姚明入選名人堂 - 籃球

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2016-07-07T09:33

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1M_03HSR ]

作者: lesnaree2 ( ) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] 姚明入選名人堂
時間: Thu Mar 31 00:37:33 2016


By Adrian Wojnarowski of The Vertical
12 minutes ago

Yahoo Sports

Former Houston Rockets center Yao Ming, a transcendent 7-foot-6 Chinese icon,
has been elected for enshrinement into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall
of Fame’s Class of 2016, league sources told The Vertical.



Yao had been nominated and enters the Hall of Fame under a newly created
Direct Elect International Committee. The formal announcement is expected to
come at the NCAA Final Four in Houston this weekend.



Yao, 35, is largely responsible for the NBA’s massive reach into China and
the Far East. Television ratings and merchandise sales exploded there upon Yao
’s rise to stardom in the NBA.



As the No. 1 overall pick in the 2002 NBA draft, Yao made a dramatic and
celebrated entrance into the league. After rapidly developing into a dominant
force, several lower leg and foot issues severely damaged his durability and
shortened his career. Yao averaged 19 points, 9.2 rebounds and 1.9 blocks per
game across parts of eight seasons.




In a career cut short because of chronic injuries – including a third left
foot fracture in 2010 –Yao retired in 2011. He was twice voted to the
All-NBA second team (2007 and ’09) and three times made the All-NBA third
team (2004, ’06 and ’08).



Included among the traditional North American Committee Finalists for the
Class of 2016 are Shaquille O’Neal, Allen Iverson and Michigan State coach
Tom Izzo.

2016的名人堂最後入選名單還有 俠客歐尼爾、Iverson和密西根州教練Tom Izzo

Tags: 籃球

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Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2016-07-07T06:28
在運動視界看到的好文分享 文章出處網址:http://www.sportsv.net/articles/31742 正文: 以下是我FB的留言: 我覺得應該自己先說說比較好。 台銀請我當助理教練,我拒絕了,原因很多,其中最大的原因是無法做事,當然我也沒有 完全拒絕,能回到養育自己的母隊,也是很棒 ...

張宗憲打SBL未定案 楊哲宜:盼先證明台

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2016-07-07T04:08
※ 引述《brother2 (farm)》之銘言: : 記者杜奕君/台北報導 : 毫無意外成為第14季SBL選秀狀元,「台灣噴射機」張宗憲6日獲得金酒青睞,成為本屆 : SBL新科狀元郎。不過張宗憲坦言,「還沒百分百確定要打SBL,預計8月初才會正式定案 : ,對於金酒環境也完全不了解。」至於金酒教頭楊哲宜則 ...

奧運落選賽 日本 vs 捷克

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2016-07-07T03:08
日本 vs 捷克 http://goo.gl/HFMNQH 亞洲碩果僅存的日本隊,伊朗跟菲律賓已經遭到淘汰 - ...

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Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2016-07-07T00:31
(中央社記者林行健馬尼拉5日專電)奧林匹克運動會男籃落選晉級賽,以「法國跑車」 派克領軍的法國隊,以9分之差力退地主菲律賓隊,驚險拿下晉級賽首勝。 菲律賓隊爭取睽違44年後再次向奧運叩門的機會,菲律賓總統杜特蒂親自主持開球。 球賽開始後,歸化菲籍的前美國NBA職籃球員布拉契(Andray Blatche) ...

她是籃球界「陳妍希」 網友:想對她違反

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2016-07-07T00:14
她是籃球界「陳妍希」 網友:想對她違反運動道德 一名網友在批踢踢表特版(Beauty)中貼出一組以「晴子真人版」為題的正妹照片,從照 片中可以看出該名正妹是位運動好手,從持球姿勢到進攻模樣,完全讓人離不開視線,此 外,更有網友指出,該正妹長相激似藝人陳妍希,其他網友們紛紛贊同,大喊「戀愛了」 據了解,該名 ...