大谷翔平 向Maddon表明想在明天投打二刀流 - 棒球

By Kelly
at 2021-04-26T13:29
at 2021-04-26T13:29
Table of Contents
假如規則說DH後來移去防守 那之後DH位置就是守備位置上來打的話 那麼可以大谷
先DH不投球 讓牛棚先來投 等於大谷是DH沒有守備 然後等三局還四局之後 把大谷
換上去投手當防守 然後接下來DH就是投手上來打 結果就是大谷剛好是投手上來打
最後第九局再換終結者上來關門 然後大谷休息不打
※ 引述《blackpanther ( )》之銘言:
: 推文有些板友建議「可以投完之後再改用DH/換去外野啊」之類的
: 我們來看官方規則怎麼說的
: https://www.mlb.com/glossary/rules/designated-hitter-rule
: 節錄比較重點的段落
: The DH must be selected prior to the game, and that selected hitter must come
: to bat at least one time -- unless the opposing team changes pitchers prior
: to that point. A team that chooses not to select a DH prior to a game is
: barred from using a DH for the rest of that game. A player who enters the
: game in place of the DH -- either as a pinch-hitter or a pinch-runner --
: becomes the DH in his team's lineup thereafter.
: 如果一支球隊在賽前沒有指定打擊,比賽開始後不得要求指定打擊。也就是說若大谷二刀
: 流,接他後面的投手要嘛自己上去打要嘛換代打(當然投手也就得跟著換)。
: If a player serving as the DH is later used on defense, he continues to bat
: in his same lineup spot. But for the rest of the game, his team cannot use a
: DH to bat in place of the pitcher. A team is also barred from using a DH for
: the rest of the game if the pitcher moves from the mound to another defensive
: position, a player pinch-hits for any other player and then becomes the
: pitcher, or the current pitcher pinch-hits or pinch-runs for the DH.
: 前兩句是說一旦原先的DH在比賽後段被移去防守,投手這位置就得自己上來打;而跟大谷
: 的情況可能比較有關的是上色這句:下列三種情況之一發生時,該隊不得在剩下的比賽中
: 使用DH-1.投手被移去其他守備位置;2.被派上代打的球員接替投球;3.場上投手為DH代
: 打或代跑。也就是說一旦大谷被移去其他位置,接替的投手還是得面臨第一段的情況。
: 以上。
先DH不投球 讓牛棚先來投 等於大谷是DH沒有守備 然後等三局還四局之後 把大谷
換上去投手當防守 然後接下來DH就是投手上來打 結果就是大谷剛好是投手上來打
最後第九局再換終結者上來關門 然後大谷休息不打
※ 引述《blackpanther ( )》之銘言:
: 推文有些板友建議「可以投完之後再改用DH/換去外野啊」之類的
: 我們來看官方規則怎麼說的
: https://www.mlb.com/glossary/rules/designated-hitter-rule
: 節錄比較重點的段落
: The DH must be selected prior to the game, and that selected hitter must come
: to bat at least one time -- unless the opposing team changes pitchers prior
: to that point. A team that chooses not to select a DH prior to a game is
: barred from using a DH for the rest of that game. A player who enters the
: game in place of the DH -- either as a pinch-hitter or a pinch-runner --
: becomes the DH in his team's lineup thereafter.
: 如果一支球隊在賽前沒有指定打擊,比賽開始後不得要求指定打擊。也就是說若大谷二刀
: 流,接他後面的投手要嘛自己上去打要嘛換代打(當然投手也就得跟著換)。
: If a player serving as the DH is later used on defense, he continues to bat
: in his same lineup spot. But for the rest of the game, his team cannot use a
: DH to bat in place of the pitcher. A team is also barred from using a DH for
: the rest of the game if the pitcher moves from the mound to another defensive
: position, a player pinch-hits for any other player and then becomes the
: pitcher, or the current pitcher pinch-hits or pinch-runs for the DH.
: 前兩句是說一旦原先的DH在比賽後段被移去防守,投手這位置就得自己上來打;而跟大谷
: 的情況可能比較有關的是上色這句:下列三種情況之一發生時,該隊不得在剩下的比賽中
: 使用DH-1.投手被移去其他守備位置;2.被派上代打的球員接替投球;3.場上投手為DH代
: 打或代跑。也就是說一旦大谷被移去其他位置,接替的投手還是得面臨第一段的情況。
: 以上。
All Comments

By Daniel
at 2021-04-29T16:17
at 2021-04-29T16:17

By Steve
at 2021-05-02T19:05
at 2021-05-02T19:05

By Ida
at 2021-05-05T21:52
at 2021-05-05T21:52

By Vanessa
at 2021-05-09T00:40
at 2021-05-09T00:40

By Mia
at 2021-05-12T03:28
at 2021-05-12T03:28

By Rebecca
at 2021-05-15T06:15
at 2021-05-15T06:15

By Gary
at 2021-05-18T09:03
at 2021-05-18T09:03

By Valerie
at 2021-05-21T11:51
at 2021-05-21T11:51

By Lauren
at 2021-05-24T14:38
at 2021-05-24T14:38

By Ingrid
at 2021-05-27T17:26
at 2021-05-27T17:26

By Andy
at 2021-05-30T20:14
at 2021-05-30T20:14

By Mason
at 2021-06-02T23:02
at 2021-06-02T23:02

By Noah
at 2021-06-06T01:49
at 2021-06-06T01:49
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