Round 2賽末訪問 - 網球

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-06-24T02:28

Table of Contents 為什麼今天問題變多了

Q. How did you think that went for you today?

JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it was, yeah, good till 6-3 5-1. I was really into
my match. We could see a lot of things, I mean, having improved, of course.
And I think I started the match being aggressive.

She doesn't give a lot of rhythm so you have to do everything all the time.
She's quite smart to play. Yeah, and then at 5-1 in the second, the intensity
dropped down. For a few games, yeah, really I was sometimes too much in a rush
to finish, probably because she gave up at that time and my intensity really
dropped down.


Well, I had a good reaction to the situations that I had to experience a lot.
That happened to me a lot in the past.

So generally positive except these few games that I could finish the match
earlier. Away from that, I was feeling better in my shoulder, could serve
better today. So that was the good thing.


Q. Are you still trying to readjust to Grand Slam tennis or do you find it's
a bit like riding a bicycle?
Q: 你仍然在重新適應大滿貫嗎,是否會發現有點像在騎自行車?

JUSTINE HENIN: I don't know if a Grand Slam tennis is different than general
tennis. But I think, of course, the situation here is a bit different. You
really need to get used to this routine again, of course. To play one day, to
have a day off, then to play again, I mean, it's not that easy to deal with.

But I start to get used to it and am feeling better physically also. So a
good feeling at the moment.


Q. Winning any tournament is obviously key. This one has escaped you in the
past. Does this one have an extra special yearning for you?
Q: 贏得任何比賽顯然是個關鍵。這一個對你來說是否有特別的渴望?

JUSTINE HENIN: I'm very happy to be here, that's for sure. It's a place that
I like a lot. Of course, I could never do it in the past, and that remains a
dream for me.


I just see myself as an outsider this year because, uhm, still a year with
ups and downs. I don't know how I'm gonna deal, you know, at very high level.
So it's very hard to predict what could happen.


But I really don't see myself as one of the favorites. I hope Wimbledon will
be a goal for me one day. It's a dream at the moment. Just enjoy every
moment, go step by step, match after match, and we'll see.


Q. Kim says she likes being at Wimbledon because you can set up a family home
and go around.
(註:family home providing Bed & Breakfast in clean and comfortable rooms)

JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah. Yeah, I love. But I see this differently than in the
past. I don't know. It's like I really open my eyes now. In the past, after
the French, usually I've played well at the French, and emotionally I was
coming here with a lot of pressure. I was No. 1 also at that time.


Now I see really things differently. I mean, I've played on Court No. 2. I
thought it's beautiful court and a lot of things have changed. But the
atmosphere is just fantastic. You really feel the passion of the game.

現在我看事情真的都不一樣了,我是指我在Court No. 2打球,這是個漂亮的球場

It's true, being at home, that gives something different. At the middle of
the season, that's what you need because it's already a few tournaments
behind you. It's good that you feel, yeah, with my family also. My sister
arrived today, so it's a nice feeling.


Q. You're a great student of the game. Some have said recently it's become
more a game of veterans, of the older players. A teenager has not won a Grand
Slam since Maria at the US Open in '06. Can you try and analyze why the
veterans have been doing so well?

JUSTINE HENIN: I love the veterans (smiling). Yeah, I mean, it's been an
amazing generation: Serena, Venus, Kim, a lot of other players that are
playing probably their best tennis maybe a little later. I think it's been a
fantastic generation.


And the new generation is also very good, but didn't make the difference yet.
So probably the experience is important for the older players right now. And,
uhm, I mean, it's been a great generation because many players were very good
at that time, and we pushed, you know, each other. We pushed each other to
really get better.


Serena and Venus I think brought a lot to the game because they really pushed
us to physically and mentally get better. And I think they did an amazing job
for women's tennis, as we really had to get better after them.

So it was interesting. And now we'll see. I mean, a lot of the young players
are very close to really win. But we'll see where it's going to happen and



Q. Do you find it interesting for many years it was a sport of teenage
phenoms like Hingis, Seles, Graf, all the way back to Evert. That sort of has
Q:你是否覺得有趣,在許多年後,一種像Hingis, Seles, Graf這樣少年成才的運動

JUSTINE HENIN: That's true. It's a good analysis. As now you can see all the
players, I mean, being at the top at 28, 29. That remains positive for me, as
I'm going to have only 28. It means maybe a few more years.


It's true that things have changed. Probably the game is physically that
takes a lot from you also. Now, I mean, you probably need a little bit of
more time to be at your best.


Q. What are your thoughts on one of the players who did well here, won a
championship, but has had injuries, Maria Sharapova, who is at the other end
of the end from you, a big hitter, like the Williams sisters? How would you
describe her game and what she means to the tour?
Q: 談談你對莎娃的想法(敘述詞~略)

JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I have a lot of respect for Maria. She's a real champion
in terms of attitude. I mean, of course, if we talk about tennis, we all know
what she did in the past, winning US Open, here. And I think she's a real
fighter. I mean, she never gives up.


On the court, her attitude is just unbelievable as she's fighting all the
time. At the moment she's fighting to come back from injuries and from a
difficult time. But, yeah, I think she's one of, you know, the players that
is so focused, that she knows what she wants. And I think I have a lot of
respect for that.


I've played her at the French again. Even in the last game of the match, when
she was down 5-3 and 40-Love in the third, you know, she still wants to
come back.


So she's a real champion, that is for sure. And probably she needs some time
after the surgery and shoulder. I think it's difficult to come back at your
best level. But she will. I'm sure of that.


Q. When you were out of the game, was it very frustrating? Did you think
about the fact that you were so close but never won the title?
Q: 當你退休時,是否會很沮喪?你曾想過你曾經很靠近卻沒有贏下冠軍嗎?

JUSTINE HENIN: I was not frustrated when I was away. Maybe a little more now.
Still I get more opportunities.

It's true, you know, when I go back and I think about what happened
especially, I wouldn't say 2007, but I would talk about 2006 in the final
against Mauresmo, I had the control of the match, I was up a set. You know,
when you look back like this, you say, You should keep the intensity. The
motivation has to be so high at the time because you're just a set away to
win the only Grand Slam you never won.



But when you on the court, when you in the situation, you give everything.
It's true that when you can take the distance a few years later, you say,
Maybe I should have give more. But when you on the court, you know, at that
moment, that's not that easy.


I had a few opportunities in 2007 also. But even if you feel so close, you
still so far. Because, you know, until the last point is not over, you never
know really what to expect. Emotionally I was a bit too short all the time.

I can play well on grass. I think I proved it enough in the past, beating
Serena here in 2007, had pretty good results. But it was, you know, always
the last thing to do.

Well, it's good, yeah. I still have a challenge in my career right now.



Q. Do you think the frustrations from all the points you mentioned from '06,
will that always be with you until you win the championship?
Q: 你是否覺得06年的挫敗將會一直跟隨你,直到你拿下了冠軍?
(不得不說這題很#@%@#%@又不是背後靈= =)

JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I wouldn't talk about the frustration. It's been one of
the most difficult moments of my career, that is for sure. But when I look
back, you know, just thinking about that little girl that wanted to win a
Grand Slam, and we talk about the only Grand Slam I never won.

I think the way is just unbelievable. Everything I did in my career is just
unbelievable. And I have other challenges now. Wimbledon is one of them.

I don't know really what I can expect or what will happen. So I wouldn't talk
about frustration. I think it's something I was dreaming about, but not
enough maybe. So we'll see in the future.




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Tags: 網球

All Comments

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2010-06-26T01:51
但是說了謊~你早就28了!! (炸)
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2010-06-28T01:13
自動遺忘08年MaSha的澳網!?(默) 此段記憶已銷毀!!
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-06-30T00:36
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2010-07-01T23:59
推 謝謝翻譯
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2010-07-03T23:22
今天的訪問好正面 都在稱讚敵人耶...
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2010-07-05T22:45
因為是新秀 所以要陽光一點嗎?? 哈 還要稱讚前輩
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2010-07-07T22:07
是謊報生日還是謊報年齡? 說!! XDDD
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2010-07-09T21:30
天啊, 新秀好正向!!! good job!
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2010-07-11T20:53
因為是新秀,所以要稱讚前輩XD (網壇還是有倫理的:P)
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2010-07-13T20:16


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