對俱樂部的報價即將截止、True Blue想收購10%股份 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

By Christine
at 2022-03-18T19:57
at 2022-03-18T19:57
Table of Contents
里基茨夫婦在2012年被洩露的電子郵件中發表了一系列有爭議的種族言論 —
Furious Chelsea fans say Chicago Cubs owners the Ricketts family should
NOT be allowed to buy the club after their father Joe Ricketts denounced
Islam as a 'cult' saying 'Muslims are naturally my enemy' in leaked emails
By Oli Gamp For Mailonline - Updated: 19:49 GMT, 16 March 2022
Jacob Steinberg - Thu 17 Mar 2022 13.51 GMT
Sources have said, in response to questions regarding a possible Premier
League's owners' and directors' test, that Saudi Media has no direct links
to the Saudi government. This week, the UK's sports minister, Nigel
Huddlestone, said: “Saudi Arabia is an important partner of the UK in
investment, intelligence and culture. We welcome Saudi Arabian investment.”
下午10:36 · 2022年3月17日
Boehly-Wyss-Goldstein bid to buy Chelsea has been boosted by the
involvement of Danny Finkelstein (former UK government adviser) and
Barbara Charone (PR exec - clients include Madonna, Rod Stewart and Foo
Fightera) as non-executive board directors if bid successful, per @business
根據每日電訊報著名記者 Matt Law 的最新報導,想要競購切爾西的資方必須在
總部位於紐約的商業銀行雷恩集團將在美國東部標準時間 (比英國時間晚4小時)
克萊因 (Michael Klein) 以及經紀機構 Creative Artists agency 和 Evolution
Media Capital 合作,克萊因負責整合資金。CAA的介入可能會給切爾西競爭對手可
洛杉磯道奇的合夥人托德˙伯利 (Todd Boehly)、瑞士億萬富翁漢斯約爾格˙
懷斯 (Hansjorg Wyss) 和喬納森˙戈爾斯坦 (Jonathan Goldstein) 已經提出了20
里芬 (Ken Griffin) 合作的事實。
紐約噴氣機老闆伍迪˙約翰遜 (Woody Johnson) 預計將出價,而科勳爵 (Lord
Coe) 和布勞頓 (Broughton) 已表示,他們的團隊將在週五的截止日前報價。
英國商人尼克˙坎迪 (Nick Candy) 正在與前切爾西前鋒吉安盧卡˙維亞利合作
Chelsea bidders have until 9pm Friday to submit offers with pressure
building to complete 'Project Caesar'
By Matt Law, Football News Correspondent - 17 March 2022 ‧ 6:11pm
來自《每日電訊報》著名記者馬特˙勞的最新報導,倫敦投資公司 Aethel
Partners 希望收購切爾西俱樂部,並且在今天遞交了一份超過20億英鎊的報價。
目前多位切爾西跟隊記者都確認了這一消息,Nizaar Kinsella 也透露:原本大
下午11:14 · 2022年3月17日
上午2:00 · 2022年3月18日
上午2:27 · 2022年3月18日
This now updated, as the Todd Boehly group claim they want to be
"pioneers" for supporter involvement with promise of at least two fans on
the Chelsea board if their bid is successful. @Dannythefink was on the
Government's fan-led review panel.
Matt Lawton, Martyn Ziegler, Ashley Armstrong
Thursday March 17 2022, 7.30pm GMT
˙Bank to cut shortlist of preferred Chelsea bidders to three from field
of more than 100
˙At least one Chelsea bid “matches Abramovich's valuation of £3bn”
John Terry-led 'True Blue' consortium attempts to secure 10% stake in
Chelsea for £250m
Nizaar Kinsella - Mar 18, 2022 16:17+08:00
Chelsea legend John Terry and former women's football star Claire Rafferty
are fronting up a £250 million ($329m) consortium called True Blue in an
attempt to buy a 10 percent stake in the club.
With Terry having delved into the world of NFTs recently, the bid promises
a high tech approach, allowing supporters, players and former staff to buy
fan tokens for upwards of £100 in exchange for voting rights.
However, they won't be able to fund a full bid so must insert themselves
into a wider deal involving UK, US or Saudi billionaires.
˙Who is behind True Blue?
Although the True Blue consortium is headed up by two high profile former
footballers, there are several other people driving the bid. In documents
seen by GOAL, one figure behind it is Chelsea supporter and prominent Tory
party donor David Meller, alongside his son Jonathan.
Harley Kisberg, founder of iTech Media, and Stanford Loudon, an investment
banker, are also among fellow fans and founding members. These connections
have allowed them to speak with senior staff at the club before launching
their bid.
Mellor, whose wealth comes from his luxury property and family beauty
business, could attract some criticism to the group. He was awarded a
lucrative £164m PPE contract during the coronavirus pandemic after
supporting Michael Gove's MP's leadership bid, with documents claiming he
benefited from a controversial 'VIP lane' that allowed influential
individuals an opportunity to circumvent the usual procurement process.
Furthermore, he was the chairman of the President's Club, a high-class
men-only charity event, which became embroiled in a sexual harassment
After the scandal, MPs subsequently lobbied for him to step down from a
senior position in the Department for Education (DfE) after a report was
released by the Financial Times. Meller is also said to have previously
worked with Chelsea in a charitable capacity.
The plans, which have been seen by GOAL, suggest they will offer tokens to
Kai Havertz for scoring a Champions League-winning goal, and club captain
Cesar Azpilicueta. It would effectively offer current players shares for
their impact on the pitch.
˙Will fans support it?
The plans have already been presented to prominent fans ahead of the
announcement, in an attempt to begin a charm offensive.
It comes after the Chelsea Supporters Trust (CST), the west Londoners'
most influential fan group, called for several measures including a
'golden share' to be issued.
That golden share would allow Blues fans veto power over matters relating
to the club's identity including the club badge, kit or stadium, or
playing in a different league.
The last point is important after Chelsea were involved in the Super
League project which was widely derided by the vast majority of the
British public.
They went on to make six further requests but neither the UK Government
nor Raine Group, who are conducting the sale, will enforce any such
It remains on the negotiating parties to choose to bring in any fans
through either the golden share or the True Blue consortium. However, for
the True Blue consortium to even be considered, it will need considerable
momentum from supporters.
The principal consortium partners now have until Friday at 9pm UK time
(5pm EST) to make their offers. The list will then be whittled down to
three or four bids for further discussions and negotiations before a
decision is finally made.
The Government is not involved in any of the decision-making but is simply
there to ensure Roman Abramovich doesn't take any of the money while he is
sanctioned. The money will either be frozen or given to some sort of
里基茨夫婦在2012年被洩露的電子郵件中發表了一系列有爭議的種族言論 —
Furious Chelsea fans say Chicago Cubs owners the Ricketts family should
NOT be allowed to buy the club after their father Joe Ricketts denounced
Islam as a 'cult' saying 'Muslims are naturally my enemy' in leaked emails
By Oli Gamp For Mailonline - Updated: 19:49 GMT, 16 March 2022
Jacob Steinberg - Thu 17 Mar 2022 13.51 GMT
Sources have said, in response to questions regarding a possible Premier
League's owners' and directors' test, that Saudi Media has no direct links
to the Saudi government. This week, the UK's sports minister, Nigel
Huddlestone, said: “Saudi Arabia is an important partner of the UK in
investment, intelligence and culture. We welcome Saudi Arabian investment.”
下午10:36 · 2022年3月17日
Boehly-Wyss-Goldstein bid to buy Chelsea has been boosted by the
involvement of Danny Finkelstein (former UK government adviser) and
Barbara Charone (PR exec - clients include Madonna, Rod Stewart and Foo
Fightera) as non-executive board directors if bid successful, per @business
根據每日電訊報著名記者 Matt Law 的最新報導,想要競購切爾西的資方必須在
總部位於紐約的商業銀行雷恩集團將在美國東部標準時間 (比英國時間晚4小時)
克萊因 (Michael Klein) 以及經紀機構 Creative Artists agency 和 Evolution
Media Capital 合作,克萊因負責整合資金。CAA的介入可能會給切爾西競爭對手可
洛杉磯道奇的合夥人托德˙伯利 (Todd Boehly)、瑞士億萬富翁漢斯約爾格˙
懷斯 (Hansjorg Wyss) 和喬納森˙戈爾斯坦 (Jonathan Goldstein) 已經提出了20
里芬 (Ken Griffin) 合作的事實。
紐約噴氣機老闆伍迪˙約翰遜 (Woody Johnson) 預計將出價,而科勳爵 (Lord
Coe) 和布勞頓 (Broughton) 已表示,他們的團隊將在週五的截止日前報價。
英國商人尼克˙坎迪 (Nick Candy) 正在與前切爾西前鋒吉安盧卡˙維亞利合作
Chelsea bidders have until 9pm Friday to submit offers with pressure
building to complete 'Project Caesar'
By Matt Law, Football News Correspondent - 17 March 2022 ‧ 6:11pm
來自《每日電訊報》著名記者馬特˙勞的最新報導,倫敦投資公司 Aethel
Partners 希望收購切爾西俱樂部,並且在今天遞交了一份超過20億英鎊的報價。
目前多位切爾西跟隊記者都確認了這一消息,Nizaar Kinsella 也透露:原本大
下午11:14 · 2022年3月17日
上午2:00 · 2022年3月18日
上午2:27 · 2022年3月18日
This now updated, as the Todd Boehly group claim they want to be
"pioneers" for supporter involvement with promise of at least two fans on
the Chelsea board if their bid is successful. @Dannythefink was on the
Government's fan-led review panel.
Matt Lawton, Martyn Ziegler, Ashley Armstrong
Thursday March 17 2022, 7.30pm GMT
˙Bank to cut shortlist of preferred Chelsea bidders to three from field
of more than 100
˙At least one Chelsea bid “matches Abramovich's valuation of £3bn”
John Terry-led 'True Blue' consortium attempts to secure 10% stake in
Chelsea for £250m
Nizaar Kinsella - Mar 18, 2022 16:17+08:00
Chelsea legend John Terry and former women's football star Claire Rafferty
are fronting up a £250 million ($329m) consortium called True Blue in an
attempt to buy a 10 percent stake in the club.
With Terry having delved into the world of NFTs recently, the bid promises
a high tech approach, allowing supporters, players and former staff to buy
fan tokens for upwards of £100 in exchange for voting rights.
However, they won't be able to fund a full bid so must insert themselves
into a wider deal involving UK, US or Saudi billionaires.
˙Who is behind True Blue?
Although the True Blue consortium is headed up by two high profile former
footballers, there are several other people driving the bid. In documents
seen by GOAL, one figure behind it is Chelsea supporter and prominent Tory
party donor David Meller, alongside his son Jonathan.
Harley Kisberg, founder of iTech Media, and Stanford Loudon, an investment
banker, are also among fellow fans and founding members. These connections
have allowed them to speak with senior staff at the club before launching
their bid.
Mellor, whose wealth comes from his luxury property and family beauty
business, could attract some criticism to the group. He was awarded a
lucrative £164m PPE contract during the coronavirus pandemic after
supporting Michael Gove's MP's leadership bid, with documents claiming he
benefited from a controversial 'VIP lane' that allowed influential
individuals an opportunity to circumvent the usual procurement process.
Furthermore, he was the chairman of the President's Club, a high-class
men-only charity event, which became embroiled in a sexual harassment
After the scandal, MPs subsequently lobbied for him to step down from a
senior position in the Department for Education (DfE) after a report was
released by the Financial Times. Meller is also said to have previously
worked with Chelsea in a charitable capacity.
The plans, which have been seen by GOAL, suggest they will offer tokens to
Kai Havertz for scoring a Champions League-winning goal, and club captain
Cesar Azpilicueta. It would effectively offer current players shares for
their impact on the pitch.
˙Will fans support it?
The plans have already been presented to prominent fans ahead of the
announcement, in an attempt to begin a charm offensive.
It comes after the Chelsea Supporters Trust (CST), the west Londoners'
most influential fan group, called for several measures including a
'golden share' to be issued.
That golden share would allow Blues fans veto power over matters relating
to the club's identity including the club badge, kit or stadium, or
playing in a different league.
The last point is important after Chelsea were involved in the Super
League project which was widely derided by the vast majority of the
British public.
They went on to make six further requests but neither the UK Government
nor Raine Group, who are conducting the sale, will enforce any such
It remains on the negotiating parties to choose to bring in any fans
through either the golden share or the True Blue consortium. However, for
the True Blue consortium to even be considered, it will need considerable
momentum from supporters.
The principal consortium partners now have until Friday at 9pm UK time
(5pm EST) to make their offers. The list will then be whittled down to
three or four bids for further discussions and negotiations before a
decision is finally made.
The Government is not involved in any of the decision-making but is simply
there to ensure Roman Abramovich doesn't take any of the money while he is
sanctioned. The money will either be frozen or given to some sort of
All Comments

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By Madame
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By Candice
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By Rebecca
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By Carol
at 2022-03-22T11:44
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By Olga
at 2022-03-20T20:23
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By Carolina Franco
at 2022-03-22T11:44
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By Dorothy
at 2022-03-20T20:23
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By Kelly
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By Olga
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By Annie
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By Elma
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By Valerie
at 2022-03-22T11:44
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By Candice
at 2022-03-20T20:23
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By Freda
at 2022-03-22T11:44
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By Victoria
at 2022-03-20T20:23
at 2022-03-20T20:23

By Susan
at 2022-03-22T11:44
at 2022-03-22T11:44

By Agatha
at 2022-03-20T20:23
at 2022-03-20T20:23

By Doris
at 2022-03-22T11:44
at 2022-03-22T11:44

By Damian
at 2022-03-20T20:23
at 2022-03-20T20:23

By Damian
at 2022-03-22T11:44
at 2022-03-22T11:44

By Elvira
at 2022-03-20T20:23
at 2022-03-20T20:23

By Frederica
at 2022-03-22T11:44
at 2022-03-22T11:44

By Jacob
at 2022-03-20T20:23
at 2022-03-20T20:23

By Una
at 2022-03-22T11:44
at 2022-03-22T11:44

By Ula
at 2022-03-20T20:23
at 2022-03-20T20:23

By Olive
at 2022-03-22T11:44
at 2022-03-22T11:44

By Carolina Franco
at 2022-03-20T20:23
at 2022-03-20T20:23

By Andy
at 2022-03-22T11:44
at 2022-03-22T11:44

By Genevieve
at 2022-03-20T20:23
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