印地安泉女網賽-小辛晉級第三輪 - 網球

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2006-03-11T14:37

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(19)M Hingis (SUI) d (Q)C Pin (FRA) 61 63





"I saw her play on TV," Davenport said of Hingis. "She was amazing. She was
able to do the same things she did in the 90s.

"A great player is a great player," Davenport added, and the 29-year-old
American noted that Hingis still has the luxury of time.

"She's very, very young," Davenport said. "It would be silly to think at 25 she
wouldn't be so good. I think she's definitely going to be in the top 10 soon."

聽完很想回給戴姐一句話....you are such a great player too!




Tags: 網球

All Comments

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2006-03-16T03:51
沒啥人關心..可能大家都覺得小辛會贏吧= =期待對上戴姐喔쀠
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2006-03-16T05:01
加油加油 Hingis!!
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2006-03-16T08:28
兩個我都很喜歡(掙扎) XD
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2006-03-18T20:39
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2006-03-20T08:38
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2006-03-23T21:01
加油加油 期待Hingis能再度對上戴姐...
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2006-03-28T11:18
不是不關心啊~是根本沒抓對比賽時間Orz 小辛加油!


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2006-03-10T03:23
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: zerkchu () 看板: Tennis 標題: 印地安泉男網賽籤表 時間: Wed Mar 8 06:29:02 2006 1-FEDERER, Roger SUI Bye CALLERI, Agustin ARG vs. MASSU, Nicolas ...

壽險杯海寧領銜身兼頭號熱門 達文波特莎娃力求爭鋒

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2006-03-08T22:32
壽險杯海寧領銜身兼頭號熱門 達文波特莎娃力求爭鋒 http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年03月08日17:08 新浪體育   新浪體育訊 印第安維爾斯7日消息, 由於世界第一克裡斯特爾斯以及世界第二毛瑞 斯莫都將不參加明天開始的WTA一級賽事太平洋壽險杯賽,所以本次比賽的陣容顯得有 ...

小克海寧確定聯袂出戰聯合會杯 比俄之戰將引爆關注

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2006-03-08T22:26
小克海寧確定聯袂出戰聯合會杯 比俄之戰將引爆關注 http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年03月08日11:46 新浪體育   新浪體育訊 據比利時媒體7日消息,曾是少年時代好友的兩位大滿貫賽冠軍得主克 裡斯特爾斯與海寧終於將再度聯手,代表祖國出戰聯合會杯團體賽世界組比賽,兩人已經 ...

阿加西進軍酒店業販賣雞尾酒 是掙錢機器也是慈善家

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2006-03-08T20:52
阿加西進軍酒店業販賣雞尾酒 是掙錢機器也是慈善家 http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年03月08日10:15 足球-勁體育   在迪拜拿了鉅額出場費的阿加西又得到一個好消息,愛達荷州議會以49票贊成 17票反對允許阿加西投資的酒店出售雞尾酒。為了避免受傷已經完全放棄今年紅土 賽事 ...

Re: Hingis VS Mauresmo令人懷念的戲碼

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2006-03-08T18:09
※ 引述《chairman (無止境的奮戰)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《changer (掛B症發作中...)》之銘言: : : 將要開始... : : http://www.qatartennis.org/qatartotalopen/gallery.htm : : 點Live score : 其實我不同意慘 ...