熱戀的四年裏,阿加西在溫布林敦的成績沒有任 ...

女球迷為阿加西淚流滿面 不老傳奇要在上海贏球

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2005-11-13T01:16
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2005年11月11日10:12 《足球·勁體育》   記者汪雅雲上海報導 and#34;2002年大師杯,阿加西在上海一場未勝,當他最後淘汰出局, 轉身離開賽場時,我看見貴賓出口兩個40多歲的女球迷一邊等阿加西,一邊淚流滿面。and#34; 楊亦斌回憶起 ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2005-11-13T01:09
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2005年11月12日20:55 新浪體育 新浪體育訊 11月12日上海訊,2005年男子網壇收關戰、24位絕頂高手論劍的大師杯賽今 天在旗忠森林網球中心舉行了隆重的開幕式,這意味著備受矚目的本項比賽揭開大幕,而 揭幕戰將于13日(周日)打響,由費德勒對陣 ...

阿加西:2006還會繼續努力 希望這次令所有人滿意

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2005-11-13T01:05
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2005年11月12日19:28 新浪體育   新浪體育訊 北京時間11月12日,2005年男子網球收關戰、24位絕頂網壇高手論劍的 大師杯賽今天在宏偉壯觀的旗忠網球中心揭開了帷幕,在上海涼爽的午後,本屆大師杯進 行了簡短而熱烈的開幕式。   開幕式結束 ...