Wang stifles Cubs for first win sinc … - 棒球

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2011-08-10T12:18

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※ 引述《girl10319 (Kelly)》之銘言:
: Wang stifles Cubs for first win since 2009
: CHICAGO -- After two shaky starts, Chien-Ming Wang showed on Tuesday night
: that he still has life in his right arm as the Nationals beat the Cubs, 3-1,
: at Wrigley Field.

歷經兩場顛簸的先發之後, 王建民在周二晚上證明了他的右臂仍舊充滿了生命力 - 國民

: How good was Wang on this day? He looked like the pitcher who won a combined
: 28 games for the Yankees in 2006 and '07. In fact, he had a no-hitter after
: five innings, broken up in the sixth, when pinch-hitter Tony Campana led off
: the inning with an infield single. However, Wang was able to retire the next
: three hitters, Starlin Castro, Darwin Barney and Blake DeWitt.
: After throwing 81 pitches, Wang was done for the night. He relied heavily on
: his sinker, and it paid off as he threw 11 ground-ball outs. He struck out
: one batter and walked two. It was Wang's first victory since June 28, 2009,
: against the Mets.

今天的王建民有多強大? 他就像那個在2006跟2007年幫洋基贏了28(?)場比賽的那個傢伙.
事實上, 他送出了五局無安打比賽, 直到第六局才被Tony Campanar打出一隻內野安打.
然後, 王建民又接連解決了三名打者 Starlin Castro, Darwin Barney跟Blake DeWitt.
投了81球之後, 王完成了今天的工作. 而他重度依賴的伸卡球, 幫助他取得了11個滾地
出局數. 他三振了一個人, 保送了兩個. 這是從2009年6月28對大都會之後的第一場勝投.

: The Nationals gave Wang run support in the sixth inning against right-hander
: Matt Garza. Michael Morse led off the inning, swung at a 3-1 pitch and hit a
: solo home run over the center-field wall, his 20th.
: After Jayson Werth singled, Jonny Gomes swung at the first pitch he saw and
: homered over the left-center-field wall, his 13th, to give Washington the
: three-run lead.

國民在六局的時候終於突破了右投手Matt Garza的封鎖. Michael Morse在一好三壞的球數下
打出一隻中間方向的全壘打, 這是他今年第20號. 在Jayson Werth打出了一壘安打後,
Jonny Gomes瞄準了第一球, 把球轟出了中間偏左的圍牆, 這是他今年的第13支全壘打,

: With the victory, the Nationals have won seven out of their last 10 games and
: improved their record to 56-59.

有了這場勝利, 國民在最近10場中贏得了七場比賽, 也讓今年的成績來到了56勝59敗.


Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2011-08-14T01:10
推正常翻譯 CD等等補
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2011-08-18T19:48
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2011-08-22T11:44
被2f插惹 >////<
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2011-08-22T19:14
= =推文糟糕化..
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2011-08-27T18:56
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2011-08-30T10:41
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2011-09-01T08:05
Play One!
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-09-03T21:20
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2011-09-06T08:44
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-09-07T04:04
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2011-09-08T04:22
又不是中職每場都在選mvp= =
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-09-10T17:30
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2011-09-10T20:27
Una avatar
By Una
at 2011-09-13T04:54
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-09-14T05:54
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2011-09-17T08:03
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2011-09-18T19:24
這表示最近十場只輸三場 王葛葛很好心的幫忙承擔了兩場...
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2011-09-19T07:46
推, 不過"點出一隻內野安打", 原文中沒有bunt
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2011-09-24T05:37
翻成點恐怕會引起誤會, 畢竟用bunt破無安打算是有些爭議.

台灣隊長 建民王

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2011-08-10T11:52
今天的比賽好精采啊 前五局還是無安打 早起挺王果然是對的 (灑花) 真的是睽違2年的優質勝投 希望繼中華民國隊長 孫中山之後 能出現 台灣隊長 建民王的 海報 XDDD 40魂 - ...

[外電] Wang stifles Cubs for first win sinc …

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2011-08-10T11:50
※ 引述《girl10319 (Kelly)》之銘言: : Wang stifles Cubs for first win since 2009 王扼殺了小熊獲得2009年來第一勝。 : CHICAGO -- After two shaky starts, Chien-Ming Wang showed on ...

建仔優質先發 睽違2年摘勝投

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-08-10T11:42
好高興今天王拿勝投,尤其是在經過兩年辛苦的復健和前兩場 跌跌撞撞的投球之後 建仔優質先發 睽違2年摘勝投 更新日期:2011/08/10 08:00 (?? 時間有點怪 ??) ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-08-10T11:37
滾球出局數: 11 三振出局數: 1 王指數:11/1 = 11 只要超過4以上,就是王。 王今天很王。 -- \|/ ─●──  /  ̄ \ ⊂⌒⊃ /|\  /~~~\⊂⊃ ⊂⌒⌒⌒⊃/ 人\\\ ⊂⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⊃ \\\\ - ...

Wang stifles Cubs for first win since 2009

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-08-10T11:31
Wang stifles Cubs for first win since 2009 CHICAGO -- After two shaky starts, Chien-Ming Wang showed on Tuesday night that he still has life in his right ...