小威以前贏了Roddick 真的嗎? - 網球

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2009-01-27T04:06

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※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板]

作者: VWilliams (VStarr) 看板: Tennis
標題: Re: [問題] 小威以前贏了Roddick 真的嗎?
時間: Tue Jan 27 04:00:51 2009


Serena Williams 22-01-09

Q. Could you list just a couple of your greatest matches, most dramatic. I
don't mean when you're crushing someone, playing at an A-plus level, but maybe
where you felt the excitement of the crowd against Venus, Justine or Jennifer.
你可以列一下你打得最好的幾場比賽嗎? 最具戲劇性
也許是像對上Venus, Justine Henin 或是Jennifer Capriati會讓你感受到觀眾的興奮

SERENA WILLIAMS: My greatest match, I have it on my website, was when I was
younger and I beat Andy Roddick. He'll hate me for saying that (laughter). So
indirectly, you know, I've beaten a lot of people on the men's tour.
最好的比賽嘛... 我在我的網站上有寫過 我年輕的時候打敗過Andy Roddick
他討厭我跟別人講這件事(笑) 所以間接來說我打敗過很多男選手:p

Q. That was a practice match in Florida somewhere?
是在佛州訓練的時候嗎? (Andy跟小威之前是鄰居又是同個訓練營)

SERENA WILLIAMS: Practice, it was. He always says he's ready for a rematch,
but there's no need for a rematch (laughter).
對 是在練習的時候 他總說他已經準備好要再打一次了 但我跟他說沒必要 (笑)

Q. How old were you?

SERENA WILLIAMS: You know, might have been 11. Doesn't matter. Age doesn't
matter (smiling).
十一吧 不過那不是重點

Q. How badly did you beat him?

SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, there's an argument about the score. I think I beat
him like 6-1. He says it was 6-4. But I believe it was 6-1.
關於比分的話有點爭議 我想是6-1 但他說是6-4


Andy Roddick 25-01-09

Q. You were on Serena's website as one of her best all-time wins. Can you
clarify that for us?
你在Serena的網站上被他列為是他最棒的贏球之一 你可以說說看嗎?

ANDY RODDICK: Yes, I can, unfortunately. She always just gives me crap. Ask
her about it. But she won't give me a rematch.
I saw her yesterday, and she walked on the court and started laughing because
she knew I had probably seen it. I said, It wasn't fair. When we were ten, I
had to literally run around in the shower to get wet. I was this big. She was
bench pressing dump trucks already at that time. I told her that yesterday,
and she got a good laugh. Any chance she gets she just does it to get under
my skin, and she does it very successfully.
But, you know, however many some odd Wimbledon titles and they're like,
What's your best match? I have a win over Andy Roddick. She forgets to
mention that it was 1993.
可以 非常不幸的 他總是拒絕我 他不願意再打一次
昨天我們見了面 他走上球場就開始笑不停 因為他知道我可能看到了
我得說這不公平 我們那時候才十歲 我那時候如果要洗澡還得用擠的
我那時候只有這麼大 (應該有手勢比身高吧) 可是他已經在重訓了
我昨天跟他說 他又開始笑 他得到的優勢都是因為我 [這句我不會XD]
你知道 不管他拿了幾個溫布頓 每當被問到'哪場是你最好的比賽的時候'
"噢 我贏過Andy Roddick" 但他忘了說那是1993年

Q. So a charity rematch might be in the cards?

ANDY RODDICK: I'd love to. Tell her to do it.
我很想啊 你跟他講啊

Q. She thinks now she's beaten everyone you've beaten.

ANDY RODDICK: Oh, yeah. She sat me down for five minutes yesterday and was
going through her indirect wins. She was pretty excited. She didn't know I
had two wins over Pete, so she was excited about that also. I wish I could
deny it, but I would be lying if I tried to.
對啊 他昨天跟我聊了五分鐘 我們還談了他間接的勝利
他超高興的 因為他不知道我打贏Pete (Sampras)兩是
我真想要否認 但那樣我就是在說謊了

Q. Was it 6-4 or 6-1?

ANDY RODDICK: The score gets better for her also. She's good at not letting
the truth get in the way of a good story sometimes. I think it was 6-4.
他的比分的版本也對他有利 他總是妨礙事實展現出來 我明明就覺得是6-4

Q. Do you have any history with Venus?

ANDY RODDICK: No. She was way too good. I couldn't even be on the same court.
It's great. I always enjoy seeing them do well. For literally about two and a
half, three years we had three courts in Florida, and it was me, Serena and
沒有 他那時候太棒了 我連跟他一起上球場的機會都沒有
我每次都很高興看到他們打得很好 因為大概有兩年半或三年吧
我們在佛州有過三個新希望 我 Serena 還有Venus

Q. Where was that?

ANDY RODDICK: In Delray Beach there. It was pretty cool. We just spent hours
and hours out there just playing. We all have done pretty well, and all three
of those little kids out there got to No. 1, which is pretty cool.
I'm just happy for them. They're good girls. It's nice.
Delray Beach 那裏很涼快 我們花了無數的時間在那裏打球
而我們都做得很好 我們三個都成了世界第一 酷極了
我很替他們高興 他們都是很好的人


Serena Williams 26-01-09

Q. Obviously good early on beating Andy Roddick when he was 10 years old.
Any hopes of a charity rematch?
當然啦 在Andy Roddick十歲的時候打敗他很不錯 有什麼機會來場慈善比賽嗎?

SERENA WILLIAMS: I don't think it's necessary to have a rematch. You know, I
won. I was clearly the better player. I beat Roddick, you know. Andy Roddick,
yeah (smiling).
There's really no need to have a rematch. It's unimportant [sic] now.
我覺得不需要再打一次了 反正我贏了:p 我那時候比他好
哇 我贏了Andy Roddick耶 那是Andy Roddick耶 (笑)
我真的覺得不需要再打了 這不重要XD

Q. The score speaks for itself. What was the score?
比分會說話 究竟比分是什麼?

SERENA WILLIAMS: 6-1. The score absolutely speaks for itself. He always jokes, Rematch, rematch.
But I don't even have time for a rematch (smiling).
6-1 是啊 比分會說話 他總是開玩笑要再比一次 但我沒時間(笑)

Q. What was Andy like as a 10-year-old kid? Was he a brat or a good kid?
Andy十歲的時候怎麼樣? 調皮或很乖?

SERENA WILLIAMS: You know, he was a sweetheart. He was so sweet and he was
so small. His older brother played really good tennis, John Roddick. He was
always John Roddick's younger brother. I was kind of Venus' younger sister.
I just remember he was a really sweet kid. You know, he could never really
beat me (laughter).
他可是個甜心呢XD 他很棒可是很小隻 他哥哥John Roddick球打得很好
所以他總是被稱做John Roddick的弟弟 而我就是Venus Williams的妹妹
我記得他真的是個可愛的小孩 但是他永遠打不贏我(又開始笑)

Q. If you don't want to play Andy in a charity match, maybe a
dump-truck-pressing contest?
好吧那如果你不想跟Andy打表演賽 也許可以來場舉重比賽?


Q. Did you hear about the dump-truck-pressing comment he made?

SERENA WILLIAMS: Andy's always exaggerating. I was so small for my age. He
was small, too. But he just got jealous because my body was more fit and that
my biceps are probably still bigger than his (laughter).
Andy is incredibly jealous of me. You know, I just don't know why. I can't
blame him really (smiling).
Andy總是愛誇飾 我那時候對我的年紀來說還很小隻 他也很小隻
但他總是忌妒我因為我比他更壯 我的二頭肌搞不好現在還比他大哩(笑)
Andy忌妒我 但我也不能怪他啦(笑)

Q. His exact comment was that, at the time he had to run around in the shower
to get wet while you were bench pressing dump trucks.
他的說法是 那時候他小的得用擠的才能洗澡 而你已經在做重訓了

SERENA WILLIAMS: Again, I'll have to talk to him, because he clearly didn't
have to run around. He wasn't that thin. Andy's a fit guy.
Like I said, he was always trying to get muscles like mine, get more
developed. I guess it still hasn't happened yet (laughter).
噢 我得再跟他談談 因為他完全不用用擠的 他沒那麼瘦啦 他身材已經不錯了
不過就像我說的 Andy一直想要有我的肌肉 不過我想還沒成真就是了(笑)

Q. Andy Roddick has been in the top 10 for seven straight years. I know you
can appreciate that consistency. Can you talk about him as a competitor.
Andy Roddick已經連續七年在前十裡了 我知道妳一定會稱讚那種持久

SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, he's clearly a great competitor. You know, Andy
influenced me. I think a couple years ago he wasn't playing his best tennis.
The guy never gave up. He was at every event, playing every tournament. He
never lost confidence. That actually motivated me at that point to do well. I
was able to win some tournaments after watching his spirit and
I never told him that, but he definitely did influence me to do better and to
work harder. So I think he's a great competitor. Too bad he can't beat some
women players, but nonetheless he's pretty good (smiling).
他當然是個偉大的選手 他也影響了我 我想兩年前他沒有打出好表現的時候
他還是不放棄 他打了一個又一個的比賽 他沒有對自己失去信心
那時候我其實是被他激勵的 我看到他的精神跟競爭力的時候使我能夠贏得一些冠軍
我從來沒跟他講過 但他絕對有影響我去做得更好或更努力 所以我想他是個偉大的選手
可惜他不能打贏一些女選手XD 但他還是很棒

Q. Will you watch his match against Djokovic? Or because he's your friend,
does he get too emotionally draining?
你會看他對上Djokovic嗎? 或者因為他是你的朋友 他很緊張嗎?

SERENA WILLIAMS: No, I always watch. I'm always rooting as hard as I can for
Andy. I think he's playing well, so hopefully he'll be able to pull through.
我會看 我總是盡全力替他加油 我想他現在打得很好 希望他能過關

Q. Would you like to play mixed doubles with him?

SERENA WILLIAMS: Oh, that would be great. All I would have to do is stand and
he serves every time.
很棒啊 這樣的話我就只要站在原地等他發球就好了


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2009-01-28T22:18
poor Andy.................XDD
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2009-02-02T00:39
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2009-02-03T18:42
很棒啊 這樣的話我就只要站在原地等他發球就好了 XD
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2009-02-07T22:39
George avatar
By George
at 2009-02-08T04:24
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2009-02-12T07:22
那句"Pardon?" 是"請再說一次"的意思...

澳網Day9 賽程

William avatar
By William
at 2009-01-26T18:28
Rod Laver Arena Not Before:15:00 Menand#39;s Singles - Quarter Final Round Andy Roddick(USA)[7] vs. Novak Djokovic(SRB)[3] 明天Andy 將對上Djokovic 比賽最and# ...

Roddick VS Robredo

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2009-01-25T13:33
要開打囉 進場了 歡呼聲很大XD 今天穿的很樸素 美賣 加油加油 過了這關下一場不管遇到誰都是苦戰阿! - ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2009-01-25T01:46
Hisense Arena 11:00 Start Menand#39;s Singles - 4th Round Juan Martin Del Potro(ARG)[8] vs. Marin Cilic(CRO)[19] Womenand#39;s Singles - 4th Round Nadia ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2009-01-24T21:36
各位大大應該都有發現A-Rod的球拍吧! 不知道他是換新拍還是新圖裝!? - ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2009-01-24T00:03
Q. In every which way tonight that was a thoroughly good performance. Would you agree with that? ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, I felt good from the first ball. Cre ...