Scouting Report: Olivier Giroud - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2012-06-21T15:07

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槍手Arsenal即將迎來新的引援 - Olivier Giroud,法甲上賽季的最佳射手。

Standing at 192cm this Chambery born striker has gone from relative obscurity
to now being touted as one of the finest strikers to play in Ligue 1. Oliver
Giroud has had a meteoric rise from playing in Ligue 2 to now being a fully
capped international. It’s one that bears a similar resemblance to that of a
former Tours player,best friend and current Arsenal defender; Laurent

認為是法甲最優秀的前鋒之一,Giroud 的成長 - 從法乙發跡到現在的國家隊成
員 - 有如流星一般。他的成長讓人想起另一名與他相似,在 Tours的前隊友,也
是他好友的 Koscielny:現任 Arsenal後衛。

Giroud is in simplest terms a pure number 9 who combines his physical stature
with directness in play. He has excelled at leading the line in a primarily
4-2-3-1 formation employed by R. Girard at Montpellier. Primarily left-footed
he has shown an ability to score with both feet. He is a no-nonsense striker
whose directness is comparable to Arsenal’s other summer signing (so far),
What will also excite Gooners is that Giroud is not tap-in shy and will
constantly react to rebounds to score scrappy goals that have not been a recent
fixture of Arsene-ball.

法,他在4-2-3-1 (Montpellier的陣型) 突前的位置扮演得非常出色。雖然他是
個左腳球員,但他擁有左右腳均衡的得分能力,也是個直接的射手 (與Arsenal
夏季另一個引援 Podolski相似)。他另一個能幫助槍手的特點是「簡陋」技能,
他會毫不客氣地搶下籃板球,並且灌籃 - 才不管球進的多鳥呢!

One of Giroud’s best qualities is his directness in front of goal. He plays
the game like a classic striker in that he is always looking to shoot and as a
result averaged the most shots per game at 4.5 shots/game in Ligue 1 last term.
A skill also possessed by Giroud (and highlighted by both Blanc and Girard) has
been his ability to play with his back to goal and has excelled at
transitioning from receiving the ball, turning and taking the quick one time

Giroud 最棒的特點是他在球門前踢的很直接,總是準備要射,因此,在法甲上
一個賽季他是每場比賽平均射門次數最多的,達到4.5次。另一項 Giroud 擁有

Giroud also excels at using his physical stature to link up play. It may come
as no surprise that currently Giroud has the highest aerial duel success rate
(at 70%) of any striker playing for a top four team in Europe. One of
Montpellier’s greatest successes this term has been the ability to use Giroud
as a target man to hold up the ball allowing either of the three-man midfield
to join in the attack. Tactically this has been imperative to Montpellier
success, as they have constantly been outnumbered in midfield thus relying
heavily on Giroud’s ability to control long balls and link up and/or set up
goals for his teammates. As a result Giroud has been also able to amass an
assist tally of 9 ranking him the highest for forwards in France (if one was to
exclude J. Menez of PSG who has played as a modified AMR/FW).

Giroud 擅長利用身材優勢。你或許並不意外:Giroud 70%的頭球爭搶成功率在
歐洲各聯賽前四名球隊的前鋒當中名列第一! Montpellier本季最大的成功來自
於把 Giroud當成前場支點,他能拿住球,使中場三名球員得以後上參與進攻。
戰術上來說,Montpellier 的成功(法甲第一) 與此脫不了關係,他們的中場球員
數量常處於下風,因此非常倚賴 Giroud控制住高空球後連結隊友、或者助攻隊
扣掉 Menez的話,他的位置是攻擊中場/前鋒)

Giroud is not without flaws however and one of the biggest flaws in his game is
his lack of versatility in forward positions. Giroud simply leads the attack
but you would be hard pressed to see him constantly interchange between the
midfield or on the flanks. While it’s unfair to pin the lack of movement
entirely on him as the formation employed by Girard restricted much movement
(the three-man midfield of Camara, Belhanda and Utaka interchanged among them
however). There will however be a general concern as to how would he able to
integrate himself in a 4-3-3 system at Arsenal where movement among the
front three is key.

難看到他在中場導球或者在邊路突擊。 但由於 Montpellier的教練 Girard對於陣
型的安排,一定程度上限制了 Giroud跑動的自由度,因此也不能把這個缺點完
統,與前場的另兩名球員互相跑位 / 換位,將會是一個重要的關鍵。

Giroud’s heading ability has also been called into question as for a physical
forward has only scored 2 goals last term in the league through headers. There
are also concerns over his low pass completion percentage (67% for 2011/12),
which underwhelms especially when compared to the high passing completion
rates at Arsenal. While a case could be made that as a lone striker his assist rate
and shots per game should outweigh this concern, his passing has always been
one of the weaker areas of his game even when compared to others playing in
similar positions (M. Gomez has a more healthier completion rate of 77.2%).

Giroud 頭球攻門的能力也被質疑,作為一個身材高大的前鋒,他上賽季只利用
頭球進過2球。另一個疑慮是他的傳球成功率,上賽季僅僅只有 67%,與
Arsenal的高傳球成功率比起來,是有點低的可怕。 雖然身為一個單前鋒,他的
至比起其它相同位置的球員也較差。(舉例來說,德甲 Bayern Munich的前鋒
Gomez的傳球成功率是 77.2%)

Critics praising Giroud also do so with caution due to most fearing that at 25 he
might have just had his single breakout season and that it would be a one-off.
They believe that he has set himself a bar that he may never meet again. Some
also fear his move to Arsenal could expose his inability to switch on the wings
or drop back ‘in the hole’ to support the flanks or orchestrate forward
plays. There are also concerns that Olivier lacks international playing time
and has not been tested at the highest level outside of France and thus might
find the rigours of Champions League football taxing.

許多人也擔心 Giroud在25歲的大爆發可能在生涯當中就僅只一次,他或許在未
在邊路或是回撤拿球、組織進攻能力上的不足。另外, Giroud 缺乏國際賽的經

The only way to answer these concerns definitively would be wait and see how
he integrates himself at Arsenal but as a reference his recent performances for
France should be considered to get a look into how he would fit into an Arsenal
system as Blanc employs a similar system in the national setup. His recent
performance against Iceland in a nutshell displayed all of his positive
attributes where he lead the line after coming in for Ben Arfa and Benzema
dropping behind him into a more central, creative role. Giroud linked up well
while also attempted and successfully completed five passes, all within the
penalty area with two directly resulting in goals showing that he can
successfully lead the line in a similar setup at Arsenal.

要回答這些疑慮,唯有耐心地等待、觀察他如何融入 Arsenal。不過,我們也可
以在最近的歐洲杯好好地觀察他的表現,因為法國採取的是與 Arsenal相似的
補上陣,換下Ben Arfa。他的位置靠中,Benzema在他身後。在比賽當中,他

With reports in the media suggesting that Arsenal are close to or already have
had a 9.7m bid accepted for Giroud which if true is an absolute bargain for a
player of his quality. While it would be unfair to expect a 20+ goal season
from him in his first year as he settles into the physical nature of the PL,
he has in my opinion the tools required to succeed in a league as demanding
as the PL.

根據媒體的報導,Arsenal以大約 "9.7M歐元" 的轉會費盤來 Giroud,以他的水

For those worried that signing Giroud would mark the end of RVP’s stay at
Arsenal would be advised not to. Giroud should instead be seen as the addition
of a pure #9 that will compliment RVP tactically and help reduce the goal-
scoring burden that is currently placed on our captain. He will give Arsenal
more options moving forward allowing RVP the opportunity to play wide,
forward or in his natural ‘Bergkamp’ role. While Arsenal’s style of play has
for the last 15 years moved away ‘hoofing’ the ball, having a strong target
man now adds more impetus on the crossing game while also giving Arsenal that
‘Plan B’ that is has lacked over the last couple of years. Do not however
expect Giroud to play on the wings, as it is not a position he is or will be
comfortable in.

對於那些擔心簽下 Giroud意味著 RVP的 Arsenal生涯將結束的人,我勸你們別
杞人憂天。 Giroud應該被視為一個純粹的9號球員,在戰術上能協助RVP,並且
減少Arsenal隊長肩膀上沈重的得分壓力。Giroud將帶給 Arsenal更多的進供選
擇,讓RVP可以到邊路活動、前插或者是踢他最擅長的 "Bergkamp" 位置(影子

While it may be true that Giroud could develop and become a long term
replacement for RVP, Gooners should be excited at the prospect of having a
strong, physical striker who looks set on leading the Arsenal line for years
to come.

或許 Giroud在未來有機會成長成 RVP的長期替身,槍手迷們應該為 Arenal即將
迎來一位強壯,身材高大,且能在未來幾年引領 Arsenal攻擊線的前鋒而感到興



My Blog, My Dream

Tags: 英超

All Comments

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2012-06-26T04:58
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-06-30T18:50
純粹的九號球員 拜託不要穿九號
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2012-07-05T08:42
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2012-07-09T22:34
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2012-07-14T12:26
有人覺得他類似查馬克嗎? 希望能不要冰他Q皿Q
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-07-19T02:17
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2012-07-23T16:09
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2012-07-28T06:01
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2012-08-01T19:53
左腳都買不起. 他的來到更像當初買阿德巴約一樣儲備未來
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2012-08-06T09:45
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2012-08-10T23:36
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2012-08-15T13:28
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2012-08-20T03:20
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2012-08-24T17:12
James avatar
By James
at 2012-08-29T07:04
查查剛好相反吧 頭球技能大於腳下技能 他能拿球似乎更適合
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2012-09-02T20:55
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2012-09-07T10:47
不知為何偏愛左腳將 其實左右均衡比較好吧 有更多射門角度
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2012-09-12T00:39
原來K6是他好朋友 阿森納人脈真的很有用 XDD 官方後可能會
有新聞標題「K6:他能在英超取得成功」之類的 XDD
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2012-09-16T14:31
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2012-09-21T04:23
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2012-09-25T18:14
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2012-09-30T08:06
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2012-10-04T21:58
希望這樣能幫助留隊長 不是聽說有人想挖副隊?
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2012-10-09T11:50
有人記得當年的Gingac嗎 現在打醬油去了 希望Giroud能適應
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2012-10-14T01:42
Gignac去馬賽之後傷病 搞到沒了位置 法甲金靴魔咒嗎?
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2012-10-18T15:33
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2012-10-23T05:25
捷克右後衛Theodor Gebre Selassie就是昨天走漏C羅的
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2012-10-27T19:17
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2012-11-01T09:09
盟了不來梅了...XD 消息來自大仙足球~
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2012-11-05T23:01
大仙足球是啥XD 明明joewong就有在看槍版是鐵桿槍迷呀XDD
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2012-11-10T12:52
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2012-11-15T02:44
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2012-11-19T16:36 喜歡看數據的參考
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2012-11-24T06:28
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2012-11-28T20:20
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2012-12-03T10:11
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2012-12-08T00:03
金靴放到都生鏽了 希望他不要是下一位
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2012-12-12T13:55
雖然這樣說很不好意思 但Giroud來的話希望查查賣個好價錢
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2012-12-17T03:47 副隊的playboy衣服真有趣
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2012-12-21T17:39
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2012-12-26T07:30
某隊很愛對我們鹹豬手也不是新聞了吧 手賤
John avatar
By John
at 2012-12-30T21:22
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2013-01-04T11:14
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2013-01-09T01:06
推特整理加入Giroud A_A
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2013-01-13T14:58
部長一次給太多人家會受不了 (羞)
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2013-01-18T04:49


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at 2012-06-14T02:25
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Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2012-06-12T13:02
據法國媒體《RMCsport》報導,阿仙奴即將在未來幾小時內與蒙彼利埃就法甲金靴基奧特 (Giroud)進行轉會談判,轉會費約1200萬歐元.... 當地時間6月10日,據法國媒體《RMCsport》的報導,阿仙奴即將在未來幾小時內與蒙彼 利埃就法甲金靴基奧特(Giroud)進行轉會談判,預計轉會費高達12 ...

時尚副隊!? 好帥~

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2012-06-07T17:06
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Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2012-06-06T18:49
剛剛意外的在八卦板看到這篇新聞, 看到羅西基這個名字還以為自己眼花XD 太好笑了,趕快轉過來 捷克隊盛產文青:羅西基擅長吉他鼓手切赫 足球 2012-5-30 17:00:37 來源: ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2012-06-06T17:41
先來看看包含乳摸的中文新聞: 槍手CEO豪言奪英超+歐冠 巴薩再挖角槍手 足球 2012-6-6 17:32:54 來源:ESPNSTAR.COM.TW 作者:柏亞舟 這個星期,切爾西簽下了阿扎爾,曼聯簽下了香川真司。而在早早簽下波爾圖斯基之後, 阿森納的轉會市場陷入停滯。這讓阿森納球迷大為不滿,本周,阿 ...