阿布拉莫維奇:我想成為足球的一份子 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

By Olivia
at 2021-03-26T04:55
at 2021-03-26T04:55
Table of Contents
Roman Abramovich: I wanted to be part of this incredible sport - 23 Mar 2021
Roman Abramovich discusses football in society and ambition remaining the same
19 Mar 2021
Roman Abramovich has shared thoughts publicly on some important topics
concerning Chelsea, football and wider society, including combating
discrimination, having a performance-based culture and investing in the
women's game.
The Chelsea owner was in conversation with Lee Igel, a clinical professor
at the NYU Tisch Institute for Global Sport who has contributed to Chelsea
FC projects, and used our Say No to Antisemitism campaign to form part of
the teaching at his Institute.
The discussion is published in Forbes magazine and it begins with Mr
Abramovich recalling why he fell in love with football, and that his aims
at the outset of his ownership were to create world-class teams as well as
ensure the club plays a positive role in all of our communities.
The progress made on those objectives since 2003 is then discussed at
length including, in the wake of this week's launch of the club's new No
To Hate campaign, the continuing work to combat racist abuse, especially
in the wake of players being targeted on social media.
'Racism, antisemitism, this is all the same type of evil and should have
no place on our world at this day and age,' he tells Igel.
Photograph courtesy of Shahar Azran
'Every time I get sent examples of racist abuse that our players face, I
am shocked. It's disgraceful that this is the reality for not just our
players, but for anyone targeted by this sort of abuse. If we as a club
can make a difference in this area, in fighting antisemitism, racism and
promoting tolerance, I am determined to stand behind it and contribute in
whatever way I can.'
Chelsea players helping to launch the No To Hate campaign this week
Mr Abramovich discusses why, despite no wish to have a public profile, he
chooses on occasions to put his name to statements or letters on this
subject and others, including when Frank Lampard left the club.
'I think we are pragmatic in our choices,' he says. 'And we are
comfortable making the right changes at the right time to ensure we can
achieve our long-term ambitions. I hope it also says something about the
clarity of the long-term ambition of the club. Those who join understand
the objectives both on the pitch, as well as the wider positive role the
club plays in the community.'
The success of Chelsea FC Women and the Academy sides, as well as the
men's team, are clearly a source of pride for the owner and he states his
belief that the women's game would be on an equal business footing to the
men's if given equal support.
'The women's team is a critical part of Chelsea and shapes who we are as a
club,' Mr Abramovich says.
Chelsea Women manager Emma Hayes with her latest trophy won last weekend
'I think investment pays off. I think their success demonstrates what can
be achieved when you dedicate resources and the right leadership. Emma
Hayes has been remarkable in her work with the team.'
The Chelsea Foundation, the largest in UK football, and the support
Chelsea and Mr Abramovich have offered to the National Health Service, the
charity Refuge and the wider community during the pandemic are also
highlighted in the conversation in Forbes, which can be read in full here.
Chelsea Owner And Billionaire Roman Abramovich On The Past, Present And
Lee Igel - Mar 19, 2021,01:27pm EST
Burrell: "If the Gods are fucking you, you find a way to fuck them back.
It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The Gods will not save you."
- The Wire Season 3 Episode 3



Roman Abramovich: I wanted to be part of this incredible sport - 23 Mar 2021
Roman Abramovich discusses football in society and ambition remaining the same
19 Mar 2021
Roman Abramovich has shared thoughts publicly on some important topics
concerning Chelsea, football and wider society, including combating
discrimination, having a performance-based culture and investing in the
women's game.

The Chelsea owner was in conversation with Lee Igel, a clinical professor
at the NYU Tisch Institute for Global Sport who has contributed to Chelsea
FC projects, and used our Say No to Antisemitism campaign to form part of
the teaching at his Institute.
The discussion is published in Forbes magazine and it begins with Mr
Abramovich recalling why he fell in love with football, and that his aims
at the outset of his ownership were to create world-class teams as well as
ensure the club plays a positive role in all of our communities.
The progress made on those objectives since 2003 is then discussed at
length including, in the wake of this week's launch of the club's new No
To Hate campaign, the continuing work to combat racist abuse, especially
in the wake of players being targeted on social media.
'Racism, antisemitism, this is all the same type of evil and should have
no place on our world at this day and age,' he tells Igel.

'Every time I get sent examples of racist abuse that our players face, I
am shocked. It's disgraceful that this is the reality for not just our
players, but for anyone targeted by this sort of abuse. If we as a club
can make a difference in this area, in fighting antisemitism, racism and
promoting tolerance, I am determined to stand behind it and contribute in
whatever way I can.'

Mr Abramovich discusses why, despite no wish to have a public profile, he
chooses on occasions to put his name to statements or letters on this
subject and others, including when Frank Lampard left the club.
'I think we are pragmatic in our choices,' he says. 'And we are
comfortable making the right changes at the right time to ensure we can
achieve our long-term ambitions. I hope it also says something about the
clarity of the long-term ambition of the club. Those who join understand
the objectives both on the pitch, as well as the wider positive role the
club plays in the community.'
The success of Chelsea FC Women and the Academy sides, as well as the
men's team, are clearly a source of pride for the owner and he states his
belief that the women's game would be on an equal business footing to the
men's if given equal support.
'The women's team is a critical part of Chelsea and shapes who we are as a
club,' Mr Abramovich says.

'I think investment pays off. I think their success demonstrates what can
be achieved when you dedicate resources and the right leadership. Emma
Hayes has been remarkable in her work with the team.'
The Chelsea Foundation, the largest in UK football, and the support
Chelsea and Mr Abramovich have offered to the National Health Service, the
charity Refuge and the wider community during the pandemic are also
highlighted in the conversation in Forbes, which can be read in full here.
Chelsea Owner And Billionaire Roman Abramovich On The Past, Present And
Lee Igel - Mar 19, 2021,01:27pm EST
Burrell: "If the Gods are fucking you, you find a way to fuck them back.
It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The Gods will not save you."
- The Wire Season 3 Episode 3
All Comments

By George
at 2021-03-29T01:55
at 2021-03-29T01:55

By Todd Johnson
at 2021-03-31T22:55
at 2021-03-31T22:55

By Oliver
at 2021-04-03T19:55
at 2021-04-03T19:55

By Ula
at 2021-04-06T16:54
at 2021-04-06T16:54

By Caroline
at 2021-04-09T13:54
at 2021-04-09T13:54

By Una
at 2021-04-12T10:54
at 2021-04-12T10:54

By Todd Johnson
at 2021-04-15T07:54
at 2021-04-15T07:54

By Brianna
at 2021-04-18T04:54
at 2021-04-18T04:54

By Kristin
at 2021-04-21T01:54
at 2021-04-21T01:54

By Delia
at 2021-04-23T22:54
at 2021-04-23T22:54

By Caroline
at 2021-04-26T19:53
at 2021-04-26T19:53

By Dora
at 2021-04-29T16:53
at 2021-04-29T16:53

By Iris
at 2021-05-02T13:53
at 2021-05-02T13:53

By Carolina Franco
at 2021-05-05T10:53
at 2021-05-05T10:53

By Edward Lewis
at 2021-05-08T07:53
at 2021-05-08T07:53

By Yedda
at 2021-05-11T04:53
at 2021-05-11T04:53

By Ingrid
at 2021-05-14T01:53
at 2021-05-14T01:53

By Edward Lewis
at 2021-05-16T22:53
at 2021-05-16T22:53

By Donna
at 2021-05-19T19:52
at 2021-05-19T19:52

By Una
at 2021-05-22T16:52
at 2021-05-22T16:52

By Hamiltion
at 2021-05-25T13:52
at 2021-05-25T13:52
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