伊達公子 def. Safina - 亞網 Tennis

William avatar
By William
at 2010-05-25T22:23

Table of Contents

Dinara Safina RUS (9) 6 4 5
Kimiko Date Krumm JPN 3 6 7
36 52 66 Total: 2hrs34mins

Safina (RUS) Date Krumm (JPN)
1st Serve % 61 of 108 = 56 % 65 of 105 = 62 %
Aces 2 1
Double Faults 17 8
Unforced Errors 38 63
Winning % on 1st Serve 40 of 61 = 66 % 39 of 65 = 60 %
Winning % on 2nd Serve 17 of 30 = 57 % 19 of 32 = 59 %
Winners (Including Service) 12 37
Receiving Points Won 47 of 105 = 45 % 51 of 108 = 47 %
Break Point Conversions 5 of 12 = 42 % 6 of 16 = 38 %
Net Approaches 0 of 3 = 0 % 11 of 18 = 61 %
Total Points Won 104 109
Fastest Serve Speed 177 KMH 164 KMH
Average 1st Serve Speed 149 KMH 153 KMH
Average 2nd Serve Speed 127 KMH 135 KMH

Tags: 網球

All Comments

William avatar
By William
at 2010-05-30T01:39
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2010-06-03T04:55
莎妹發球竟然比伊達慢 @__@"
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2010-06-07T08:11
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2010-06-11T11:27
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2010-06-15T14:43
莎妹發球變慢是故意的 他知道對手受傷 他不能出現太多雙
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2010-06-19T17:59
DF x17 ......
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2010-06-23T21:15
誤 所以最後幾局 他竟量固進~
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2010-06-28T00:31
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2010-07-02T03:48

Re: 2010法網猜謎大賽第一輪

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-05-25T22:20
答案: 4-6 6-7(5) 6-4 6-2 6-1 答對名單如下 ================================================================ cochon23:4-6 7-6(5) 6-4 6-4 daniel780810:4-6 7-6(4) 6-3 ...

Kimiko Date Krumm def. Dinara Safina [9]

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2010-05-25T22:18
雖然僅僅是第一輪的比賽 但是好久沒有看到這樣令人感動的比賽了 自從伊達在2008年選擇復出 一直沒機會看她打球 成績也是起起伏伏 畢竟對一個今年九月即將滿40歲的老將而言 能打進大滿貫會內賽已是難能可貴 一邊看著她打球 一邊想起1996年溫布頓四強她和Graf的那場經典比賽 同樣的特殊接球姿勢 差 ...

Roland Garros KTV - 2nd Version

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2010-05-25T20:22
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWZ1pJbtPBA Just a little bit longer, but basically itand#39;s a Rafa interview... Start watching at 4:44, Andy really sin ...

Ljubicic展開新的一章 (下)

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-05-25T19:39
Ljubicic從來就沒有過龐大的隨從。他是包括Ivica Ancic、Ivo Karlovic和 Zeljko Krajan在內克羅埃西亞一代天賦球員中的一位,但他從未被成功沖昏過頭腦。 「他是一位非常值得信賴、非常成熟的人,並且他知道如何在網球場外做決定。」 Piatti說:「這也就是為什麼在球 ...

Ljubicic展開新的一章 (上)

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2010-05-25T19:28
Ljubicic展開新的一章 DEUCE 文/ James Buddell | 23.05.2010 作為一名無論場上場下都被看作是完美職業典範的人,Ivan Ljubicic三月份在印第安 維爾斯的奪冠之旅被廣為視為ATP世界巡迴賽中老將復興的佳作,並且也為他非凡的人生故 事增添了一個新的篇章。 ...