三大媒體認錯道歉,阿布捐款反歧視機構 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

By Margaret
at 2021-03-27T23:48
at 2021-03-27T23:48
Table of Contents
Recent media corrections in regard to Mr Abramovich
25 Mar 2021
Reproduced below are four media corrections in regard to Mr Abramovich
which have been published recently.
Mr Abramovich is donating the compensation for legal costs towards a
charity fighting racism and discrimination.
== The Times, 6 February 2021 ==
In our article “Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich has £200m British
property empire” (News, Jan 30) we wrongly claimed that Mr Roman
Abramovich had lost his UK citizenship and reported that he had made his
money selling state assets after the fall of the Soviet Union. We accept
that Mr Abramovich did not lose UK citizenship, as he never held UK
citizenship and the assets sold had first been purchased from the State.
In reporting wider concerns regarding individuals with links to the
Kremlin, it was not our intention to suggest that Mr Abramovich himself
was connected to corruption, organised crime or human rights abuse in
Russia or elsewhere. We are happy to make this clear and apologise to Mr
Abramovich for any misunderstanding. In view of these errors we have
agreed to make a donation to a charity nominated by Mr Abramovich.
== The Independent, 12 February 2021 ==
In an article we published on 6 February 2021 headed “Vladimir Putin is a
'monkey with a grenade': Navalny aide says it is time to get tough with
Russian leader” we wrongly reported claims by Mr Leonid Volkov that Mr
Abramovich is a bag carrier for President Putin's illicit presidential
wealth and named him as an individual who should be sanctioned.
The Independent accepts that Mr Abramovich is not a “bag carrier” for
President Putin and we did not mean to allege that he should be subjected
to punitive sanction. We note that Mr Abramovich's representatives have
stated publicly that there is no foundation for such claims.
We are happy to make this clear and apologise to Mr Abramovich for any
misunderstanding. In view of these errors we have agreed to make a
donation to a charity nominated by Mr Abramovich and to pay his legal
== MailOnline, 18 February 2021 ==
An article on 30 January 2021 headed 'Roman Abramovich's £200million
British property empire revealed', which was based upon a report in The
Times, wrongly claimed that Mr Abramovich had lost his UK citizenship. In
fact, Mr Abramovich did not lose UK citizenship, as he never held UK
citizenship, and made his money selling assets purchased from the state,
not state assets, when the Soviet Union broke up. We are happy to make
clear that there was no intention to suggest that Mr Abramovich was an
undesirable person for the purpose of UK citizenship, apologise if any
contrary impression was given, and have agreed to make a donation to a
charity of his choice.
== The Times, 25 March 2021 ==
We reported an allegation that Roman Abramovich bought a yacht for
president Vladimir Putin, when the latter was prime minister (“One
superyacht just isn't enough for Roman Abramovich”, news, Feb 25). We
accept that this allegation is not correct. Mr Abramovich has never owned
the yacht Olympia and did not give it or any other yacht to Mr Putin. We
also wrongly reported that Mr Abramovich gave a yacht to Mr Eugene
Shvidler. We are happy to clarify the position and apologise to Mr
Abramovich for the errors.
Recent media corrections in regard to Mr Abramovich
25 Mar 2021
Reproduced below are four media corrections in regard to Mr Abramovich
which have been published recently.

Mr Abramovich is donating the compensation for legal costs towards a
charity fighting racism and discrimination.
== The Times, 6 February 2021 ==
In our article “Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich has £200m British
property empire” (News, Jan 30) we wrongly claimed that Mr Roman
Abramovich had lost his UK citizenship and reported that he had made his
money selling state assets after the fall of the Soviet Union. We accept
that Mr Abramovich did not lose UK citizenship, as he never held UK
citizenship and the assets sold had first been purchased from the State.
In reporting wider concerns regarding individuals with links to the
Kremlin, it was not our intention to suggest that Mr Abramovich himself
was connected to corruption, organised crime or human rights abuse in
Russia or elsewhere. We are happy to make this clear and apologise to Mr
Abramovich for any misunderstanding. In view of these errors we have
agreed to make a donation to a charity nominated by Mr Abramovich.
== The Independent, 12 February 2021 ==
In an article we published on 6 February 2021 headed “Vladimir Putin is a
'monkey with a grenade': Navalny aide says it is time to get tough with
Russian leader” we wrongly reported claims by Mr Leonid Volkov that Mr
Abramovich is a bag carrier for President Putin's illicit presidential
wealth and named him as an individual who should be sanctioned.
The Independent accepts that Mr Abramovich is not a “bag carrier” for
President Putin and we did not mean to allege that he should be subjected
to punitive sanction. We note that Mr Abramovich's representatives have
stated publicly that there is no foundation for such claims.
We are happy to make this clear and apologise to Mr Abramovich for any
misunderstanding. In view of these errors we have agreed to make a
donation to a charity nominated by Mr Abramovich and to pay his legal
== MailOnline, 18 February 2021 ==
An article on 30 January 2021 headed 'Roman Abramovich's £200million
British property empire revealed', which was based upon a report in The
Times, wrongly claimed that Mr Abramovich had lost his UK citizenship. In
fact, Mr Abramovich did not lose UK citizenship, as he never held UK
citizenship, and made his money selling assets purchased from the state,
not state assets, when the Soviet Union broke up. We are happy to make
clear that there was no intention to suggest that Mr Abramovich was an
undesirable person for the purpose of UK citizenship, apologise if any
contrary impression was given, and have agreed to make a donation to a
charity of his choice.
== The Times, 25 March 2021 ==
We reported an allegation that Roman Abramovich bought a yacht for
president Vladimir Putin, when the latter was prime minister (“One
superyacht just isn't enough for Roman Abramovich”, news, Feb 25). We
accept that this allegation is not correct. Mr Abramovich has never owned
the yacht Olympia and did not give it or any other yacht to Mr Putin. We
also wrongly reported that Mr Abramovich gave a yacht to Mr Eugene
Shvidler. We are happy to clarify the position and apologise to Mr
Abramovich for the errors.
All Comments

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2021-03-28T01:09
at 2021-03-28T01:09

By Victoria
at 2021-03-28T02:30
at 2021-03-28T02:30

By Wallis
at 2021-03-28T03:51
at 2021-03-28T03:51

By Yuri
at 2021-03-28T05:12
at 2021-03-28T05:12

By Kyle
at 2021-03-28T06:34
at 2021-03-28T06:34
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