WWE與丹佛金塊場館問題後續 - 摔角 Wrestle
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2009-05-21T10:41
at 2009-05-21T10:41
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WWE moving Monday show from Denver to Los Angeles
By BRIAN MAHONEY, AP Basketball Writer
2 hours, 15 minutes ago
Vince McMahon claims he’s being thrown out.
His opponent insists McMahon is the double-crosser.
It’d make a good story line for a wrestling feud—but it won’t take place
in Denver.
World Wrestling Entertainment is moving its Monday night show to Los Angeles
because of a conflict with the Pepsi Center in Denver, which had booked two
events for the same night.
The Nuggets are scheduled to host the Lakers on Monday in Game 4 of the
Western Conference finals, but WWE had previously secured the arena for an
episode of Monday Night Raw.
The WWE chairman criticized Kroenke Sports, which owns the Nuggets and Pepsi
Center, for not being more helpful when the conflict arose over the weekend.
“They bumped us right out of the building, hardly an apology,” McMahon said
Wednesday. “They didn’t do anything for us at all, and the media was
talking about someone has to write a check. They didn’t want to write
anything and they wanted to give us a Sunday night. And the name of the show
is Monday Night Raw.”
However, Kroenke Sports claims McMahon had previously agreed to a deal to
shift the event to Sunday.
“We negotiated in good faith with Vince and believed we had a deal in
principal as of Tuesday,” Kroenke Sports executive vice president Paul
Andrews said. “In fact, it was so clear to us that we did that we asked
Vince to do a joint press release. He said, ‘Paul, I have no problem with a
joint press release.’ Then, he asked us if he could get five tickets to the
Denver Nuggets’ game on Monday night so he could apologize to Mr. Kroenke in
“That was Tuesday. We find out by a press announcement today by Vince, who I
believe is the master of propaganda, that he’s moving the event to the
Staples Center. He didn’t even contact us to tell us he hadn’t accepted the
deal we negotiated the night before, so we’re quite shocked, frankly.”
WWE executive vice president Shane McMahon, at a press conference at Staples
Center, said the Kroenke offer came too late.
“They tried to be amicable but we’re really at such a loss of words because
we were expecting a capacity crowd. Had sold 11,000 as of last week,” he
said. “We’ve been on sale since August so everyone knew we were coming. We
built everything around it. That’s what we do. We promote and build the
Vince McMahon said Staples Center called and offered use of its building and
that his organization will return to Denver for an event at the Coliseum on
Aug. 7. McMahon said many arenas, including Madison Square Garden, called and
offered to host Raw. He chose Staples Center, which also was available
Tuesday night for its second night of programming.
McMahon said it was important to have Raw be shown live on its normal Monday
night slot on USA Network—where it will go head-to-head against the
Nuggets-Lakers game on ESPN. He previously vowed he would hold the event in a
parking lot if need be.
McMahon added the Monday show would include a 5-on-5 match pitting “Lakers”
against “Nuggets” and his character would likely confront a character of
Stan Kroenke, who owns Kroenke Enterprises, in the ring.
But while he said that’s entertainment for the fans, he remains angry at
Kroenke and the terms he said were requested in the press release to complete
an agreement.
“They would not even talk about making a deal other than paying our expenses
basically unless we signed some sort of joint press release,” McMahon said.
“You would not believe what these people were attempting to make us do. I
guess maybe running over us and throwing us out unceremoniously on our ear
was not good enough. They want to trample us.”
WWE said it secured the Pepsi Center last Aug. 15 and had already sold more
than 10,000 tickets for the event. The organization said arena officials
confirmed the wrestlers were still coming and sent a signed contract on April
15, the last night of the regular season.
Then the double booking was set Sunday, when the Lakers beat Houston in Game
7 to reach the conference finals. Had the Lakers lost, Denver would have had
home-court advantage against the Rockets, making the Pepsi Center available
for wrestling on Monday.
The conflict has provided some great press for WWE, but McMahon said his
preference was to do his show as planned.
“I didn’t want this publicity,” he said. “They threw me out and so what
are we going to do? We have to garner some degree of publicity.”
Kroenke Sports said WWE preferred the publicity to a compromise.
“They haven’t returned any of our calls for over a 24-hour period since we
had what we believed to be an agreement Tuesday night,” Andrews said. “We’
ve reached out to them all day for feedback and then we get an announcement
they’re going to L.A.
“The sensationalism and media attention were more important than the fans of
AP Sports Writers Arnie Stapleton and Pat Graham in Denver and Solange Reyner
in Los Angeles contributed to this report.
※ 引述《timsid99 (踢細九九)》之銘言:
: http://www.shuaijiao.com/n/12009/14811.html
: http://www.shuaijiao.com/n/12009/14808.html
: 來源:摔角在線 翻譯:Innopection工作組
: 最新的消息是,WWE似乎正在讓步了....
: ˙ 今天早上ESPN第一檔節目中,Skip Bayless, Doug Stewart和Ryan Stewart討論了
: WWE對NBA這個熱門話題。他們從Vince McMahon曾經說Stan Kroenke 是個糟糕商人
: 這個話題開始引入,然後展開討論。Skip Bayless說這些大亨們,特別是Stan
: Kroenke ,原本可以在四月簽訂合約之前改變這個局面。運動員們也應該因為他在
: 團隊裡缺乏號召力而感到憤怒。Doug Stewart對此觀點表示贊同,而且也支持Vince
: 關於Stan Kroenke是個糟糕的商人這個說法。 Ryan tewart卻說這是個意外的場館
: 重複預訂事件,沒有人知道會發生這些事,而這個意外恰好又被太多人關注了。
: Doug Stewart與Skip Bayless不同意這個說法,他們明確指出,一個擁有幾百萬資
: 產的財團不會也不可能出現這種「意外的」場館預定失誤,Ryan Stewart還想為
: Stan Kroenke做出辯解,但Skip Bayless 和 Doug Stewart堅持說這種事情根本就
: 不應該發生。
: ˙ 加拿大TSN電視台的中心體育頻道今天早上報導了關於「 WWE對NBA」事件的情況。
: 如果那些體育記者沒有挖苦諷刺摔角的話,這件事也許只是個小事情。而且最根本
: 的是,摔迷們不會站出來對這件事情多加渲染,讓這件事情升高到更高的層級。
: ˙ WWE官方說,有許多場館願意伸出援手。下面是文章的片段:
: WWE正在協調 Raw與NBA季後賽(丹佛金塊對洛杉磯湖人)的場館調度問題。公司高
: 層接到了包括紐約麥迪遜廣場花園以及湖人隊主場斯台普斯中心球館的協助意願。
: 以下是原文連結:
: http://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/articles/9683696/venuestorescue
: ˙ 下週RAW舉行的備選計劃:有可能是在科羅拉多州溫泉城的World Arena體育館舉行
: 。昨天WWE會議討論出另外一個選擇,WWE正在溫泉城預定一百多間旅館房間,為科
: 羅拉多溫泉城的星期日晚上作準備。直到昨日稍晚,公司官員還沒有確定任命編排
: 人員負責設計25日星期一晚Raw的錄製工作。
: ˙ 接續上面一則報導,下星期RAW節目錄製的可能計劃將在科羅拉多州溫泉城的World
: Arena舉行。這是昨天討論出的備用計劃,並且WWE已經在溫泉城預定旅館作準備。
: 由於場館預定問題,下星期RAW的舉辦體育場一直懸而未決。但WWE官方說紐約麥迪
: 遜花園廣場和洛杉磯斯台普斯中心都願意幫忙。不過 WWE澄清說他們仍然沒有決定
: 在何處舉辦下週的RAW。我們早先報導過RAW最有可能在科羅拉多溫泉城舉行,事實
: 上這正是原先表定RAW於丹佛錄製後的SmackDown/ECW的錄製地點。
: ESPN今天早上刊登了一篇「Blog Buzz」文章,文中說道ESPN認為相對於NBA或者NHL
: 的季後賽而言,WWE對NBA的故事得到更多體育迷的興趣。更多消息請至ESPN.com。
: 雅虎體育正在討論「百事中心事件」,並用一種調侃的語氣發表了一篇文章,談論
: 了如果RAW和NBA西區決賽第四場同時在同個體育場舉行會發生什麼事情。文章中還
: 包括模擬的WWE vs. Lakers vs. Nuggets比賽的詳細報導。除此之外,文中還提及
: Undertaker對Kobe發出大絕之後被召喚出來等誇張的情節,想知道更多請至
: Sports.Yahoo.com。
就會變成桑野先生喔!! ORZ
WWE moving Monday show from Denver to Los Angeles
By BRIAN MAHONEY, AP Basketball Writer
2 hours, 15 minutes ago
Vince McMahon claims he’s being thrown out.
His opponent insists McMahon is the double-crosser.
It’d make a good story line for a wrestling feud—but it won’t take place
in Denver.
World Wrestling Entertainment is moving its Monday night show to Los Angeles
because of a conflict with the Pepsi Center in Denver, which had booked two
events for the same night.
The Nuggets are scheduled to host the Lakers on Monday in Game 4 of the
Western Conference finals, but WWE had previously secured the arena for an
episode of Monday Night Raw.
The WWE chairman criticized Kroenke Sports, which owns the Nuggets and Pepsi
Center, for not being more helpful when the conflict arose over the weekend.
“They bumped us right out of the building, hardly an apology,” McMahon said
Wednesday. “They didn’t do anything for us at all, and the media was
talking about someone has to write a check. They didn’t want to write
anything and they wanted to give us a Sunday night. And the name of the show
is Monday Night Raw.”
However, Kroenke Sports claims McMahon had previously agreed to a deal to
shift the event to Sunday.
“We negotiated in good faith with Vince and believed we had a deal in
principal as of Tuesday,” Kroenke Sports executive vice president Paul
Andrews said. “In fact, it was so clear to us that we did that we asked
Vince to do a joint press release. He said, ‘Paul, I have no problem with a
joint press release.’ Then, he asked us if he could get five tickets to the
Denver Nuggets’ game on Monday night so he could apologize to Mr. Kroenke in
“That was Tuesday. We find out by a press announcement today by Vince, who I
believe is the master of propaganda, that he’s moving the event to the
Staples Center. He didn’t even contact us to tell us he hadn’t accepted the
deal we negotiated the night before, so we’re quite shocked, frankly.”
WWE executive vice president Shane McMahon, at a press conference at Staples
Center, said the Kroenke offer came too late.
“They tried to be amicable but we’re really at such a loss of words because
we were expecting a capacity crowd. Had sold 11,000 as of last week,” he
said. “We’ve been on sale since August so everyone knew we were coming. We
built everything around it. That’s what we do. We promote and build the
Vince McMahon said Staples Center called and offered use of its building and
that his organization will return to Denver for an event at the Coliseum on
Aug. 7. McMahon said many arenas, including Madison Square Garden, called and
offered to host Raw. He chose Staples Center, which also was available
Tuesday night for its second night of programming.
McMahon said it was important to have Raw be shown live on its normal Monday
night slot on USA Network—where it will go head-to-head against the
Nuggets-Lakers game on ESPN. He previously vowed he would hold the event in a
parking lot if need be.
McMahon added the Monday show would include a 5-on-5 match pitting “Lakers”
against “Nuggets” and his character would likely confront a character of
Stan Kroenke, who owns Kroenke Enterprises, in the ring.
But while he said that’s entertainment for the fans, he remains angry at
Kroenke and the terms he said were requested in the press release to complete
an agreement.
“They would not even talk about making a deal other than paying our expenses
basically unless we signed some sort of joint press release,” McMahon said.
“You would not believe what these people were attempting to make us do. I
guess maybe running over us and throwing us out unceremoniously on our ear
was not good enough. They want to trample us.”
WWE said it secured the Pepsi Center last Aug. 15 and had already sold more
than 10,000 tickets for the event. The organization said arena officials
confirmed the wrestlers were still coming and sent a signed contract on April
15, the last night of the regular season.
Then the double booking was set Sunday, when the Lakers beat Houston in Game
7 to reach the conference finals. Had the Lakers lost, Denver would have had
home-court advantage against the Rockets, making the Pepsi Center available
for wrestling on Monday.
The conflict has provided some great press for WWE, but McMahon said his
preference was to do his show as planned.
“I didn’t want this publicity,” he said. “They threw me out and so what
are we going to do? We have to garner some degree of publicity.”
Kroenke Sports said WWE preferred the publicity to a compromise.
“They haven’t returned any of our calls for over a 24-hour period since we
had what we believed to be an agreement Tuesday night,” Andrews said. “We’
ve reached out to them all day for feedback and then we get an announcement
they’re going to L.A.
“The sensationalism and media attention were more important than the fans of
AP Sports Writers Arnie Stapleton and Pat Graham in Denver and Solange Reyner
in Los Angeles contributed to this report.
※ 引述《timsid99 (踢細九九)》之銘言:
: http://www.shuaijiao.com/n/12009/14811.html
: http://www.shuaijiao.com/n/12009/14808.html
: 來源:摔角在線 翻譯:Innopection工作組
: 最新的消息是,WWE似乎正在讓步了....
: ˙ 今天早上ESPN第一檔節目中,Skip Bayless, Doug Stewart和Ryan Stewart討論了
: WWE對NBA這個熱門話題。他們從Vince McMahon曾經說Stan Kroenke 是個糟糕商人
: 這個話題開始引入,然後展開討論。Skip Bayless說這些大亨們,特別是Stan
: Kroenke ,原本可以在四月簽訂合約之前改變這個局面。運動員們也應該因為他在
: 團隊裡缺乏號召力而感到憤怒。Doug Stewart對此觀點表示贊同,而且也支持Vince
: 關於Stan Kroenke是個糟糕的商人這個說法。 Ryan tewart卻說這是個意外的場館
: 重複預訂事件,沒有人知道會發生這些事,而這個意外恰好又被太多人關注了。
: Doug Stewart與Skip Bayless不同意這個說法,他們明確指出,一個擁有幾百萬資
: 產的財團不會也不可能出現這種「意外的」場館預定失誤,Ryan Stewart還想為
: Stan Kroenke做出辯解,但Skip Bayless 和 Doug Stewart堅持說這種事情根本就
: 不應該發生。
: ˙ 加拿大TSN電視台的中心體育頻道今天早上報導了關於「 WWE對NBA」事件的情況。
: 如果那些體育記者沒有挖苦諷刺摔角的話,這件事也許只是個小事情。而且最根本
: 的是,摔迷們不會站出來對這件事情多加渲染,讓這件事情升高到更高的層級。
: ˙ WWE官方說,有許多場館願意伸出援手。下面是文章的片段:
: WWE正在協調 Raw與NBA季後賽(丹佛金塊對洛杉磯湖人)的場館調度問題。公司高
: 層接到了包括紐約麥迪遜廣場花園以及湖人隊主場斯台普斯中心球館的協助意願。
: 以下是原文連結:
: http://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/articles/9683696/venuestorescue
: ˙ 下週RAW舉行的備選計劃:有可能是在科羅拉多州溫泉城的World Arena體育館舉行
: 。昨天WWE會議討論出另外一個選擇,WWE正在溫泉城預定一百多間旅館房間,為科
: 羅拉多溫泉城的星期日晚上作準備。直到昨日稍晚,公司官員還沒有確定任命編排
: 人員負責設計25日星期一晚Raw的錄製工作。
: ˙ 接續上面一則報導,下星期RAW節目錄製的可能計劃將在科羅拉多州溫泉城的World
: Arena舉行。這是昨天討論出的備用計劃,並且WWE已經在溫泉城預定旅館作準備。
: 由於場館預定問題,下星期RAW的舉辦體育場一直懸而未決。但WWE官方說紐約麥迪
: 遜花園廣場和洛杉磯斯台普斯中心都願意幫忙。不過 WWE澄清說他們仍然沒有決定
: 在何處舉辦下週的RAW。我們早先報導過RAW最有可能在科羅拉多溫泉城舉行,事實
: 上這正是原先表定RAW於丹佛錄製後的SmackDown/ECW的錄製地點。
: ESPN今天早上刊登了一篇「Blog Buzz」文章,文中說道ESPN認為相對於NBA或者NHL
: 的季後賽而言,WWE對NBA的故事得到更多體育迷的興趣。更多消息請至ESPN.com。
: 雅虎體育正在討論「百事中心事件」,並用一種調侃的語氣發表了一篇文章,談論
: 了如果RAW和NBA西區決賽第四場同時在同個體育場舉行會發生什麼事情。文章中還
: 包括模擬的WWE vs. Lakers vs. Nuggets比賽的詳細報導。除此之外,文中還提及
: Undertaker對Kobe發出大絕之後被召喚出來等誇張的情節,想知道更多請至
: Sports.Yahoo.com。
就會變成桑野先生喔!! ORZ
All Comments
By Edwina
at 2009-05-21T18:46
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