Some NBA Rules - NBA

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2004-07-27T17:38

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※ [本文轉錄自 Finley 信箱]

作者: [email protected] ("[email protected]")
標題: Some NBA Rules
時間: Tue Jul 27 17:38:15 2004

作者: finley (算了.....) 看板: Mavs_Factory
標題: Some NBA Rules
時間: Tue Jul 27 17:08:14 2004

With all the discussion about trades and free agents, I thought I would offer
some housekeeping so that everyone can understand what can and can’t happen
in regards to trades and free agents in the NBA.

First. A team cannot just take and trade an unrestricted free agent to the
team of their choice. The free agent has to want to go that team, has to
agree to the trade and fully work out contract terms with that team. So
whether it was Steve or anyone else, before any trade to a team could be
worked out, the free agent would have to negotiate and agree on a deal with
the destination team. In essence this is the equivalent of a no trade clause.
The free agent is just that, and can choose to go or not go to a team.

2nd. If a team signs a free agent or a rookie, that player cannot be traded
till the 15th of December. So we can’t sign a free agent from another team
and immediately trade the player. Nor can we trade Devin Harris or Marquis
Daniels for example.

3rd. In trades, if the teams exchanging players are over the cap (and the
Mavs are), then current year salaries exchanged must be within 15pct plus
100k dollars of each other. So if the Mavs trade a player who makes 1mm per
year, we can take a player, or players, whose total salaries in the current
year equal $1.25mm. That breaks down as 1mm plus 15pct of 1mm plus 100k.
Rights to players or draft picks who are unsigned do not add any monetary
consideration to the totals.

If one or both of the trading teams are under the cap, they may receive a
player up to the amount of their cap room without giving up equal salaries.
If a team is at or over the cap, they must adhere to the above rules

4th. If you acquire a player in a trade, you may trade that player straight
up for another player immediately. If you wish to package that player with
another and make a trade, you must wait 60 days.

5th. In a sign and trade deal, the deal must be for at least 3 years, and the
first year MUST be guaranteed, the next 2 or more years do not have to be

6th. If a player is part of a sign and trade, and that player receives more
than a 20pct increase in salary, that player is considered a base year player.
When a player is considered a base year player, the team can only take back
salaries equal to 1/2 of the current year salary of the base year traded, or
120pct of the previous year salary (whichever is higher)* if that player is
traded to a team at or over the cap. If the player is traded to a team under
the cap, base year does not apply.

The reason for this rule is to prevent teams with a players bird rights (the
ability to pay a player any amount up to the max) from offering a player an
inflated deal with only 1 year guaranteed in order to get a higher priced
player from a team that may be trying to dump salary.

So for instance, if we wanted to do a sign and trade with a player whose
salary jumped from 4mm to 8mm dollars, we would only be credited for 4.8mm in
salary for that player in the trade. We would then add the 15pct plus 100k
to the 4.8mm, meaning we would be able to take back a player making $5.62mm.
This would make it impossible to do a 1 player for 1 player deal. We would
have to make the deal bigger or bring in more teams in order to make the deal

Making up the base year trade penalty is why you see trades get very big when
there is a player included who is receiving a big raise.

7th. There are 3 exceptions available to teams that are over the cap. (If a
team is under the cap, they may not use the exceptions.)

a. The mid-level exception. This allows teams to sign a player to a 6-year
deal with a starting salary that is the average salary of the entire league.
If the player is your own player, you can offer up to 12.5pct increases. If
the player is from another team, you can offer 10pct increases. Increases are
based on the first year of the contract. So a 5mm dollar contract with a
10pct increase, increases 500k per year. A 12.5pct increase would be 625k per

b. The 1.6mm dollar exception. This can be a 2-year contract only and a team
can not use this 2 years in a row. If you use it one year, you do not have it
available the next.

c. The minimum salary exception. A team can sign as many minimum salary
players as they have roster slots for.

8th. 99pct of deals that you read about were never proposed, and 99pct of the
deals that are proposed never happen.

9th. You will never hear me, or anyone in the Mavs comment on rumored trades. I learned my lesson the hard way about this when I first got into the league. I was playing basketball with a friend, and we had a trade about to go down with another team. I told some of my buddies at the gym about the trade. They told some people, the next day we were reading about the proposed trade in the paper. The other team got very upset and killed the deal. Lesson learned.

This is why prior to our deals, like the deal with the Wizards for the #5 pick
, or last summer’s trades, you never heard a word about the deals prior to
them happening. Those trades caught everyone by surprise and so will anything
else that we do.

10th. Watch the American Century Championship on NBC this weekend. I will be
auctioning off my incredibly poor caddying services to the highest bidder,
with all proceeds from this and other great auction items going to the Fallen
Patriot Fund.

Hopefully this helps provide guidelines for fans. I realize that it is still
somewhat technical in nature, but these are the basic rules for making trades.

If anyone out there knows Sam Smith, please provide him with a copy of these
rules since he obviously has no idea how the trade rules work.

*there are some exceptions to this, but not worth listing, this is a good
rule of thumb.

這是 Cuban 寫的,比Coon's FAQ 淺,也比較精簡
可以先看這個再看 FAQ

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All Comments

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2004-07-28T21:44
推Mark Cuban,可能是最親球迷的老闆吧..


James avatar
By James
at 2004-07-24T15:31
7/1的自由球員市場會在何時結束? 上去nba.com找不到資料 有誰知道的嗎 - ...

GM Reports: Joe Dumars (2)

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2004-07-23T14:39
原文網址: ---------- 選秀 由於Dumars才剛成為活塞隊的GM不久,對於他決定的選秀我們還不能給予一個 評論;但我們可以來看看他上任之後選了什麼人。 2000 Mateen Cleaves (14th ...

GM Reports: Joe Dumars (1)

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2004-07-23T02:21
原文網址: ---------- §緣起 在經歷了14年偉大的球員生涯之後,Joe Dumars從活塞的球場走進了辦公室。 第一年,他跟著他的老闆Rick Sund 學習了一整年有關如何處理球隊事務;然後, 在兩千年的六月, ...

Re: NBA羅希德華勒斯 五年五千七百萬續留活塞

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2004-07-23T01:04
※ 引述《SHB (森里螢一)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《JeffyLiaw (nuttinand#39; but a dream)》之銘言: : : 他只在活塞待一季,所以依照非鳥條款的金額, Rasheed Wallace : : 未來五年的薪資是下面這樣嗎? : 能不能用大鳥條款單看在球隊待幾年是不準 ...

Re: NBA羅希德華勒斯 五年五千七百萬續留活塞

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2004-07-23T00:32
※ 引述《JeffyLiaw (nuttinand#39; but a dream)》之銘言: : 他只在活塞待一季,所以依照非鳥條款的金額, Rasheed Wallace : 未來五年的薪資是下面這樣嗎? 能不能用大鳥條款單看在球隊待幾年是不準的,Rasheed Wallace 有  和活塞使用大鳥 ...