Scola決心讓阿根廷繼續舞動 - 籃球

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2019-09-14T23:50

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Scola is determined to keep Argentina dancing

14/09/2019 LONG READ 3 MIN TO READ

BEIJING (China) - Back in 2002, Argentina played the Final of the FIBA
Basketball World Cup with Luis Scola on board. Fast forward 17 years, and
Luis is looking better than ever, with a chance to win the gold that's
missing from his illustrious collection of silverware from all over the world.

回到2002年,Luis Scola在陣中的阿根廷參與了世界盃決賽。時間快轉17年,Luis看起來

The power forward averaged 9.2 points and 3.3 rebounds per game en route to
the silver in Indianapolis in 2002. That second-place finish was just the
beginning of the road for the Olympic champion, two-time FIBA AmeriCup
winner, one time Pan American Games gold medalist, and owner of nine other
medals in international competitions.


This time around, at 39 years of age, he is up to 19.3 points and 8.1
rebounds a day in China, looking happier than ever.


"I feel very well, very excited, very happy," Scola said after tormenting
France - a team with a two-time NBA Defensive Player of the Year Rudy Gobert
protecting the paint - with 28 points and 13 rebounds in the Semi-Finals.
"This team is fun to play with, we are winning and that is always fun. But
besides that, it's just fun to be here."

最佳防守球員Rudy Gobert保護油漆區的法國隊後這麼說。"和這支球隊打球很有趣,我們

Fun is probably the best word to describe the way Argentina played in China.
With all of their weapons on full display here, with Scola, Campazzo,
Laprovittola, Vildoza, Brussino, Garino, Deck, Delia and all the others
contributing, when they get on the same page, their basketball feels like a
genuine fiesta, like it's just a one big fun song that has everybody moving
to the beat.


It didn't take long for @facucampazzo to go into his box of magic tricks!

Which brings back a lot of memories of 2002.

"The journalists told us that they are dancing in the streets back home,"
Pepe Sanchez said, per The New York Times, 17 years ago when the team
surprised the world by reaching the Final.

"記者告訴我們當時他們在回家的街道上跳舞,"Pepe Sanchez說,透過紐約時報描述,17

The same kind of narrative could be used again, because Argentina are back in
the gold medal game, with a 39-year-old Luis Scola leading the charge. Since
he was a part of the Golden Generation which finished second in 2002 and won
gold at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece, this sounded like a good
time to draw comparison.

The hair is gone, but the man who was celebrating in 2004 is still here

"I see a lot of similarities between this team and what we went through in
2002, 2004. Will that mean that we are going to win it all? I don't know. We
already won the bronze...sorry, sorry, silver! (Laughs) That's even better.
Are we going to win the gold? I don't know, but seems it's going to be
close," Scola exhaled after 34 minutes on the floor against France.

我不知道。我們已經贏得銅牌...抱歉,抱歉,是銀牌!(笑) 那樣更好。我們會贏得金牌

Remember, France had defeated USA in the Quarter-Finals. With a loaded team
of their own, they were the favorites to go all the way here, but coach
Sergio Hernandez had all the answers. Their defense was on another level,
with Gabriel Deck, who played center and power forward in this tournament,
chasing Evan Fournier all over the floor. And once the French shooting guard
got used to Deck's size, Argentina had another trick up their sleeve, putting
Facundo Campazzo on Fournier.

到這,但Sergio Hernandez教練有了所有答案。他們的防守有了Gabriel Deck是另一個層
次,他在本次賽事打中鋒和大前鋒的位置,並在整場球限制了Evan Fourinier。而當這位
法國隊的得分後衛適應了Deck的身形後,阿根廷又有另一招,由Facundo Campazzo來看管

Offensively, they used the same trick that worked for Australia in the Second
Round when they defeated France. Pick and pop against Gobert, to drag him out
of the paint and away from the rim. That was the way for Scola to score two
of his three three-pointers on the night in the fourth quarter, killing any
hope of a French comeback. But for the 39-year-old Argentine talisman, it
wasn't about tactical details, at all.

& Pop,把他拉出油漆區遠離籃框。這是Scola在第四節投進他三個三分球中其中兩個時用

"I just think we played better basketball (than France). We were the better
team out there. Everybody agrees on that. We played great basketball all
tournament long, and I do strongly believe that we deserve to be where we


The job is not done yet. Yes, the fans are dancing in the streets back home,
and yes, they are dancing in the stands of the Wukesong Sport Arena, too. But
just reaching the Final wasn't Luis' goal here. What seems like a big
surprise in the eyes of many, that's just what the big man had expected from
this team.


Luis Scola

1er. objetivo: pasar el grupo V
2do. objetivo: entrar a cuartos V
3er. objetivo: clasificar a los JJOO V
4to objetivo: entrar a las semis V
5to objetivo: ganar medalla V

Vamos por más!

第一個目標:通過小組賽 V
第二個目標:進入淘汰賽 V
第三個目標:取得奧運會資格 V
第四個目標:進到四強賽 V
第五個目標:贏得獎牌 V


"Maybe some people thought before the tournament that we shouldn't be here,
and that's okay. I don't blame them. But, once the games started, we played
with a plan, we played this way in all the games and we made noise. Nobody
can say that we don't deserve to be where we are," he explained.


At 39, Scola has already set a number of records, playing his fifth World Cup
and climbing to the second spot on the all-time scoring list, just behind
Brazil's Oscar Schmidt. With the way he has been playing over the past two
and a half weeks, he could grab another record, one which would be almost
impossible to break.

僅落後給巴西的Oscar Schmidt。按照他過去這將近兩週以來的打法,他可以抓住另一項

Because the oldest MVP of the competition ever was Yugoslavia's Ivo Daneu,
aged 30 back in 1967. Scola going all the way on the brink of his 40th
birthday - that's a story that only the gods of basketball could write up.

因為賽會紀錄最老的MVP是1967年南斯拉夫30歲的Ivo Daneu。Scola即將迎接他的40歲生日


Tags: 籃球

All Comments


George avatar
By George
at 2019-09-14T22:39
阿根廷主帥:阿根廷籃球的特徵從未改變,我們想要奪冠 虎撲9月14日訊 阿根廷男籃主教練塞爾吉奧-埃爾南德斯在今日球隊訓練結束接受媒體採 訪時談到了明日對陣西班牙男籃的決賽。 “我們想要更多,我想要贏得金牌,”埃爾南德斯說道,“這在一個月前是一個夢想,但 現在機會就擺在我們的面前,我們現在很開心,但我們想要 ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2019-09-14T22:38
沃克:本屆世界盃是很棒的旅程,願意繼續為國征戰奧運會 虎撲9月14日訊 在剛剛結束的世界盃7-8名排名賽中,美國男籃以87-74擊敗波蘭男籃。賽 後,美國男籃後衛肯巴-沃克接受了媒體採訪。 談到本屆世界盃的征程,沃克說:“我的意思是,我在這段時間裡過得很開心。顯而易見 ,我們來到這裡的目標是努力競爭冠軍, ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2019-09-14T22:37
科比:其他國家已經追趕上來,美國隊不復絕對統治力了 虎撲9月14日訊 近日,湖人名宿科比-布萊恩特接受了記者採訪,談到了美國隊在今夏籃 球世界盃中的失利。他認為今夏的美國隊並不需要在明年東京奧運會時被“救贖”。 “這不是世界其他國家正在追趕美國的問題,而是世界其他國家已經追趕上來有一陣子了 。這已經到了我 ...

世籃賽/第7名仍有兄弟情 美國賽後互換

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2019-09-14T21:50
世籃賽/第7名仍有兄弟情 美國賽後互換簽名球衣 記者杜奕君/綜合報導 雖然僅能爭取本屆世界盃男籃第7名,美國在14日對波蘭之戰仍頂住壓力,以87比74贏得 最終勝利。賽後NBA官方IG也放上此次國手們互換簽名球衣的畫面,並強調全隊兄弟情不 ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2019-09-14T19:10
本身是非球隊的社會人士 就平常打三三而已 深深感受到投準的重要性 無奈自己從小一天到晚練投 感覺也收不到什麼明顯的效果 打三三連投好幾球不進 也不敢投了 要進攻只敢用切的 練投的方法就是老套的「投進X百球」這樣 姿勢的部分從國中高中大學到現在畢業 也在多方指導下變動了無數次 現在應該也定型了 但感覺這樣好幾 ...