中翻英!!急用15point - 運動

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2006-01-09T00:00

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自從我第一次接觸羽球,我便深深的被其吸引,選手們俐落的身段、優雅的姿態,讓我打從心底下定決心,我要學好羽球!!而最讓我為之傾心的還是羽球不需要頻繁的移動位置,憑藉的是精湛的球技,最重要的是:多跳有助於長高!!(說到重點了= = )
這段更正為 自身所得到的收穫..................

All Comments

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2006-01-09T07:39
since i played badminton for first time, i had been attracted by that sport. fast of player's movement, beauty of their posture, let me want to learn how to play badminton from deep of my mind. the most important thing i heart about badminton is badminton does not need move your body everywhere, everything is dependent on the skill you havem and the most important thing is: jump a lot will make you grow higher (that is the point= =)
practice all kinds of sport will let a person grow up, and during the time practicing, the morality you gained, can not explain by other experience.
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2006-01-12T01:11
Since I contact the badminton for the first time, I am dark and dark and is attracted by it, figure that players Li fell , graceful posture , let me reach a decision from the bottom of heart , I want to learn the badminton well ! ! And that made me cordial for it most is still that the badminton does not need the frequent movement position , it is consummate playing skill according to making use of, the most important thing is: It contributes to growing tall how to jump! ! (Have talked about the focal point ==)Various kinds of sports of often extensive type help the body and mind to reach and develop rightly , but in the course of studying, one's own harvest got, is that the general experience of life is incomparable even more.
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2006-01-09T14:37
Since I contact the badminton for the first time, I am deep and is attracted by it, figure that the players Li fell, graceful posture, let me reach a decision from the bottom of heart, I want to learn the badminton well! ! Make I a cordial one still badminton need frequent movement position for it most, it is consummate playing skill according to making use of, the most important thing is: It contributes to growing tall how to jump! ! (Have talked about the focal point  )Extensive type various kinds of sport contribute to body and mind reach getting right to develop often, but in the course of studying, the morals of one's own income are reaped, is that the general experience of life is incomparable even more.  


Una avatar
By Una
at 2006-01-08T00:00


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2006-01-08T00:00


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2006-01-08T00:00


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2006-01-08T00:00


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2006-01-08T00:00
跳舞  分別要三個系統!