Through long rehab, Chien-Ming Wang … - 棒球

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-06-30T11:58

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※ 引述《WingKnight (金色紀元)》之銘言:
: Through long rehab, Chien-Ming Wang longs to reward Nats’patience
: By Rich Campbell The Washington Times
: 5:44 p.m., Tuesday, June 28, 2011
: HAGERSTOWN, Md. — The front door of the cramped home clubhouse at
: 81-year-old Municipal Stadium opens directly into the main parking lot,
: where fans are free to wait for their heroes after Hagerstown Suns games.
: On Monday night, they congregated minutes after the final out and waited for
: one man.

town Suns的比賽結束後,可以任意的等著他們心中的球員英雄現身。


: This was a pilgrimage of sorts for Ching Meng, a 40-year-old Taiwanese woman
: from Rockville. She and her family drove 50 miles to get here, joining at
: least two dozen other members of the Chien-Ming Wang D.C. Fan Club. People
: from cities across the region, including Ashburn, Columbia and Leesburg,
: organized the trip on the club’s Facebook page, hoping to finally see their
: fellow countryman and favorite baseball player pitch a regular-season game.

對孟清(Ching Meng)這位從Rockville來的台灣婦人來說,這是一場朝聖之旅。

: Some carried red, white and blue Taiwanese flags. Others wore white and red
: Washington Nationals jerseys and T-shirts with Wang’s name and No. 40
: on the back. Meng proudly wore her authentic Wang jersey. She had hoped to
: meet him at the Nationals‘ FanFest in March but missed him.


: “This,” she said, “is a makeup for us.”

"這些,就是我們最好的裝飾。" 她說

: The fans waiting for Wang on Monday, though, were at the back of a long
: figurative line. The Nationals still are anticipating his arrival after
: first signing him in February 2010.


: The club has since paid him $3 million essentially to rehabilitate his
: surgically repaired right shoulder. The three innings he pitched for
: Hagerstown, Washington’s Single-A affiliate, on Monday were his first in a
: regular-season game in almost two years.


: “I’m very, very happy because it’s been a long, long time,” Wang, 31,
: said through a translator after the game.

"我非常開心,因為實在等了好久。" 31歲的王建民在賽後透過翻譯說。

: There’s still a lot left to accomplish, though, before the Nationals get a
: sufficient return on their investment.


: Their recent surge in the standings brings to mind a best-case scenario.
: Imagine Washington contending for a playoff spot during August. Suddenly,
: a healthy, effective Wang joins the bullpen or starting rotation. He won 38
: games with the New York Yankees from 2006-07, so he has the potential —
: on paper, at least — to make a positive impact.



: “I need more innings, more experience,” Wang said. “As long as my arm
: feels good, I think I’ll have no problems.

"我需要更多實戰經驗、以及更多的局數。" 王建民說

: Doug Harris, the Nationals‘ director of player development, is a bit more
: cautious in his optimism. He assumed his position in late 2009 shortly
: before Wang signed and has closely followed his progress, or lack thereof.
: He remembers how Wang was projected to return to game action in May 2010,
: and then June and then July, but didn’t.

Doug Harris,國民隊球員發展部門的總管,對王建民的樂觀還是謹慎了些,他曾經在2009

: Harris was encouraged by Wang’s 49-pitch outing Monday but acknowledged that
: Wang needs repetition to establish consistency and earn the club’s confidence.
: “The biggest thing that I see right now, even compared to earlier in the
: year, he has much more strength in his delivery and his arm is working more
: freely,” Harris said. “I thought he was really good in front with his arm
: action. That’s what’s going to allow him to have that sink and add quality
: to his secondary stuff.”


愈來愈靈活。" Harris說,"他的投球動作相當不錯,這能讓他的伸卡下沉,並且讓他的第

: Wang’s velocity is a few miles per hour slower than what it used to be, but
: the Nationals are downplaying the importance of that. He averaged in the
: upper 80s Monday and topped out at 90 mph.

: “He’s a sinkerball pitcher, so he doesn’t necessarily have to have the
: velocity of another type of pitcher,” Harris said.
: “His sinker would come in the zone like a strike and just sink out of it,”
: Suns catcher David Freitas added. “His is a little different than some of
: the guys on our team.”

"他是一名深卡球投手,所以和其他類型的投手不同,他不需要有極快的球速" Harris說

"他的伸卡球投出後會看起來像顆好球,接著就往下沉,掉出好球帶" Suns隊的捕手David
Freitas也說。 "他和其他我們球隊的投手有點不太一樣"

: Wang’s exact road back to the big leagues is still unclear. The Nationals
: will wait until he throws on the side this week before determining where and
: when his next start will be.


: But some in the organization are convinced Wang’s path will in fact lead to
: Washington.


: “I wouldn’t say that the door [back to the majors] is closed by any
: stretch,” said Suns pitching coach Chris Michalak, who also worked with Wang
: in the fall. “He’s here for a reason — to some day help us out at the
: big-league level.”

"我想不管怎樣,他回到大聯盟的門都會一直敞開著。" Suns隊的投手教練說,他也和王

: Oh, how that would delight Meng and the others who waited more than an hour
: for Wang to step out into the parking lot Monday night.


: Meng worked her way to the front of the pack, handed Wang a marker and turned
: her back so he could sign his autograph on her jersey between his name and
: number. She spun back around when he was finished and said, “Xiexie,” —
: Mandarin for “thank you.” Wang nodded and kept on signing whatever the next
: person put in front of him.
40號之間簽上他的名字。"謝謝" 王建民點點頭,繼續不停的簽著下一位走到他前頭的球

: “I’m very excited!” Meng said moments later.“I’m going to call my parents
: tonight in Taiwan.”
"我超興奮的!" 孟清過了一會兒說。"我今晚要打電話給我在台灣的爸媽!"


新手翻譯 請多多指教




Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2011-07-01T07:23
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2011-07-06T00:12
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2011-07-09T22:28

挑戰連11年明星賽 一朗淪落靠推薦?

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2011-06-30T11:21
〔自由時報記者鄭又嘉/綜合報導〕 要用兩個字形容鈴木一朗今年的心情,大概沒有比「告急」來得貼切,因為不僅 連11年單季200安的紀錄岌岌可危,眼前要挑戰連11年參加明星賽紀錄,似乎難 度更高。 從2001年穿上水手球衣開始,鈴木一朗就展現天生的明星氣勢,連續10年都入選 明星賽,而且 ...

國民不勉強飆速 建仔拼轉型

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2011-06-30T09:41
2011年 06月30日 【謝岱穎╱綜合報導】王建民在前天首場復健賽表現不錯,雖然球速最快只催到90哩( 144.8公里),平均速度也僅140公里出頭,但一旁觀戰的國民球員發展部主管哈里斯(Doug Harris)說:「他是伸卡球投手,球速沒有必要一定要像其他類型的投手那樣快。」 下一場登板 7月3日 ...

伸卡球打天下 球速絕對關鍵

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-06-30T03:03
※ [本文轉錄自 BaseballNEWS 看板 #1E2tSDYn ] 作者: tjbulls (夜晚的星星已不再亮) 看板: BaseballNEWS 標題: [自由] 伸卡球打天下 球速絕對關鍵 時間: Thu Jun 30 03:03:38 2011 走過復健期的死蔭幽谷,建仔未來看來是一片坦途, ...

建仔重要一步 回報國民耐心等候

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2011-06-30T03:02
※ [本文轉錄自 BaseballNEWS 看板 #1E2tRKnw ] 作者: tjbulls (夜晚的星星已不再亮) 看板: BaseballNEWS 標題: [自由] 建仔重要一步 回報國民耐心等候 時間: Thu Jun 30 03:02:41 2011 〔記者鄭又嘉/綜合報導〕打開黑格斯鎮太陽隊 ...

Through long rehab, Chien-Ming Wang longs to reward Nats

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2011-06-30T02:45
Through long rehab, Chien-Ming Wang longs to reward Nats’patience By Rich Campbell The Washington Times 5:44 p.m., Tuesday, June 28, 2011 HAGERSTOWN, Md ...