Wang close to returning - 棒球

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2009-05-20T17:26

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Wang close to returning:

Chien-Ming Wang declared himself ready to return to the majors following
a side session in front of Girardi and pitching coach Dave Eiland yesterday
at the Stadium. Wang, who was rocked in three starts before being diagnosed
with weak hips, tossed seven scoreless innings in a rehab game Sunday but
didn't have a sharp enough sinker, according to Girardi. Wang said yesterday
that Eiland told him after his bullpen that the sinker "was better than

"I'm ready," Wang said through an interpreter. "My sinker is down and I can
throw the pitch wherever I want to."

Girardi said he didn't expect to make any decision yesterday on Wang's
return to the rotation and, since he's likely to replace Phil Hughes,
there may have to be some tweaking done to the schedule since Wang and
Hughes are not currently on the same throw day. Hughes is slated to start
tonight against the Orioles.

"That's something we'll handle when we get to it," Girardi said of what
will happen to Hughes when Wang is deemed ready. "We told (Hughes) we want
him to make our decision tough."

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2009-05-25T06:57
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2009-05-26T19:26
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2009-05-30T22:42
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2009-06-03T03:14
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2009-06-04T23:53
這篇沒說是戰條子吧 是要休斯證明他的表現會讓教練團難下決定
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2009-06-07T02:00
我覺得Hughes沒什麼機會不下去, 吉總這句很場面話
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2009-06-11T20:30
Hughes鐵下去的 放心好了 SP就是過多這也沒辦法
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2009-06-13T15:09
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2009-06-17T15:51
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2009-06-18T19:53
牛棚? hmmmmmmmm
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2009-06-19T20:28
牛棚不可能... 不是每個人都能像Joba這樣搞

[蘋果] 建仔3A自治法庭認罪 罰金5美元

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2009-05-20T13:17
※ [本文轉錄自 BaseballNEWS 看板] 作者: Seki (春までは) 看板: BaseballNEWS 標題: [蘋果] 建仔3A自治法庭認罪 罰金5美元 時間: Wed May 20 05:14:59 2009 建仔3A自治法庭認罪 罰金5美元 2009年05月20日 離開3A前,建仔 ...

王建民牛棚練投50球 教練仍未點頭

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2009-05-20T12:33
美國職棒大聯盟,王建民回紐約洋基的主場練投50球,再度表達歸隊的想法,說他已經準 備好了。但是教練團還是沒有決定立刻讓他回到大聯盟。洋基已經排定未來四場比賽的先 發投手;取代王建民位置的休斯,星期三將主投對巴爾地摩金鶯的比賽。(陳楷報導) 王建民把史卡蘭頓的櫃子清空打包回紐約,星期二他在總教練吉拉弟、投手教 ...

建仔何時登板 最可能26日對遊騎兵

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2009-05-20T12:12
(特派記者倪婉君/美國紐約報導)王建民即將歸隊,但如何完美地「卡」進輪值陣容, 成為媒體希望教練團解答的難題,若在不影響其他人輪值情況下,讓建仔5月26日在客場 對遊騎兵出賽,可能是目前最好的答案。 建仔18日在3A出賽後,依投一休四原則,回到大聯盟後的第一場先發,應在23日對費城人 出賽,但那天是由柏奈特 ...

Wang throws at Yankee Stadium

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2009-05-20T11:27
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Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2009-05-20T11:19
※ 引述《mystaunch (愛打抱不平,老被水桶的人)》之銘言: : 板上有很多版友都會覺得王建民身體健康回來最重要 : 我也是希望他能健健康康的再回到球場 : 但是這是在他有有傷的前提條件下 : 但我跟其他的媒體懷疑一樣,王真的有傷嗎? 王建民已經沒下放權了 要下放的話 ...