大谷翔平 向Maddon表明想在明天投打二刀流 - 棒球

By Sarah
at 2021-04-26T13:11
at 2021-04-26T13:11
Table of Contents
The DH must be selected prior to the game, and that selected hitter must come
to bat at least one time -- unless the opposing team changes pitchers prior
to that point. A team that chooses not to select a DH prior to a game is
barred from using a DH for the rest of that game. A player who enters the
game in place of the DH -- either as a pinch-hitter or a pinch-runner --
becomes the DH in his team's lineup thereafter.
If a player serving as the DH is later used on defense, he continues to bat
in his same lineup spot. But for the rest of the game, his team cannot use a
DH to bat in place of the pitcher. A team is also barred from using a DH for
the rest of the game if the pitcher moves from the mound to another defensive
position, a player pinch-hits for any other player and then becomes the
pitcher, or the current pitcher pinch-hits or pinch-runs for the DH.
※ 引述《thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶)》之銘言:
: https://tinyurl.com/mr2vntfr
: Joe Maddon said Shohei Ohtani told him he wants to pitch and hit tomorrow.
: 天使隊總教練梅登在今天賽後採訪談到大谷翔平
: 透露大谷向他表明希望能夠在明天比賽同場二刀流,擔任先發投手,並且上場打擊
: 但是由於目前天使隊板凳人手吃緊,大谷如果投完退場之後調度並不容易
: 不過梅登也坦承不讓大谷上場打擊的確是有難度
: 大谷即將於明天面對遊騎兵隊登板先發,先前投了兩場先發,都是無關勝負
: 主投8.2局被擊三支安打,失掉一分自責分,投出14次三振以及11次保送 防禦率 1.04
: 而他在最近棒子也是相當火燙,連續兩天比賽都有全壘打的演出
: 打擊三圍 .286/.321/.662 OPS 0.983 七發全壘打 16分打點
The DH must be selected prior to the game, and that selected hitter must come
to bat at least one time -- unless the opposing team changes pitchers prior
to that point. A team that chooses not to select a DH prior to a game is
barred from using a DH for the rest of that game. A player who enters the
game in place of the DH -- either as a pinch-hitter or a pinch-runner --
becomes the DH in his team's lineup thereafter.
If a player serving as the DH is later used on defense, he continues to bat
in his same lineup spot. But for the rest of the game, his team cannot use a
DH to bat in place of the pitcher. A team is also barred from using a DH for
the rest of the game if the pitcher moves from the mound to another defensive
position, a player pinch-hits for any other player and then becomes the
pitcher, or the current pitcher pinch-hits or pinch-runs for the DH.
※ 引述《thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶)》之銘言:
: https://tinyurl.com/mr2vntfr
: Joe Maddon said Shohei Ohtani told him he wants to pitch and hit tomorrow.
: 天使隊總教練梅登在今天賽後採訪談到大谷翔平
: 透露大谷向他表明希望能夠在明天比賽同場二刀流,擔任先發投手,並且上場打擊
: 但是由於目前天使隊板凳人手吃緊,大谷如果投完退場之後調度並不容易
: 不過梅登也坦承不讓大谷上場打擊的確是有難度
: 大谷即將於明天面對遊騎兵隊登板先發,先前投了兩場先發,都是無關勝負
: 主投8.2局被擊三支安打,失掉一分自責分,投出14次三振以及11次保送 防禦率 1.04
: 而他在最近棒子也是相當火燙,連續兩天比賽都有全壘打的演出
: 打擊三圍 .286/.321/.662 OPS 0.983 七發全壘打 16分打點
All Comments

By Gilbert
at 2021-04-27T01:41
at 2021-04-27T01:41

By Rebecca
at 2021-04-27T14:10
at 2021-04-27T14:10

By Mason
at 2021-04-28T02:40
at 2021-04-28T02:40

By Carol
at 2021-04-28T15:09
at 2021-04-28T15:09

By Mia
at 2021-04-29T03:39
at 2021-04-29T03:39

By Madame
at 2021-04-29T16:09
at 2021-04-29T16:09

By Annie
at 2021-04-30T04:38
at 2021-04-30T04:38

By Joe
at 2021-04-30T17:08
at 2021-04-30T17:08

By Heather
at 2021-05-01T05:37
at 2021-05-01T05:37

By Isla
at 2021-05-01T18:07
at 2021-05-01T18:07

By Jessica
at 2021-05-02T06:37
at 2021-05-02T06:37

By Gilbert
at 2021-05-02T19:06
at 2021-05-02T19:06

By Queena
at 2021-05-03T07:36
at 2021-05-03T07:36

By Andrew
at 2021-05-03T20:05
at 2021-05-03T20:05

By Valerie
at 2021-05-04T08:35
at 2021-05-04T08:35

By Steve
at 2021-05-04T21:04
at 2021-05-04T21:04

By Rachel
at 2021-05-05T09:34
at 2021-05-05T09:34

By Damian
at 2021-05-05T22:04
at 2021-05-05T22:04

By William
at 2021-05-06T10:33
at 2021-05-06T10:33

By Joe
at 2021-05-06T23:03
at 2021-05-06T23:03

By Hazel
at 2021-05-07T11:32
at 2021-05-07T11:32

By Joe
at 2021-05-08T00:02
at 2021-05-08T00:02

By Mason
at 2021-05-08T12:32
at 2021-05-08T12:32

By Wallis
at 2021-05-09T01:01
at 2021-05-09T01:01

By Yedda
at 2021-05-09T13:31
at 2021-05-09T13:31

By Quintina
at 2021-05-10T02:00
at 2021-05-10T02:00

By Kama
at 2021-05-10T14:30
at 2021-05-10T14:30

By Mia
at 2021-05-11T02:59
at 2021-05-11T02:59

By Linda
at 2021-05-11T15:29
at 2021-05-11T15:29

By Charlotte
at 2021-05-12T03:59
at 2021-05-12T03:59

By Erin
at 2021-05-12T16:28
at 2021-05-12T16:28
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