佩德羅:343陣型太棒,其他隊也開始用了 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2016-12-10T02:56

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Exclusive: Pedro on the run

In-form Pedro sat down for an exclusive chat with the official Chelsea FC
newsletter this week, discussing forthcoming opponents West Bromwich
Albion and the team's eight-match winning streak…

You made a spectacular debut against West Brom early last season. What do
you remember about that game and the days leading up to it?

I'll never forget that game. It was my debut, not only for Chelsea but in
the Premier League, and fortunately I was able to score a goal and get an
assist, so it was very special. I was also pleased with the way I was able
to adapt almost immediately to the league.

You certainly seem to be comfortable with your role in the team at the
moment, as you've played a key role in our recent form. How does this run
of eight straight wins compare to previous good runs you have been on in
your career?

I definitely haven't been on a run like this here at Chelsea and I can't
think of one in my career that's been this long. Last year we didn't
manage to win games on the bounce so let's hope we can keep this going.

Are you a believer in momentum in these situations?

We feel strong because we're all in a good vein of form at the moment. It
helps when players can come in, such as Cesc, Willian or Nathaniel –
that's great because we all have the same objective, we all want to win

Is 3-4-3 getting the best out of the team?

It's obviously helping and we're getting to understand the system more and
more. What's interesting is that other teams are now using that system as
well, and they're adapting to the way we're playing and changing their
system accordingly.

The new challenge for us is to keep overcoming that, but the immediate
challenge in front of us is the game against West Brom. They are seventh
in the league, they're having a good season and it will be a difficult


"We believe the same thing."

"Maybe there is hope."
- 9x20 The Truth

Tags: 足球

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Michael avatar
By Michael
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By Queena
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