今日Brad Hand - 棒球

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2020-07-30T12:59

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“It’s tough to tell, obviously, because it is July, but I feel as good as I would if we were just leaving Spring Training,” Hand said. “I was ready to go coming into this Summer Camp and this season. I feel like my stuff’s ready. Obviously today, I only gave up the one hit. I kind of put myself in that jam. It’s not like I was getting hit around. Some things happened and I put myself in that jam.”

Hand認為他自己stuff狀況不錯 而且只被打一支安打而已


Although Hand feels like his stuff is ready, the radar gun isn’t quite backing his opinions. According to Baseball Savant, the 11 four-seamers he threw in his first two appearances averaged 90.8 mph and the 10 heaters he threw on Wednesday averaged 90.9 mph. His slider averaged 79.7 mph in his first two outings and sat around 79.2 mph on Wednesday. In 2019, his four-seamer averaged 92.7 mph and his slider averaged 81.2 mph.


2019年 他的四縫線均速有92.7mph 滑球有81.2mph


賽季才剛開始 讓我們繼續看下去

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

George avatar
By George
at 2020-08-03T07:33
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2020-08-07T02:07
A米2.0 粉柯南的玩具


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2020-07-30T12:55
如題啦 朴炳鎬頂著韓國職棒連兩年50轟,單場四響砲的超強打擊成績 降臨美國 正當大家準備要刮起韓流的時候,朴炳鎬成績卻一落千丈,甚至最後打包回國 韓國職棒的球迷有幫他取類似小玉這種的綽號嗎? 他應該就是韓版的小玉無誤吧 - ...

今日Brad Hand

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2020-07-30T12:44
超雷,今天是奔雷手 Brad Hand CLE #33(L,0-1) 0.1IP 4R 3ER 1BB 1H 1HBP ERA 15.43 WHIP 1.71 今天雙方的先發投手表現都十分傑出,到九局仍然0:0僵持 印地安人於是在九局派上終結者Brad Hand試圖維持平手 沒想到他先被Ande ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2020-07-30T12:42
大王找回昔日球感 以全壘打宣告 王 者 歸 來 一開始同樣低潮的大谷 也是用高爾夫全壘打展現實力 曾經被互相比較的兩人 一位不被放棄 一位被下放二軍 教頭是不是做了錯誤的決策? - ...

林子偉再度先發 游擊手被穩健但2打數掛蛋

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2020-07-30T12:41
林子偉再度先發 游擊手被穩健但2打數掛蛋 效力美國職棒大聯盟波士頓紅襪的林子偉今天先發,2打數無安打,不過鎮守游擊表現穩健 ,2度獨立策動雙殺守備。紅襪靠著瓦茲蓋斯比賽後段開轟、打回3分,6比5客場險勝紐約大 都會隊,止住4連敗。 林子偉連3戰未上陣後,此役擔任第9棒,鎮守游擊大關,本季第2度獲得先發機會 ...

神鱒想打季後賽 需靠大谷、瑞登關鍵助拳

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2020-07-30T12:40
當今大聯盟的第一把交椅「神鱒」楚奧特(Mike Trout)早已打遍天下無敵手,可惜鮮少有 在季後賽露面的機會。而在今年季後賽擴增至16隊後,天使隊重回季後賽的機會大增,楚 奧特的隊友能否給予一臂之力會是一大關鍵。 今年是楚奧特的第10個球季,自他2011年登上大聯盟以來,天使隊只有2014年打進過季後 賽 ...