圖赫爾:哈德森奧多伊踢翼衛表現不錯 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2021-02-05T02:39

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Tuchel explains why he shifted Hudson-Odoi to wing-back and the logic
behind giving players new positions

04 Feb 2021

Thomas Tuchel has revealed the idea of playing Callum Hudson-Odoi as a
wing-back first entered his head when he and his assistants were on the
plane to London preparing to begin their Chelsea journey.


The deployment of Hudson-Odoi on the right side of a five has been one of
the success stories from Tuchel's early days in the job. The 20-year-old
was voted Man of the Match by Blues supporters in both the Wolves and
Burnley games, impressing with his direct running, use of the extra space
afforded him in a deeper position, and willingness to defend when

It remains to be seen whether Tuchel will continue with 3-4-2-1 at
Tottenham tonight, but whatever shape he selects it will be tough to leave
out Hudson-Odoi on current form.

'I didn't know he hadn't played wing-back before,' said Tuchel. 'Maybe it
was a good thing I didn't ask because maybe I would have doubted my

'We just had one training session before the Wolves game. We were flying
in on the same day and wondering what structure to implement to give the
team a good feeling, and to have a solid block defensively but also to
attack freely.

'To play with four you have to be very disciplined, and the automatisms
between the line of four have to be very synchronised.


'So we opted for a back five and we didn't want to get too defensive. We
thought about trying Reece and Callum on the right side in training.
Callum fitted very good and we wanted to have at least four offensive guys
on the pitch from the start.

'We just let him drive and he did very good, showing all his qualities he
has: the high speed, the quick recoveries, dribbles, good one-on-one.

Hudson-Odoi's heatmap against Burnley highlights the work in he did in our
half as well as the opposition's

'He took his chance,' added the boss. 'There was no need to change for the
second game and he did another good match.

'Maybe in some defensive duels in the air there is space to improve, but
this is absolutely normal. I am very happy he was happy to be on the
pitch. He has given his best and that's what we have asked for.'

Tuchel is not averse to finding new roles for players, like he has done
for Hudson-Odoi since arriving. Raphael Guerreiro and Gonzalo Castro both
found homes in central midfield under Tuchel at Borussia Dortmund while
Marquinhos, traditionally a centre-back, was also occasionally deployed in
the middle of the park at Paris Saint-Germain.

'I do it only if I see something in a player, and at the same time it's a
situation where it could help the team,' explained Tuchel.

'Then I don't hesitate to challenge or try to convince the player, but not
against their will. If we approach them we show them pictures, we explain
to them, and of course we listen to their opinion and see if they feel

'In the end they have to feel comfortable to bring out their best in a
game. With Callum it was a big advantage I was new and it had been one
day. Which player would say no? Everybody was happy to start, and he took
his chance.'




Tags: 足球

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