奇爾維爾:新環境很適合我 只缺球迷到場了 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2020-11-18T03:17

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Ben Chilwell exclusive interview: Settling in seamlessly at Chelsea,
keeping the balance and getting mid-game tips off Lampard

14 Nov 2020

Before he departed on international duty, the official Chelsea website
caught up with Ben Chilwell to get his thoughts on his fantastic start to
life in SW6, discuss his role in a new-look Blues team, and hear his one
wish for the months ahead…


Of our six summer recruits, it was perhaps the arrival of Ben Chilwell
that received the least fanfare. He had long been linked with a move to
Stamford Bridge, and, unlike the others, joined from a Premier League

Chilwell's quality was well known, and his place in the England team
established. But it has immediately been apparent why Frank Lampard made
Chilwell such a priority when it came to remoulding his Chelsea squad.

The left-back has arguably been our best and most consistent performer so
far this season. Seven of his 10 appearances in blue have ended in clean
sheets, testament to the defensive stability he has added to the team.
Going forward, no defender has been involved in as many goals in the
Premier League (four), and only two have created more chances for

His start to life at Chelsea couldn't really have gone any better, could
it? That's the first question we put to Chilwell pitchside in the wake of
our 4-1 victory over Sheffield United, a performance and result that
carried us into the current international break on such a high.

'Since I've come in I have felt pretty comfortable,' acknowledges
Chilwell. 'That's down to the manager, the coaching staff and the players.
Everyone has made me feel very welcome. Also, the style of football we
play suits me perfectly.

'The manager and the coaching staff are always telling me to get in at the
back post and get up there and score more goals and get more assists. I
can't be happy just to put crosses in, but want to score and get more
assists. I have tried to add that to my game this season.

Chilwell and fellow new defender Thiago Silva celebrate the win over
Sheffield United

'Defensively, playing alongside the likes of Thiago Silva, Zoum, Reece,
Azpi, Edou behind, everyone that's been there has been brilliant. When
you're playing with people around you who you are confident in, it gives
you more confidence in the way you play. I feel like I have found it
comfortable because of how everyone has been with me.'

Perhaps what has most stood out during Chilwell's early days as a Chelsea
player has been his capability both in defence and attack.

'It's a balance,' he notes. 'It's not getting up there and being at the
back-post and leaving the rest of the defence vulnerable, and it's not
staying in defence and not getting forward.

'You have to pick and choose your moments. What I have found that is
brilliant is when I do get forward at the back post and I turn round, I
have got Mason there covering me, N'Golo, Jorginho, they are covering me,
and then you've got Thiago and Zoum who eat everything up at the back.

'I know when I do get forward the players behind me are doing a brilliant
job in terms of stopping the counter-attack.'

Chilwell says he has also benefitted from playing in front of the dugouts
for at least a half a game, with the lack of crowd noise meaning there is
no difficulty hearing Lampard's instructions. 'He makes it very easy
because he talks you through the game,' explains Chilwell, 'helping me
with positioning, and giving me little tips when the ball is on the other

Chilwell has already learned plenty from Lampard

The tactical work done at Cobham has also helped make Chilwell's
integration into the side 'seamless', as he puts it. 'When it comes to the
weekend everyone is singing off the same hymn sheet. We all know where we
need to be when someone has the ball, and defensively we all know where we
need to be when there's a turnover.'

In contrast to his fellow new signings, Chilwell did not need to move
country; Leicester is just a couple of hours up the M1 from London. But it
was still the first transfer of his career, and it was completed in the
midst of a global pandemic. The toughest element, Chilwell says, was
leaving a club he had been at since he was 12, where he was 'comfortable'
and that 'felt like home'.

Chilwell scored against us last season

'But I feel like I needed a new challenge in my career,' he continues.
'Chelsea are one of the biggest teams in Europe, and with the players that
were brought in, I was eager at 23 years old to come and try help this
team win trophies.

'Talking to a lot of the other boys that have come in, they are saying the
same. If you look at the way we've been playing the last month, if we keep
working hard, then over the next year, two, three, four, five years, we
can win a lot of silverware.'

The interview is drawing to a close, and Chilwell's attention will shortly
turn to representing his country. Before he heads off into the fresh,
autumnal night, we have one final question.

Some of Chilwell's stats highlight just what an impression he's made in
his five league appearances so far

His performances on the pitch have been superb, as has the speed with
which he has gelled with his new team-mates. But with no fans in the
stadium yet - at least not in England - does he feel like he gets Chelsea
as a club?

'I have actually asked the boys a lot about what Stamford Bridge is like
with fans because I've not experienced it myself. They're all saying it's
amazing here, especially Champions League nights.

'It's been frustrating for me there have been no fans here, especially
having scored twice at the Bridge,' he admits, taking a moment to look
around our deserted home.

'It would have been nice to celebrate with the fans, but the important
thing is we are winning. Hopefully when the fans are allowed back in we
will be in a good position in the league and we can bring them exciting

We can only share his frustration. For now, observing Chilwell's talent on
television must suffice for Blues supporters, but make no mistake: when
the Bridge is full again, our left-back will be just as enjoyable to watch
as the other players you set eyes on for the first time.



Tags: 足球

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Suhail Hany avatar
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Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2020-11-17T06:15
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Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2020-11-15T02:08
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Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2020-11-15T01:52
https://voice.hupu.com/soccer/2657299.html 來源:每日郵報 2020-11-12 18:29:52 切爾西後衛里斯˙詹姆士在接受採訪時表示,蒂亞戈˙席爾瓦給了他很大幫助, 他和齊耶奇非常有默契。 https://i.imgur.com/N0wsk0 ...


Hedwig avatar
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