國民是否能承受等待世界大賽的壓力? - 棒球

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2019-10-17T08:47

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※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1Tft3Ipv ]

作者: zouelephant (毛毛象) 看板: MLB
標題: [外電] 國民是否能承受等待世界大賽的壓力?
時間: Thu Oct 17 03:34:38 2019



Can Nationals handle the weight of the wait?


[Just ask 2006, '12 Tigers how long layoff before World Series worked out]

The good news for the Washington Nationals is that they are in their first
World Series. They beat the champions of the National League West and now they
’ve swept the champs of the NL Central. They were down two games to one to
the Dodgers and came back to win Game 4. They were down 3-1 in the late
innings of Game 5 at Dodger Stadium, and then Anthony Rendon and Juan Soto
hit back-to-back home runs against Clayton Kershaw, and Howie Kendrick began
turning into Mr. October for the Nats. Now here they are.


That’s the bad news for the Nationals, riding all this crazy momentum. They
wait and keep waiting until the series between the Astros and Yankees is
over. And while they wait, they hope that when they start playing again, at
either Minute Maid Park or at Yankee Stadium, that they won’t have suffered
from the Curse of the Tigers.

Howie Kendrick扮演十月先生帶國民上天堂。現在他們要迎接世界大賽--前的等待時間。

Twice under Jim Leyland, one of the great managers of all time, the Tigers
swept the American League Championship Series, and then basically had to wait
a week to start the World Series. The first time was in 2006. They swept the
Oakland A’s. They were the ones riding crazy momentum. They had a talented
kid named Justin Verlander pitching for them. And then they waited while the
Cardinals and the Mets went seven long and dramatic games. That NLCS didn’t
end until the bottom of the 9th of Game 7 at Shea Stadium, when Adam
Wainwright --he was the talented kid pitching for the Cardinals that year --
struck out Carlos Beltran, looking, with a curve ball that seemed to start up
in the skyline of New York City and drop down to lower Manhattan, even though
the Mets had runners on the bases who could have won them the pennant.

The Tigers watched that one, and waited. And when they finally did start
playing baseball again, they looked more stale than stale bread, and lost to
the Cardinals in five games. All season long you play games, day after day
and night after night. Then you get a longer layoff than most players get
during the All-Start break. We hear all the time about how baseball players
are creatures of habit. The Tigers fell out of their habits and came crashing
to earth. It doesn’t mean they would have beaten the Cardinals if they’d
gone right from a Game 7 of their own to Game 1 of a World Series. But we’ll
never know.

名教練Jim Leyland曾兩次帶領老虎隊在美聯冠軍賽橫掃對手,然後在世界大賽前等一個
Justin Verlander。當年國聯冠軍賽一直打到第七戰,紅雀才在客場擊敗大都會,當時也
是英雄出少年的Adam Wainwright在九局下三振掉Carlos Beltran,空留三個大都會跑者
經典) https://i.imgur.com/SRvJEti.png


Six years later, it happened to the Tigers exactly the same way. They swept
the Yankees in the ALCS, finishing them off with ease at Comerica Park.

And then they waited. Again. This time it was the Giants and the Cardinals in
a long and grueling and dramatic NLCS. The Giants finally won Game 7. While
Jim Leyland and the Tigers, whose two aces that year were a couple of pretty
decent right-handers named Verlander and Max Scherzer -- they won 33 games
between them that season -- once again waited to rejoin October.

This is what Leyland said seven years ago after his Tigers had once again
swept a League Championship Series:

“I do think the lull between our playoff and the World Series did work
against us in 2006. Now, that's not to take anything away from the St. Louis
Cardinals. But all of a sudden, our emotion went from so high to just a blah,
looking at each other for six days of staring at each other with really no
action. That's hard.''

No action. Really hard. Even harder than they remembered. This time Leyland’
s Tigers, unable to shake off the rust, didn’t lose the World Series in five

They got swept by Bruce Bochy’s Giants, the second championship club of the
manager’s three between 2010 and ‘14. In the spring of this year, this is
what Verlander told the Detroit media about his Tiger teams not winning the
World Series while he was pitching in Detroit:

"The reason was the time off before the two World Series. We had the talent
to do it for many years. When it comes to playoff time, it's kind of a roll
of the dice. It comes down to the hottest team at the right time. I think we
were that team, twice, and we got cooled off by the week layoff for the World
Series both times. It sucks; that's the name of the game. … It's probably
the one sport, this sport, where the time off like that wouldn't help you.
Every other sport I think it's a benefit, but this one, it is absolutely a

紅雀打巨人,巨人辛苦打到第七戰贏下來。當時老虎隊手上有雙王牌Justin Verlander跟
Max Scherzer,這兩隻在2012合計拿了33勝。Leyland在2012年美聯冠軍賽後這麼說:「


He and his teammates found out the hard way. Twice. If his Astros go on to
win the ALCS, even in a long series, maybe he will be the beneficiary of the
other team’s layoff this time. Or maybe two of his old teammates, Scherzer
and An燢al S嫕chez, will change things all around for their new team.
Reverse the curse. Curse of the Tigers. Maybe it’s not really a thing. We’
ll see, starting next week.







Verlander Scherzer Sanchez是老隊友,而且很有機會在世界大賽變成對手


Wainwright Molina過了十三年成為老將,昨天還是在打國聯冠軍賽。





Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2019-10-21T05:05
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2019-10-25T18:34
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2019-10-27T16:01
可惜今年熊貓不搶眼,不然2012 WS他把V中轟垮更值得
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2019-10-30T06:16
William avatar
By William
at 2019-10-31T22:21
在對面下雨延賽後又多了變數 對面的休息時間變少 誰有優勢
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2019-11-02T18:15
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2019-11-06T16:26
基本上就是讓野手跟牛棚維持手感 先發就休好休滿
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2019-11-10T20:15
the Curse of the Tigers...「這不是洋基..這不是運動家..」
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2019-11-15T02:38
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2019-11-16T12:31
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2019-11-20T19:39
昨天其實解決的很驚了 好幾次紅鳥沒把握住
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2019-11-24T03:11
面對這隻隨時會燃起來的生物 早處理早好
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2019-11-26T09:55
今年是跌破一堆眼鏡才走到這 就走到那算那吧
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2019-12-01T01:47
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2019-12-02T19:35
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2019-12-05T15:06
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2019-12-09T17:08
別提了 虎迷崩潰
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2019-12-14T00:39
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2019-12-18T01:48
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2019-12-20T17:45
Una avatar
By Una
at 2019-12-21T04:30
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2019-12-21T10:10
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2019-12-24T22:36
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2019-12-29T00:43
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2019-12-30T09:55
當年紅雀派個新人先發G1 結果竟然還壓制老虎
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2020-01-04T01:02
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2020-01-07T12:19
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2020-01-08T02:42
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2020-01-09T12:18
過去案例也可以拿2007球季的洛磯 從163場的加賽打
到國聯冠軍八連勝 結果因為休息太久世界大賽被紅襪
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2020-01-12T14:07
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2020-01-17T02:15
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2020-01-18T23:05
大家都嘛會戰戰兢兢練習 但是沒實戰就是會冷掉
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2020-01-23T08:33
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2020-01-27T00:40


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2019-10-17T08:42
中信的詹子賢也不是第一次打總冠軍賽了 結果表現不好,他說因為太想要表現了 但奇怪了 Lamigo的選手不也是一樣想要表現 怎麼沒有軟手,更不用講第一次打總冠軍賽的選手 像陳晨威、張明翔等,表現也不錯 到底Lamigo是怎麼訓練選手的呢?? - ...

力挺桑契斯 洋基教頭讚他蹲捕功力出色

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2019-10-17T08:29
力挺桑契斯 洋基教頭讚他蹲捕功力出色 洋基在美聯冠軍賽處於一勝二敗落後,明天第四戰的作戰計畫尚未定案,但總教練布恩(Aa ron Boone)對兩名子弟兵投下信任票,前一戰因沒擋下暴投球而多掉1分的捕手桑契斯(Ga ry Sanchez),以及季後賽防禦率高達11.57的歐塔維諾(Adam Ottavino ...

MLB/天使隊宣布新總教練 1252勝名將麥

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2019-10-17T08:26
MLB/天使隊宣布新總教練 1252勝名將麥登 大聯盟天使隊今天宣布,將聘請千勝教頭Joe Maddon(麥登)出馬擔任球隊新總教練,希 望以他的帶隊手腕,可以幫助天使隊重返榮耀。 2008年Joe Maddon曾經帶領光芒隊打出佳績,在美聯封王,2016年他則是幫助小熊隊睽違 108年再拿下世界大賽冠軍 ...

伯納身為總教練 這樣的發言得體嗎?

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2019-10-17T08:20
猜測應該是以下這段,幫大家補個逐字稿。若有誤還請提出。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_nR--eE9gMandamp;t=3m42s Q: 「那其實今天張志豪是有如神助,都把比分屢屢追近,但最後在打線上都差 了臨門一腳。那這個狀況教練認為在明天的比賽要怎麼 ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2019-10-17T08:11
Lamigo最後一年了 當然希望Lamigo能在自家主場封王 不過目前看起來總冠軍賽G5結束的可能性不低 那桃園青埔球場Lamigo最終戰就是G2了嗎 如果不能回家封王 那Lamigo球團和球迷會不會覺得遺憾啊? -- 不管黑貞白貞 能來的都是好貞 https://i.imgur.com/1t807E1. ...