NCAA to shorten clock in NIT - NCAA

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2015-02-07T23:45

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NCAA 也終於看不下去了

今年的 NIT tournament 將會實驗 30 秒 shot clock

然後詢問球員的意見, 進而考慮是否從下季開始將 shot clock 從現今 35 秒

改回 30 秒. (35 秒的制度從 1993 開始)

有人終於知道我們 Big 10 每天都是總分卡在 11x, 12x 的痛苦了...


With scoring plunging to historic lows, the NCAA said Friday it will
experiment with a shorter shot clock at this year's NIT to see if that can
jump-start college basketball's lagging offense.

The tournament will feature a 30-second shot clock instead of the traditional
35-second clock that has been in play since 1993, with officials examining
the effect on the games and taking the data to the men's basketball rules
committee for review in May.

"Without actually implementing it in a game, you're just talking about it in
theory," Dan Gavitt, NCAA vice president of men's basketball championships,
said Friday. "By actually putting it in a game with good teams, great
coaches, competitive situations over a three-week time period, you'll
actually get results and data that can either verify some of your theories or
dispute them."

The NCAA will also expand the restricted area under the basket from 3 feet to
4 feet to see if it curbs the amount of collisions at the rim. Coaches who
play in the tournament will be surveyed about their experience, and the rules
committee will look at all the data to consider future rules changes, which
could be adopted as soon as May if they gain enough support.

Tags: NCAA

All Comments

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2015-02-12T17:18
終於 縮短時數對球員發展整體來說是利大於弊的
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2015-02-13T12:48
多少是會的,但是其實縮短shot clock,也讓球員早點習慣pro
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2015-02-15T11:44
的24 sec. NCAA 的 35 sec 實在是太令人受不了了
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2015-02-19T04:19


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2015-02-04T10:36
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Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2015-02-04T10:35
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Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2015-02-03T13:49
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Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2015-01-28T11:40
各位大大好,雖然FOX偶爾會撥,可是也只是偶爾而已。 因為NBA版,大家都找得到很多版本的線上轉播。 想問NCAA也找得到嗎?有沒有大大知道可以給個方向的。 萬分感謝~~~~ - ...

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