Year 2011 Calendar from Tennis Star Daniela Hantuchova - 達妮埃拉·漢圖霍娃 Hantuchova

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-12-09T21:24

Table of Contents



Q: Daniela, first of all, let us thank you for investing your time and talking
with us today. We have just enjoyed your fantastic pictures for the Year
2011 calendar. What is your personal understanding of the key purpose of
this calendar?

A: Purpose of this calendar is pretty simple – my charity in Kambodgia … we
were thinking how to improve our work there for the kids that need it very
much and thought that this could be at least a small step to make people
aware of the problems there and help to support a good cause.

Q: As we know it took only 2 days to shoot all the pictures for this calendar.
What motivated you personally and the team of designers to finalize the
project in such a short period of time producing, at the same time,
absolutely ultimate results?

A: The whole team did a fantastic job and the photographer Brano Simoncik is
absolutely great … it was amazing that we were able to do it all over the
period of only two days (actually day and half) since to my busy schedule
I couldn’t find more time than that … but I guess sometimes when there is
less time the results are better :).

Q: Daniela, we believe that there are many similarities between sport and art.
For example, both require inspiration to achieve success. What things
inspire you for your achievements in sport and, maybe, in personal life?

A: Yes there is definitely a close connection between art and sport and many
similarities, in this case we have tried to give people a different look to
how they see me in the sport world and make it more as a piece of art …
whatever I do, whether it is playing tennis or work outside the court I’m
always motivated to get the best results and only do it 100%.

Q: You appear as a professional fashion model on the calendar. What do you like
about this particular role?

A: Like I said I have really enjoyed beeing part of this project since it felt
more like beeing part of an art than a modeling project and we already have
different idea for next year shooting … the photographer is very creative
which was the key in doing 13 different looks in two days time!

Q: Are there any other design projects where you participated as a model?

A: I love being part of either fashion or art projects where I actually don’t
represent myself but a certain brand or project. In the future I would love
to have my own fashion label since designing is something I have been always
the most interested in outside my tennis world.

Q: Our magazine Cruzine is devoted to all types of design and visual art. Are
there any specific forms of art you are interested in?

A: I know this may be surpising but I love so much the art of sailing and boats,
the way they design boats in todays world is pretty amazing and it’s my
dream to have one after I stop playing tennis … obviously I love interior
design as well since my brother is a excellent architect so I guess the
taste for art we have got a bit in the family :).

Q: The world knows you as a successful tennis player. What do you love in
tennis most?

A: Well I just think it is the most beautiful sport in the world and it is a
big privilege to wake every morning and do something that I love so much
which is playing the game :).

Q: What advice could you give to young people, who just start their career in
professional tennis?

A: That tennis is not everything and that there are many more important things
in life such as family, right education, having fun with whatever we do and
not to take it too seriously!

Q: Since we are all going to celebrate Christmas and New Year soon, have you
already made your wish for Santa Clause, and what are you expecting to
receive from him this year (if not a secret, of course)?

A: Well my biggest wish for xmas is always for family to be healthy as that’s
the most important thing, everything else doesn’t matter …

Q: Have you already chosen the place to celebrate this New Year?

A: For new year I will already have to be in Australia preparing for my first
tournament which starts in Brisbane.

Thank you, Daniela, for this interview. It was a great pleasure for us, and
we are sure it will be a great pleasure for our readers as well as your fans
to read it at the pages of Cruzine magazine. We wish you all the best!

Having no right to distract you from viewing the calendar pictures any longer,
we are pleased to invite you to scroll down and enjoy the entire set of Daniela
Hantuchova calendar photographs. Just let us remind you once again – this
calendar is a charity initiative, so, if you are a fan of Daniela, please,
consider purchasing the calendar in print from the official website of Daniela
Hantuchova to make your personal contribution in the noble work of helping
children with HIV in Cambodia. After enjoying all the photographs, be prepared
to check out one more unique gift from Cruzine and Daniela…,6d;Shw,nh;e



Tags: 網球

All Comments

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-12-10T16:24
希望明年成績更進步 :)
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2010-12-11T11:24
姐弟長的一點都不像 姐姐漂亮多了 XD
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2010-12-12T06:23
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2010-12-13T01:23
她弟弟是怎麼一回事 XD 媽媽也好不像,比較像圍棋她媽
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-12-13T20:23


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Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2010-12-09T17:04
更為詳盡的報導。 我也快哭了 ....... (泣) 另外,有13座大滿貫盃還在是因為被留在另一個地方。 (其實我覺得應該剩12座,因為第一座溫布頓金盃應該陪著他的教練入葬了) 百座獎杯被偷光 山普拉斯超心痛 ...

[新聞] 山普拉斯生涯獎盃遭竊賊洗劫一空

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2010-12-09T11:21
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板 #1D04cdWb ] 作者: werther0922 (werther) 看板: Tennis 標題: [新聞] 山普拉斯生涯獎盃遭竊賊洗劫一空 時間: Thu Dec 9 11:14:44 2010 ...


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Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-12-08T23:11
多克奇收穫布里斯班賽外卡 新賽季為東山再起再出發 2010年12月08日11:06 新浪體育   新浪體育訊 布里斯班8日消息,儘管自5月的布拉格賽起就再未贏得過一場巡迴賽級 別的正選賽勝利,但是27歲的多克奇仍未放棄自己尋求東山再起的努力,現世界排名跌至 137位的她接受了布里斯班國際賽的外卡,將這項賽 ...