小威以前贏了Roddick 真的嗎? - 網球

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2009-12-11T00:37

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Andy說都是搭檔的問題 他要跟小威比單打XD
Andy怪不了啦 自己先下戰書說終於等到rematch了
還說有額外訓練 結果還輸XD

andyroddick: heading to baton rouge tomorrow to play for the first time in
awhile! anybody gonna be there? benefits elton johns aids
12:00 PM Dec 7th from web

serenajwilliams: @andyroddick I'm gonna be there
1:40 PM Dec 7th from UberTwitter in reply to andyroddick

andyroddick: @serenajwilliams we get our rematch in baton rouge!!!!! i
practiced extra today..... its on
4:14 PM Dec 7th from web in reply to serenajwilliams

andyroddick: @serenajwilliams i may or may not have lost mixed doubles in our
rematch... i blame my partner... i am waiting
for a singles rematch
about 3 hours ago from web

serenajwilliams: Morning guys!! Yesterday in Elton John charity I AGAIN beat
Andy Roddick. That make me 3 and 0 against him!!He's not
very good. I'm better.
about 1 hour ago from Tweetie

serenajwilliams: @andyroddick I always beat u. I'm better than u there is no
need for a singles re match!!!!
about 1 hour ago from Tweetie in reply to andyroddick


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2009-12-13T08:01
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-12-14T23:23
XDDD 小威還用"AGAIN" Roddick加油阿 XD
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2009-12-19T20:38
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2009-12-22T14:21
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2009-12-23T16:19
而且這又不準 其實~


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2009-12-09T11:44
對Juju來說,直到六月 Roger Federer 贏得法網前,生活都很美好。她是前網球員,一 個非常忙碌、滿足、幸福的前職業選手,而她也過的很好 ─ 直到那天 Federer 開始擾亂 她的思緒。 她坦白地把這段心路歷程講出來;以一個害羞、及重視隱私的球員來說,這坦白讓人有些 訝異。不論是 Feder ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2009-12-08T16:20
有其他人在台灣書局買到書了嗎? 我在博客來訂了1個月.. 還是通知我調貨中.. 在誠品書局也沒看到.. 怪了~ - ...

Justine is back~~

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2009-12-06T20:08
有消息嚕~~~JUJU復出的第一場比賽 擊敗同胞 K. Filpkens 6-4 6-4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6UCLTAjALU 下一場好像是對上小潘潘吧 ^^ - ...

People 11月號雜誌封面/專題報導

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2009-12-04T12:55
如題 有興趣的可以到以下網址看看 (圖檔應該夠大 可以閱讀) http://tinyurl.com/ybz8l7x - ...

羅迪克傷退 索德林遞補

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2009-11-19T05:25
年終總決賽 【戚海倫╱綜合報導】男子職網年終大戲「世界總決賽」(ATP World Tour Finals)22至 29日在倫敦舉行,昨日羅迪克宣布因膝傷不克參加,大會改由積分第9名索德林遞補。 膝傷沒好 盼明年再來 27歲的羅迪克說,對退賽感到失望,「我喜歡在倫敦出賽,一直很期待那個球場。但我的 膝傷沒 ...