北卡傳奇教頭Dean Smith辭世,享壽83歲 - NCAA

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2015-02-08T23:48

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Dean Smith, who coached North Carolina to two men's basketball national titles
, died Saturday night at the age of 83.

The retired Hall of Fame coach died "peacefully" at his home Saturday night, t
he school said in a statement Sunday from Smith's family. He was with his wife
and five children.

"We are grateful for all the thoughts and prayers, and appreciate the continue
d respect for our privacy as arrangements are made available to the public. Th
ank you," Smith's family said in the statement.

Smith had health issues in recent years, with the family saying in 2010 he had
a condition that was causing him to lose memory. He had kept a lower profile
during that time, with his wife, Linnea, accepting the Presidential Medal of F
reedom on his behalf from President Barack Obama in November 2013.

Smith coached the Tar Heels from 1961 to 1997, going 879-254 and retiring as t
he winningest coach in college basketball history. North Carolina won NCAA cha
mpionships in 1982 and 1993 and reached the Final Four 11 times under Smith.

"It's such a great loss for North Carolina -- our state, the University, of co
urse the Tar Heel basketball program, but really the entire basketball world,"
said current Tar Heels coach Roy Williams, who spent 10 years as an assistant
under Smith. "We lost one of our greatest ambassadors for college basketball
for the way in which a program should be run. We lost a man of the highest int
egrity who did so many things off the court to help make the world a better pl
ace to live in.

"He set the standard for loyalty and concern for every one of his players, not
just the games won or lost."

Smith coached Hall of Fame players Michael Jordan, James Worthy, Bob McAdoo an
d Billy Cunningham, won 13 Atlantic Coast Conference tournament titles and coa
ched the U.S. Olympic team to the gold medal in 1976.

"He was the greatest there ever was on the court but far, far better off the c
ourt with people," Williams said. "His concern for people will be the legacy I
will remember most.

"He was a mentor to so many people; he was my mentor. He gave me a chance but,
more importantly, he shared with me his knowledge, which is the greatest gift
you can give someone."

Several prominent basketball figures either played or coached under Smith, inc
luding Larry Brown, George Karl, Mitch Kupchak and Williams, who also has guid
ed the Tar Heels to two national championships.

"I'm 64 years old and everything I do with our basketball program and the way
I deal with the University is driven by my desire to make Coach Smith proud,"
Williams said. "When I came back to Carolina, the driving force was to make hi
m proud and I still think that today.

"I'd like to say on behalf of all our players and coaches, past and present, t
hat Dean Smith was the perfect picture of what a college basketball coach shou
ld have been. We love him and we will miss him."

北卡傳奇教頭Dean Smith於美國時間2015-2-7在自宅安祥辭世,享壽83歲。

Dean Smith於1961至1997執教於北卡籃球隊,擁有879勝場與254場敗場成績。
期間帶領Tar Heels於1982與1993贏得NCAA冠軍,並11次進入到最後四強。

Smith教練作育英才無數,許多NBA教練與總管都是師承Dean Smith,諸如:Larry Brown,
George Karl, Mitch Kupchak。而執教的弟子亦有多人進入NBA,諸如:James Worthy
, Sam Perkins, Brad Daugherty, Rick Fox, Jerry Stackhouse, Rasheed Wallace,其
中成就最輝煌的就是籃球之神Michael Jordan。

R. I. P. Coach Smith.

Tags: NCAA

All Comments

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2015-02-11T09:29
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2015-02-14T07:16
R.I.P. 今天下午 UNC Dean Smith Center 外面停了好多
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2015-02-16T23:41
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2015-02-21T04:42
真幸福, 安祥的走
沒有他 就沒有 Jordan 就沒有UNC 也可能更沒有現在的藍球
Dean, thank you.
David avatar
By David
at 2015-02-25T15:02
沒有UNC 也可能沒有現在的籃球+1
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2015-02-28T08:59
R.I.P Coach Dean Smith

NCAA to shorten clock in NIT

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2015-02-07T23:45
NCAA 也終於看不下去了 今年的 NIT tournament 將會實驗 30 秒 shot clock 然後詢問球員的意見, 進而考慮是否從下季開始將 shot clock 從現今 35 秒 改回 30 秒. (35 秒的制度從 1993 開始) -- 有人終於知道我們 Big 10 每天都是總 ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2015-02-04T10:36
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Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2015-02-04T10:35
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Olive avatar
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at 2015-02-03T13:49
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Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2015-01-28T11:40
各位大大好,雖然FOX偶爾會撥,可是也只是偶爾而已。 因為NBA版,大家都找得到很多版本的線上轉播。 想問NCAA也找得到嗎?有沒有大大知道可以給個方向的。 萬分感謝~~~~ - ...