圖赫爾:無論老闆是誰都要證明自己、專注於足球是俱樂部文化 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2022-03-19T22:13

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Tuchel discusses his future and hopes for working with new owners

19 Mar 2022

Thomas Tuchel remains in no doubt that Chelsea is the right club for him
and is looking forward to the challenge of proving himself all over again
to any potential new owners.


Given the recent Government sanctions and uncertainty around the club's
future ownership, there has been speculation in the media about what the
situation could mean for Tuchel in the future.

However, our head coach believes the reasons he felt Stamford Bridge was
such a good fit for him are just as valid as ever, while the mentality
required of himself, or anyone else working at Chelsea, ensures he will
not shy away from the challenge, even if he couldn't have foreseen the
current difficulties.

'I don't remind myself of it or talk to myself about it, but the
responsibility and the attitude comes with what you sign up for. So if you
sign up for Chelsea you sign up for winning and you sign up for being
competitive and this is what you have to deal with.

'Nobody could imagine that we would have to deal with the political
circumstance in Europe, nobody knew that we would have a change of
ownership as a consequence, but it was for me, from the talks I had, just
an instant feeling that this could be a very good fit and that it was very
clear what Chelsea demands from you.'

He also believes the situation with potential new owners coming in will
not be too different from when he signed his initial contract with the
Blues in January last year, as it is always part of a head coach's job to
build up trust with those in charge and constantly justify your position
at a club which aims for the top.

'It was an 18-month contract and for some minutes I had the feeling: “are
they not trusting me?”,' he added. 'Then I turned it around and looked at
it and thought: “okay, I have to earn their trust anyway”. It is always
like this and it will be with the new owner, it was with the last owner,
this will never change.

Tuchel keeps a close eye on his players at Cobham

'If you have a long-term contract or a short-term contract, once you are
in this kind of position and at this level of sport, it is for the players
and for me always the same. You have to prove yourself and you have to
earn the right to be in the place where you are, because it's a privileged

He also explained why the amount of investment needed by any potential new
owners to take control of a club like Chelsea leaves him confident that
whoever comes in will share the same ambition and desire for success.

'I am confident, because I think if somebody buys a club for this kind of
amount of money, then it is about challenging on the highest level, then
it is about trophies, then it is about winning, then it is about being the
best you can. It's not about developing a project, it's not about making
money with the club. That's what I hope and that's what I think.'

Regardless of his confidence of the club finding the right owners and his
willingness to prove himself with them, there is no doubt this is a
stressful time for Tuchel and all those associated with Chelsea, but the
German reveals that his home life with his children and walking his dogs
in the countryside near Cobham helps take his mind off things, having
learnt earlier in his career the importance of being able to take a step

'I relax with my dogs and my children actually. So there will be long
walks next week, I can tell you, in the forest around here, which is
beautiful. Just doing the normal stuff, taking care of the children,
taking them to school and being around them is the best distraction I can

Our head coach believes it is important to be able to disconnect away
from the pitch

'I had to learn to switch off. I found it very hard in the beginning as a
professional coach. I struggled a lot with it actually, not being able to
switch off, thinking about it night and day. If you love something so much
and if you have a passion for football and suddenly it becomes your
profession, there is no 5pm you leave and you drive home and tomorrow you
finish it.

'There are games on, there are still your thoughts about the players and
what to do, and it is still sometimes like this, but I trained myself that
it's not good to stay in the thinking process too long because everybody
needs to breathe and disconnect to see clearer.


'So I had to learn it for myself and I'm still training myself and I need
to be disciplined in it, but my dogs and my kids help as a natural source
of inspiration and joy to calm down, but also you have to train yourself
to not get completely lost in it.'



Tuchel impressed but not surprised by player reaction

19 Nar 2022

Thomas Tuchel says he never had any doubts about the mental strength his
players would show during this testing period for the club, given the
professional and focused mindset at the club and abundance of leaders
within the squad.


The Blues have been in great form recently, emerging victorious in 11 of
our last 12 fixtures in all competitions, with the only exception being
the penalty shoot-out defeat to Liverpool in the Carabao Cup final.

The Champions League last-16 win over Lille on Wednesday evening made it
five consecutive victories for Chelsea, a run of results and performances
made even more impressive by the uncertainty and distraction created by
Government sanctions and the potential for new owners coming in at the

However, our head coach believes that the standards demanded of anyone at
Chelsea, along with the football-first mentality of the club, meant it was
almost a given he and his players would be able to stay focused on
maintaining their high levels.

'I would actually say that surprised is the wrong word for me because I
demanded it from myself and I felt the culture inside the building always
very focused on football,' said Tuchel. 'Petr Cech is a perfect example of
how you manage to be a player and what it takes to be a player for
Chelsea. It's on a daily basis, so actually I demand it more or less and I
expected it almost, that we could do it.


'That's a part of it and it affects my mentality once you're in this
building and it brings out the very competitive attitude in you. If you
play for Chelsea, if you have a contract with Chelsea, it makes you
already special in what you do. We pointed that out to the players very

'It makes you already special, it tells you already that you are
competitive on a very high level of what you do and now is the moment to
show it, now is the moment to dig in an prove it. So surprised is the
wrong word. I am impressed but at the same time I demand it and expect

Tuchel further explained that the club's culture and the attitude of both
staff and players at Chelsea made his job of keeping the team performing
in such an unexpected situation easier, allowing him just to make sure the
winning mentality already in place continued unhindered.

'It is not so hard maybe as you think and the big help was that the
mentality was already installed. I sometimes compare it maybe with if you
go sailing on a long trip and if everything is organised you can make it
through a storm, but if you start organising and reshaping your mentality
while you are in the middle of the storm I think you are in trouble.

'That's why for me the culture of the club I found here, the
football-first mentality from day one, and leaders like Petr, for
example, who just live on a daily basis here around the team and make it
clear to everybody what it takes to be a legend, is so important.

Tuchel believes leaders like Thiago Silva have helped the Blues weather
the storm

'And then having captains and leaders like Thiago, like Azpi, like
Jorginho, like Toni, all these guys, who do this on a daily basis. Then
you know in good times and in calm times you are better prepared for
uncertain times. Nobody knew that it would be this level of uncertainty
and distraction, but still we are prepared in the best way possible.

'This is maybe where the coach kicks in. I try to protect this kind of
atmosphere and I try to install a certain atmosphere, but it's the
foundations, the people and the mindset and the culture of the people who
work here. That's why I've said many times the level of support and the
quality of support and the culture in the club is exceptional.'


"Fighting the war on drugs... one brutality case at a time."

"Girl, you can't even call this shit a war." "Why not?"

"Wars end." - The Wire: Season 1, Episode 1

Tags: 足球

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