<急!!!>英文自我介紹求糾正,請糾正文法或單字的不恰當,是要進行口說的? - 運動

Una avatar
By Una
at 2015-09-20T08:17

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Good afternoon everyone.My name is Jane,and graduated in XX junior high school.Personality is lively,assertive and somewhat conceited.Interest is reading novels and playing basketball and billiards.Other sports can play a little,but not strong.You can also see me in LOL s the summoner s rift.Reason want to join the MUN is usually linked to international affairs have own opinions,but couldn t find someone to share.Now have this opportunity of course to take advantage of.

All Comments

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2015-09-21T16:05
Attention, Comrades! I am Jane, also a new graduate from OO JHS.
My personality is out-going, active, assertive, and somewhat opinionated.
Hobbies of mine are reading, basketball, and pool. Other sports are mediocre.
I am a frequent visitor of the Summoners' Rift in LOL. Come and visit me there so that I can kill you a few times.
Many reasons I have for joining MUN. The most important one among them - I am so super eager to share with you my observations on international affairs, the issues I identified, as well as solutions I think might work. Now I am here to take advantage of this opportunity to be part of the team.
Now, carry on, ladies.
Reader's notes:
1. 日語與中語 都有省略主詞"我"的習慣, but not in English.
2. My name is OO, and graduated ... 你的名子怎會畢業於XX國中?
3. conceited 太負面了.opinionated 溫柔一點吧?
4. MUN has a lot to offer. I personally learned a lot from it and made a lot of friends there. However, it requires too much travel and may hinder your other study.
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2015-09-21T18:14
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24小時不打烊, 多種遊戲任你玩


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2015-09-15T02:20
如題,因為家人的身體健康狀況不是很好,醫生建議可以帶家人多多參加戶外活動放鬆緊繃的情緒,但不知到戶外 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2015-09-14T00:49


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2015-09-07T04:59
旅遊達人幫幫忙 (宜蘭遊)
20151009 至20151011 國慶年假打算出遊
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